Esidrix character generation

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Dec 2, 2023 4:04 pm
Leaving the General's office, Corbin cleaned out is room. Precious little to pack into his duffle, since without graduation, none of the uniforms or gear were his. He headed back towards town, the day was nice enough and need some time to think. At least the Academy had made sure he was in shape.

As the sun was ducking behind Aldebaran b, Corbin wandered into one of the hotels on the edge of town. He'd been there before, it was cheap and convenient for cadets on leave. There was a diner beside where you could grab a meal and a beer. Or was it 5, it wasn't clear exactly how much he drank while pouring over his thoughts and options.

He picked at his breakfast the next morning, the hot coffee helping to get his synapses in gear. He'd tried to join the Navy to serve Eclipse but still get some travel, he'd joined the Planetary Defense to serve Eclipse, even if it meant more time on the ground. Both had rejected him and now what? Maybe it was time to go somewhere that's not here. He pulled out his data pad and started scanning for options. The more he read the more interested he became.

He'd found it, he was going to leave Eclipse and go far away. He marched straight to the ITC building closer to the city center. The interior of the building was a stark contrast to most of Eclipse, it was obvious they were replicating the 'big city' feel from some of the more corporate worlds. Projected signs were everywhere, instead of a leaning of Eclipse to Solid signs. After the moment of dazzle washed over him, he followed the pathing lights to the Recruiting office.

The young lady behind the desk was helpful, she even looked familiar. Maybe from secondary school, a year or two behind him. Not that it mattered, he never had much luck with the girls in school and he was leaving Eclipse soon enough. He sat down at the terminal and began entering the answers to the testing. Corbin felt pretty good, nothing was too far outside his knowledge and even the parts that he'd never had any in depth training on, he felt he'd done well enough. He filled out forms until lunch and after a quick break came in to the interview section.

The interview was weird, they started by saying how his test scores looked good. Then started asking him those goofy HR questions, the kind of things you never think about and don't really make sense when you do. He had no idea what to say, but he could tell by the interviewer's face that he wasn't getting it right. After about 30 minutes they wrapped it up and he left with reassurance he hear something soon.

He didn't even make it back to the hotel before getting the 'Thanks, but no thanks' comms message.

The next morning Corbin checked out of the hotel, one way or another he was off Eclipse. Heading straight down to the spaceport he started poking around the trade ships. He didn't have a lot of experience, but he grew up in the rings and that's were his luck seemed to lie.

Walking around the space port, Corbin spotted a man restacking a pallet of boxes outside of a ship. Corbin walked up and when the man looked at him, "Want a hand?".

Just like that, Corbin had joined the crew of a tramp trader.
Last edited December 2, 2023 4:08 pm


Merchant WITS DC10 - (d20+2)

(9) + 2 = 11

Dec 2, 2023 4:18 pm
Nice! You will join the Celestial Voyager (see Katzle thread for more details about the ship) after Captain Zaytsev bought it from her company.

I'll ask you to read other players' threads for a couple of days (in real time), as you're already in 1233 and by that date I'll start to weave all your characters together, as smoothly as possible. You will still get a couple of events and learn more skills, though.

To be continued!

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