Esidrix character generation

Nov 28, 2023 11:50 pm
Welcome! Please roll your attributes and let's begin!
Nov 30, 2023 9:45 am
@Esidrix hello :)
Nov 30, 2023 12:28 pm
@htech Hello :)

Separate character threads for this kind of game is Genius.


Attribute roll 1 - (4d6H3)

(6352) = 14

Attribute roll 2 - (4d6H3)

(4436) = 14

Attribute roll 3 - (4d6H3)

(3514) = 12

Attribute roll 4 - (4d6H3)

(2122) = 6

Nov 30, 2023 12:31 pm
Yeah, it's the only way I can keep my sanity. =) 3 goods, 1 bad roll.

You can assign that to your attributes and also roll Social and Education.
Nov 30, 2023 12:34 pm
That's a Solid Roll -

Str - 12
Agi - 14
Wit - 14
Cha - 6

EDU -8
Soc - 7
Last edited November 30, 2023 12:37 pm


3d6 - (3d6)

(314) = 8

3d6 - (3d6)

(313) = 7

Nov 30, 2023 12:40 pm
Great! You're good to go for the next major step: choose your character name, pronoums, homeworld and describe your family, your childhood and adolescence. Use your rolled attributes as a reference/guideline.
Nov 30, 2023 1:00 pm
Corbin McRogers, he grew up on Eclipse, one of the many moons orbiting Aldebaran b. The terraforming had been completed centuries ago and in general, the climate was tolerable. Corbin's family mined ores from the rings of Aldebaran b and he spent most of his young life supporting the family's efforts. From repairing and programing the computers to assisting with the holding the ship steady as his parents mined the rings, he was always working. His childhood was quiet normal, but secondary school was difficult as he seemed to always say the wrong thing.
Nov 30, 2023 1:06 pm
Go ahead :) Choose your 5 level-0 skills, roll your max age (3d6+20) and tell us your next step. Are you going to the University? Military Academy? One of the careers?
Nov 30, 2023 1:28 pm
Computers (Wits)
Engineering (Wits)
Navigation (Wits)
Piloting (Agility)
Zero G (Agility)

With unreal expectations and a chip on his shoulder - Military Academy.


Age - (3d6+20)

(131) + 20 = 25

Military Academy - Navy - WITS DC12 - (d20+2)

(3) + 2 = 5

Nov 30, 2023 2:04 pm
Wanna try again for another service? You failed that roll. The prestigious ITC Naval Academy is a hard one. =)

Or you can try to join as a crewman (the Navy career) and try to become an officer by rolling for a comission from within, during events. You're now 19 years old and will start our adventure very young - 6 years from now.
Nov 30, 2023 3:43 pm
To be honest, a 5 fails everywhere. Dejected, but still with a chip on his shoulder Corbin heads over to apply at the Military Academy for Planetary Defense -


Academy, Planet Def. Strength DC10 - (d20+2)

(20) + 2 = 22

Nov 30, 2023 5:32 pm
Trade Era 1229, Day 68

Aldebaran Military Academy, Argentum Prime City, Eclipse

Corbin McRogers stepped onto the grounds of the Aldebaran Military Academy, a place where discipline was the currency, and resilience the key to survival. The sprawling campus, nestled against the backdrop of Eclipse's rugged landscape, was a far cry from the familiar rings of Aldebaran b. His eyes scanned the horizon, absorbing the stark contrast between the lunar expanse and the rigid military architecture that now defined his world.

The first year at the academy was a crucible, a relentless test of physical and mental fortitude. Corbin found himself immersed in a rigorous schedule that left little room for error. The days started before the crimson dawn of Aldebaran broke the horizon, a stark reminder of the challenges that lay ahead.

Basic training was the first hurdle. The drills were relentless, with seasoned instructors molding raw recruits into disciplined soldiers. Corbin's hands, once accustomed to delicate repairs on starship equipment, now gripped the cold metal of military-grade weaponry. He learned to march in unison, the rhythmic cadence of boots against the lunar dust echoing through the academy grounds.

Academic studies were equally demanding. The intricacies of interstellar politics, strategy, and the art of warfare were thrust upon Corbin with unyielding force. His sharp mind, once dismissed in secondary school, now found its purpose. He devoured every piece of knowledge thrown his way, determined to prove that the rejection from the ITC Naval Academy was their loss.

The physical challenges were unrelenting. From zero-gravity combat simulations to survival exercises in Eclipse's unforgiving wilderness, each trial pushed Corbin beyond his perceived limits. The academy's motto, "Adapt or Perish," echoed in his mind during every grueling moment.

As the first year drew to a close, Corbin stood on the parade grounds, now adorned in the crisp uniform of an Aldebaran Defense third class Cadet. The lunar winds carried whispers of accomplishment.

The ITC Naval Academy now felt like a distant memory. Corbin McRogers, once a miner's son, had evolved into a promising military officer. The journey was arduous, but the crucible had shaped him, molding raw potential into disciplined strength.

Despite the hardships, camaraderie formed among the cadets. Bonds forged in the crucible of shared struggle, laughter, and the silent understanding that they were all in this together. Corbin found allies among those who, like him, sought redemption and a chance to prove their worth.
Please describe one of those allies. And whatever else you would like to tell us about that first year.
Dec 1, 2023 2:35 am
Corbin's time in the academy was tougher than he expected, but rewarding. His best friend was Aziz Toamshis. Aziz had been a grunt for almost a decade before receiving a battlefield promotion from Corporal to 2nd lieutenant. He could never advance without completing OCS, but if he failed, he'd be a 2nd lieutenant for the rest of his career. His devotion to becoming more, even if it meant stepping back a rank, inspired Corbin to succeed. Aziz graduated as a 2nd lieutenant, even though he'd held that rank before coming to the academy. That commitment would drive Corbin for the rest of his life.
Last edited December 1, 2023 12:41 pm
Dec 1, 2023 2:36 am
I am impressed and admire your writing skills. :)
Dec 1, 2023 8:35 am
Esidrix says:
I am impressed and admire your writing skills. :)

Esidrix says:
They graduated together as 2nd lieutenants, even though Aziz held that rank before coming to the academy. That commitment would drive Corbin for the rest of his life.
Receive an extra Will +1, to your character, as he was inspired by Aziz during that first year. This bonus is part of the event, so you get it, no matter what happens next.

Also increase your Education, Wits and Strength by 1 each and receive Athletics, Driving, Medicine, Reflex, Melee, Ranged weapons, Notice, Intimidation at level-0. This is due to your successful enrollment and the training.

But you have not graduated together yet. This was just the first year, sorry if it was not clear. It's admittedly the harder one for the cadets, but...

Now roll for your graduation. Check your Wits DC10, with +1 due to your above average Strength (ie. Roll 1d20+3).

There's no retry, at least until we get another event, so good luck. I'm rooting for Corbin. :)
Dec 1, 2023 12:36 pm
Oops, yeah, got eager. Updated Character:

Str - 13 +1
Agi - 14 +2
Wit - 15 +2
Cha - 6 -2

EDU -9
Soc - 7

Athletics (STR) 0
Computers (Wits) 0
Driving (AGL) 0
Engineering (Wits) 0
Intimidation (STR) 0
Medicine (Wits) 0
Melee (STR) 0
Navigation (Wits) 0
Notice (Wits) 0
Piloting (Agility) 0
Ranged weapons (AGL) 0
Reflex (AGL) 0
Will (Cha) 1
Zero G (Agility) 0


Graduation Wits DC10 - (d20+3)

(3) + 3 = 6

Dec 2, 2023 12:03 am
Trade Era 1233, Day 268

Aldebaran Military Academy, Argentum Prime City, Eclipse

Corbin's second year at the Aldebaran Military Academy proved to be a formidable test of his capabilities. As the complexity of tactical studies and combat simulations increased, so did the strain on Corbin. The once-promising cadet found himself grappling with the intricacies of strategic thinking and the demands of leading a squad.

Amidst the virtual battlefields, Corbin's struggles became apparent. His squad faced repeated setbacks, and his leadership faltered in the face of mounting challenges. Instructors, once hopeful for his potential, now observed a cadet wrestling with the demands of military training.

The third year marked the transition to field training. Cadets were deployed on lunar outposts, experiencing firsthand the responsibility of safeguarding Aldebaran's interests. Corbin found himself on the front lines of a simulated border skirmish, where strategic thinking and swift decision-making became paramount. The simulated conflict left an indelible mark on the cadets, forging them into resilient leaders.
Receive +1 Resilience, +1 Athletics, +1 Academics (military tatics) and +1 Ranged weapons as part of this event.
As Corbin entered his penultimate year, the bonds among the cadets deepened. Endurance trials in Eclipse's unpredictable terrain strengthened the camaraderie, and shared moments of triumph and hardship further solidified their brotherhood. Each cadet brought a unique skill set to the table, and Corbin discovered the strength of unity in facing the unknown challenges that lay ahead.

In the next year, graduation day loomed and cast a shadow over Corbin McRogers, whose journey through the Aldebaran Military Academy had been fraught with setbacks. As his peers prepared for commissioning, Corbin faced the stark reality of academic struggles and lackluster leadership skills. The weight of disappointment hung heavy as he contemplated his uncertain future.

Brigadier General Heinlein, the stern commandant of the academy, summoned Corbin to his office. The room, adorned with military memorabilia, served as the backdrop for a pivotal moment in Corbin's life. The general, a man of few words, presented two choices that would determine Corbin's path.

"McRogers," General Heinlein's gaze was unwavering. "Your academic performance and leadership skills leave much to be desired. I offer you two proposals. First, you can choose an honorable discharge, returning to civilian life. The second option, however, allows you a chance at redemption. Accept a position as a private at one of our bases. Train rigorously, prove your worth, and perhaps, in time, you may earn another shot at becoming an officer."

The gravity of the decision hung in the air.
What do you do? The first will let you choose and apply for a civilian career. The second option means a tour of duty as a member of the Planetary defense force, but as a private. No need to roll for the application.
Dec 2, 2023 1:03 am
PS: You gonna leave the military (and character generation) to join the crew in 2 years anyway. I think now is a good place to do so, but it's your choice. =)
Dec 2, 2023 4:22 am
"Sir, with all due respect, if I've learned anything from Military tactics, it's choose your battles wisely. It seems my aspirations are above my ability and I chose not to die on this particular hill. I will graciously take my discharge knowing no task in Civilian life will be a challenging as those I've faced here."
PS- I've read pretty much all of Heinlein - the reference to a soldier who gets a battle field promotion but goes to OCS so he can advance was from Starship Troopers. ;)
And I guess that brings us back to an Application Roll - I'm going to take a chance with the dice roller an go for ITC - Explorer.
Last edited December 2, 2023 4:22 am


ITC - Explorer WITS DC10 - (d20+4)

(2) + 4 = 6

Dec 2, 2023 9:13 am
Yeah, I realized the reference. =)

But this dice roller... Anyway, let's embrace it.

Describe you leaving the Academy, your application (and failure) to join the Exploration Division, In Character.

Why haven't you joined them? You failed or gave up? How did you feel? What happened? Maybe they are looking for someone with individualistic traits... Why Corbin applied in the first place? What is he looking for?

After that, you can try again, on the following day into another civilian career. At least you will learn something and won't age this time.
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