Katzle character generation

Nov 28, 2023 11:52 pm
Welcome! Please roll your attributes and let's begin!
Nov 29, 2023 7:46 am

Hello! Thanks for having me onboard, despite me being super new :D
Nov 29, 2023 8:07 am

Alright, let's see if this works: Attributes


Stat Numero Uno - (4D6H3)

(6536) = 17

Stat Numero Dos - (4D6H3)

(1343) = 10

Third Stat - (4D6H3)

(4542) = 13

Fourth Stat - (4D6H3)

(1132) = 6

Nov 29, 2023 8:34 am
Yup. It worked. :)

You now have a very high attribute, two averages and one not that good to assign. 10 is the average Human.

Please choose a result for each one (ex: Strength 17, Agility 13, Wits 6, Charisma 10) or (Strength 13, Agility 17, Wits 6, Charisma 10) or... any combination of those attributes and results.

After that, please roll 3d6 twice, choosing one for Social standing and Education, in any order as well.
Nov 29, 2023 8:35 am
Neat! That worked better than expected. I really like the stats, something incredibly good, something bad and two about average. Neat. I think I wanna go for a high G environment character, so I am going to put high strenght and low agility. Which leaves us with:
Strenght: 17
Agility: 6
Wits: 10
Charisma: 13
for now - glancing at aging effects uh oh - but that's fine!

I'll also roll the temporary stats, but I don't know how to calculate the results for them so that's only as far as I can currently go. The way I read the char creation thread is that you add the 3D6 together, but I had a gander at ZeroHeros char creation and they picked only one D6 from the three, so I don't know. :D


Temp. Stat 1 - (3D6)

(415) = 10

Temp. Stat 2 - (3D6)

(411) = 6

Nov 29, 2023 8:38 am
Nope, you add them together as well. It's just that they're harder to get high values, because you don't discard one of the dice. You have either (Social Standing 6 and Education 10), or (Education 6, Social 10). 10 is the average Human.
Nov 29, 2023 8:43 am
Good to know, thank you :D
A reasonably well high charisma lends itself well to social being higher, so I'm going to go for that. Education isn't great, but that's alright too.
Social: 10
Education: 6
The basic formatting is actually pretty neat when you get the hang of it. And damn; theres a lot you can do as seen in the guide. I mean, scrollable maps?! That's awesome! Just as a side note :D
Nov 29, 2023 8:45 am
Great! You're good to go for the next step: choose your character name, pronoums, homeworld and describe your family, your childhood and adolescence. Use your rolled attributes as a reference/guideline.
Nov 29, 2023 9:05 am

Neat! Gotta go for now though, will be back in a few hours or towards the evening. :D
Nov 29, 2023 7:36 pm
Alright, finally got around to it! I've been going off standard sci fi lore aside from the one mentioned in the setting information! Lemme know if something is not fitting or needs to be changed, this isn't supposed to be the end all be all character bible after all :D Introducing:
Mariella Solbjerg (she/her)

Spent almost all of her childhood and adolescence on the same planet, Ladon IV, known for it's awful living conditions and wealth of metals. A medium-largish, quite dense, fast spinning planet with an unusual amount of volcanic activity, which makes life on the surface - or really, life under the surface, too - not all that pleasant. Due to the frequent erruptions however, the planet is covered in heavy and rare metals, the only reason why anyone would live on this rock in the first place.
The planetary population is not large, a meagre few millions at best, with many on-world either having fallen to the false promises of achieving great wealthy through mineral extraction operations or simply nowhere better to go. The lack of any larger urban centers makes a tight government almost impossible, with the various settlements and colonies strewn across the surface - mostly concentrating around large deposits of metal and minerals - being quite self governing. In theory, Ladon IV is an elective democracy, but overarching parties do not exist, with most only fighting for the gain of their settlement. The only important position actually agreed upon is the head of state, who can rarely be found on-world at all, instead acting more as a overstated ambassador on an intersolar level, and who has no actual power. Due to economic competition with ones neighbouring settlements, there is little camradery across larger areas, when folks move it's almost always offworld.

Mariella's family has been on Ladon IV for four generations, where they mine tungsten for interstellar purposes. They aren't rich by any means - corporations from offworld don't exactly pay the best prices when there's plenty of suppliers on the planet - but had enough to afford a decent quality of life, certainly enough to protect themselves and their assets from the frequent volcanic anomalies or earthquakes shaking the crust of the planet. Mariella was born as the third youngest of four children - she has two sisters and a brother - of Hagan and Ismu Solbjerg, both of which were - still are? - in the mining industry. Her name stems from her mothers unrealized dreams of seeing an untainted ocean someday, something with Ladon IV very much doesn't have.
Young Mariella was educated until she was about 15, attending the local settlement school. However, with the place she grew up in - Lindtal - being no different from any other palce on Ladon IV a mining town, little education beyond general knowledge was tought. There was a certain scientific aspect, yes, mostly in the subfield of machinery and mining - no wonder - but theoretical sciences, the humanities or art fell short by quite a bit. Mariella didn't mind however, she was content to follow the footsteps of her parents and would never have dreamed of ending up in space - back then, anyways. Things changed when basic education was over and the joined her family in digging for valuables in the ground - it wasn't bad by any means, but quite repetetive. Soon, Mariella found herself to enjoy the act of hauling the raw material to the spaceport and meeting the often colorful offworlders in charge of interstellar shipping much more than crushing rocks everyday. She made some connections and became reasonably good at haggeling, something that her family had a distinct lack of up until that point, which is why they quickly made her the front face of the family unit.

This continued when Mariella was about 18. Growing curiosity for world, cultures, landscapes other than her own and the gentle push of her mother, who kind of imposed her own wanderlust onto her daughter, led her to secure herself a place on one of the mineral barges away from Ladon IV towards the stars and accompanying possibilities.
That's it :D Lemme know what to change!
Nov 30, 2023 12:08 am
Perfect! Go ahead :) Choose your 5 level-0 skills, roll your max age (3d6+20) and tell us your next step. Are you going to the University? Military Academy? One of the careers? Merchant?
Nov 30, 2023 2:32 am
Awesome! So, skills first:
Broker 0
Demolition 0
Driving 0
Profession: Mining 0
Resilience 0

Less Charisma stuff that I would've liked, but only persuasion fits with the Mariella I have in mind additionally - or maybe intimidation? - maybe she'll pick these up later :D

Alright! I do think Merchant is a nifty start, she doesn't have any academic interests at this time at all and hasn't really come into contact with fighting either.

Aaand the starting age roll - hoping for a 30 <.<


Maximum Age! - (3D6+20)

(226) + 20 = 30

Nov 30, 2023 9:25 am
Nice. Everything looks good, and they're obviously related to your background.

You were born in Trade Era 1205 and you're 18 years old now (1223). The main adventure begins in 1235, so there's 12 years to go.

Anyway, roll 1d20+1 (Charisma) DC10 to apply for a position in the Merchant career.

Succeed and maybe you impressed someone in your first journey? What kind of assignment are you looking for?
Nov 30, 2023 10:16 am

Yay, the longest time period possible without the pesky aging rolls :D Sounds great.

From the three suggested assignments, merchant fleet looks the most realistic. After all, she was taken off of Ladon IV by a corporation freigher and I don't know how much they come in contact with free traders. Maybe she'll change if this first roll fails, but merchant fleet for now! Hope the dice are with me again :D
Last edited November 30, 2023 10:16 am


DC10 Charisma for Merchantry - (1D20+1)

(10) + 1 = 11

Nov 30, 2023 12:54 pm
Trade Era 1223, Day 89

Downport, Lindtal city, Ladon IV

The metallic clang echoed through the cavernous spaceport as Mariella hoisted her worn duffel bag onto her shoulder. The air was thick with the scent of machinery and the distant hum of engines. A mixture of excitement and nervous anticipation flickered in Mariella's black eyes as she stood on the platform, staring at the sleek starship before her. The vessel, named "Celestial Voyager," towered above, its hull gleaming under the artificial lights.


As Mariella stepped onto the gangway, she couldn't help but feel a surge of adrenaline coursing through her veins. She glanced back at the familiar yet desolate landscape of Ladon IV, a planet that had been both her cradle and her cage. The dusty mining settlement of Lindtal seemed to shrink as the gangway closed behind her.

Inside the starship, the atmosphere was a stark contrast to the gritty exterior. Soft lighting bathed the corridor, and the low hum of the ship's engines provided a rhythmic backdrop. Mariella navigated the narrow passages until she reached the ship's common area, where a few passengers were scattered, engrossed in conversations or tapping away on futuristic tablets.

Approaching the counter where a middle-aged woman with a distinct off-world accent was sorting through a stack of digital documents, Mariella took a deep breath. She wore her best confident smile, the one she had honed through countless negotiations back on Ladon IV.

"Excuse me," Mariella began, her voice carrying a mixture of determination and politeness. "I couldn't help but overhear that you're heading to New Jordan. Any chance you might need an extra pair of hands for the journey?"

The woman behind the counter looked up, her eyes sizing up Mariella. "What's your name, sweetheart?"

"Mariella Solbjerg," she replied, straightening her posture.

The woman nodded, her lips curling into a faint smile. "Well, Mariella, I'm Captain Valeria Zaytsev. We could use some help with odd jobs during the trip. It's not glamorous, mind you."

Mariella's eyes lit up with gratitude. "I'm not afraid of hard work, Captain. In fact, that's what I'm leaving Ladon IV for. I'm looking for something more than rocks and dust."

Captain Zaytsev chuckled, a sound that echoed through the metallic surroundings. "Spoken like a true wanderer. Alright, Mariella, you've got yourself a deal. Help out wherever needed, and we'll get you to New Jordan."

A sense of triumph washed over Mariella as she thanked the captain. She knew this journey was a step into the unknown, a departure from the familiar mining routines of Ladon IV. Little did she realize that her life was about to take a trajectory beyond the confines of any planet, propelling her into the vast expanse of the cosmos for many years to come.
To be continued. I will post more later.
Nov 30, 2023 1:18 pm
That's awesome, I do like the writing! :D

I certainly imagined Mariella to look different, but if you're happy with that I don't mind. The Mariella in my head would probably shorter and stouter with Ladon IV being a high G planet and all. Also with way messier hair and not as fair skin due to being a miner at heart, even if she deals with haggling - or maybe because of that due to appearance shaping opinion or something. In any case, whatever you prefer!
Nov 30, 2023 2:00 pm
Challenge accepted! I updated the image, the hair was easy. Unfortunately, the image AI I have (a free one =( ) seems to only have skinny 18 year old girls.

It's training set is probably skewed for digital art. =/ Sorry about that. I don't think that's realistic, but... What do you think?

I can remove the picture, if you want. =)
Nov 30, 2023 3:12 pm
It does work a lot better, but looks still to ethereally graceful if you know what I mean? :D I don't think AI can nail realism that well, so it's alright. If you think it works, we can keep it for sure. Not my headcanon, but fine :D
Nov 30, 2023 3:20 pm
I will leave it, with all our caveats in this thread. Will continue with your upbringing later. Thanks for letting the image stay. I think it will help others imagine her.
Nov 30, 2023 3:55 pm
No worries! Is backstory Mariella anyway, things can change over the years :D
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