Katzle character generation

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Nov 30, 2023 5:16 pm
Trade Era 1223, Day 91

Celestial Voyager, Ladon IV orbit

Mariella stood in the narrow corridor of the starship, her black eyes wide with awe as she observed the utilitarian marvel of space travel. The hum of machinery reverberated through the metallic walls, and the scent of oil and metal hung in the air. The ship's interior, far from the sleek and polished aesthetics of luxury cruisers, was a testament to functionality and practicality.

As Mariella navigated the cramped passageways, heavy blast doors clanged shut behind her. Switches and levers surrounded her like relics from an industrial era long past and not seen in planetary installations. Small screens and lights displayed vital information in black and green hues, a stark contrast to the vivid colors of her home planet and her personal tablet.

The claustrophobic space was dimly lit, wires crisscrossing above her head like a chaotic web. Pipes ran along the walls, and grating underfoot added to the symphony of mechanical sounds. Instead of the sleek interfaces she had imagined, the systems were crude, favoring durability over high-tech elegance. It was a scene of controlled chaos, a symphony of machinery working in unison.

Despite the apparent ruggedness, Mariella found herself marveled by it all. The very essence of space travel, stripped of unnecessary extravagance, resonated with her mining roots. Each creak, every flicker of a black and green screen spoke of a vessel that had weathered the challenges of the cosmos.
She approached the cockpit, where the pilot manned the analog controls with practiced efficiency. The view through the reinforced glass was a canvas of stars, a sight that sent shivers down Mariella's spine. The enormity of space stretched out before her, and the realization that she was no longer confined to the dusty surface of Ladon IV filled her with a profound sense of liberation.


"This is something else," Mariella whispered, her voice lost in the hum of the ship's engines.

The pilot, a seasoned spacer with a weathered face, nodded without taking his eyes off the controls. "Space is unforgiving, but it has its own beauty. These ships may not be pretty, but they get the job done."

Mariella leaned against a bulkhead, her gaze fixed on the star-studded expanse beyond. In that moment, surrounded by the utilitarian grace of the spacecraft, she felt a connection to the vast unknown that transcended the confines of her miner's background. Space, with all its complexities and wonders, stretched out before her, and Mariella couldn't help but marvel at the journey she had embarked upon.
Trade Era 1223, Day 291

Celestial Voyager, New Jordan orbit

Two hundred days adrift in the cosmic sea had transformed Mariella's perspective. Her once-sturdy mining boots now carried the dust of a couple distant planets, and her black eyes held the reflections of countless stars. The Celestial Voyager had become both her vessel and her home, each creak and hum a familiar melody in the symphony of space.

One day, as Mariella was studying the star charts in the common area, Captain Valeria Zaytsev approached. Her grizzled expression softened into a rare smile.

"Mariella," she said, her voice carrying the weight of experience, "you've proven yourself more than capable on this journey. The crew respects you, and frankly, so do I."

Mariella looked up from the star charts, her curiosity piqued. "Captain?"

Captain Zaytsev motioned for her to follow, and they entered a quieter section of the ship. The captain's eyes met Mariella's, a silent acknowledgment of the unspoken bond forged through the days among the stars.

"I've been thinking," the captain began, her tone measured. "We're a tight-knit crew, and we could use someone with your skills on a more permanent basis. How would you feel about a crew position, Mariella? Your salary would be fair, but there's an opportunity for more."

Mariella's mind buzzed with a mix of surprise and excitement. A crew position, a permanent place among the stars—it was an offer she hadn't anticipated.

"More?" Mariella echoed, her brows furrowed.

Captain Zaytsev leaned against a bulkhead, her gaze fixed on the distant stars visible through a small viewport. "Speculative trading," she explained. "We often encounter unique goods and opportunities on our journeys. With your knack for haggling and understanding of the markets, you could engage in trading ventures during our stops. It's a chance to complement your income and bring something extra. You can be my apprentice."
What do you do?
Nov 30, 2023 8:12 pm
Oh wow, that's some good writing! :D
I read somewhere that you can talk as your character so their avatar shows up instead of yours, but you probably need a linked character sheet for that to work, right?
"Speculative trading, I see..." Mariella avoided eye contact with the Captain, instead choosing to stare at some piping in the wall section in front of her, her fingers playing with the bracelet of different stones she picked up from different planets - she has one for every one she visited exept Ladon IV, which she'll add to the collection once she sees her family again. The stones are drilled through and strung up on a smiple rope, bumping into each other to produce very quiet clicking noises whenever Mariella fidgets with her necklace.
She thinks for a moment after the first buzz calmed down in her head, but doesn't have to think long at all to come to a conclusion.

"Why, of course! You know, this crew really grew to my heart over the past few months and... I'd take any chance to stay for longer. While I haven't really engaged in the trade of unique goods in the past, I am sure that you could show me quite well and it sounds like a pleasant challenge. Of course, additional income is never a bad thing either... so, where do I need to sign?"

Mariella practically beams with happyness and exitement. Part of it due to the excellent job proposition she has just been offered, the other part because it warms her heart to see that the Captain puts enough trust into her to do the deed in the first place. The young woman nods eagerly, suddenly getting the feeling like she wants to run around the ship and embrace everyone she sees. However, she quickly straightens herself and equips as serious as a face as possible in the situation, giving another nod, this time more sombre, nod. It's probably not the best idea to loose ones temper like that in front of ones boss - even if it's the good kind of temper loss.

"When can we start? And what are the thing you would count as 'unique goods'?"

Captain Zaytsev


Nov 30, 2023 10:58 pm
Captain Zaytsev
Thanks! English is not my first language so this is much appreciated. I'm sure there's a typo or something wrong somewhere. One of the reasons I play PbP is to practice my writing and vocabulary skills. =)

Yeah, you need a character sheet and an avatar for that. I'll create a character template soon and you'll be able to do that. In the meantime, you can look around the internet for a picture that would work for Mariella when we finish character generation and download it.
Captain Zaytsev leaned against a console. "Unique goods could be anything from rare minerals found on distant asteroids to cultural artifacts from uncharted planets. Essentially, anything that might be of value and interest to buyers in different corners of the galaxy. It's about seizing opportunities, Mariella, and I believe you've got the knack for it."

"Speculative trading is the art of buying low and selling high. The company signs contracts to carry someone else's freight, but allow captains and officers to rent unused cargo space for speculative trade. It's an opportunity to engage in our own ventures, but it comes with its own set of rules."

She continued, explaining the dynamics with a seasoned wisdom. "Typically, this space is rented at 50% of normal freight rates, providing a chance to profit. However, there are strict regulations. No hazardous or illegal commerce that risks the vessel's safety or our firm's reputation."

Captain Zaytsev's gaze held a weight of responsibility as she emphasized her own's role in enforcing these regulations. "Ultimately, it falls on the captain's shoulders to ensure compliance. If cargo space is provided to an officer who misuses it, both the captain and the officer face corporate disciplinary action. But don't worry. With my guidance, you'll be using our own resources to buy goods and then trying to sell them elsewhere."

With a reassuring smile, the captain continued, "We'll start small, test the waters. Soon enough, you'll find your rhythm."
Congratulations, you're now in the Merchant career. Roll 1d4 to see how long it takes for your first term.

You receive all initial Merchant skills at level 0, +1 for broker and +1 for bureaucracy. Unlike other players, you can't roll a d20 and choose 2 from a random list this time, due to your choices above, but you can do that next term, okay? This one is the Captain Zaytsev's apprenticeship: Broker and bureaucracy.

If everything is ok, choose whether you want to continue this career after those 1d4 years or tell me another career to pursue. If you're enjoying it, you should stay.
Dec 1, 2023 1:23 pm
English isn't my first language either, so the same goes for me! My spelling should be alright - at least I hope so - but I do notice that I use expressions that either don't exist in english or don't exist at all. Anyways, as long as it's legible, right? :D
Alright, I'll have a look around for Mariella art. I can't draw myself unfortunately and I don't really like using AI for the reasons above, so let's see what I find. Anything I should consider? Looks like you use realistic pictures, a cartoon or cell shaded Mariella would probably out of place then. :D

Aaalso, should I write a Mariella rensponse to your second post? I can absolutely, but haven't been struck with my muse exactly aside from having her think about what the captain said. I dunno, I feel a bit bad if you write these blocks of text and then I write little or nothing in response.

Aaanyways, to come to the mechanics:
Don't worry about not having to roll, broker and bureaucracy aren't bad at all - Mariella would develop a distaste for the latter though :D - so it's quite fine with me! I'll absolutely stay for another term in merchantry, Mariella needs to see more of space before getting bored. Or maybe she won't at all.


Time Frame of Merchanting around - (1d4)

(2) = 2

Dec 1, 2023 1:38 pm
Hehe. No need to write this time. That was the end of scene. I was waiting for your decision and your roll. Mariella is now 20 years old, after those 2 years in the Celestial Voyager.

As you're going to go another term, please roll another 1d4 for the amount of years and, this time, 1d20 for me to tell the available skills, so you can choose 2 to improve.

After you choose the next 2 skills to receive +1 from the list, I'll write another scene.
Dec 1, 2023 1:43 pm
Mariella Solbjerg (she/her) Character overview!

Attributes Temporary Attributes Skills
Strenght: 17 Education: 6 Level 0: Demolition, Driving, Engineering, Gunnery, Piloting, Profession: Mining, Stewardship, Streetwise, Resilience, Zero G
Agility: 6 Social: 10 Level 1: Broker, Bureaucracy
Wits: 10 Age: 20/32
Charisma: 13
Dec 1, 2023 1:47 pm
Hmm, I like the Table feature :D

Alright, a second term of being a - hopefully sucessful - space merchant! I don't quite understand how the 1d20 result and choosing two skills for +1 interacts - do I get a different choice table for different results or is the choosing from the standard merchant skills again, which the first term benefits were a part of - but I do think that you'll help me out in a minute after I rolled anyways.


Second Term Merchant Lenght - (1d4)

(3) = 3

Second Term Merchant Skills - (1d20)

(15) = 15

Dec 1, 2023 2:22 pm
Yup. There is a (hidden) table for events that I have here, not shared with you. The d20 helps me choose among some things there.

Anyway, for the second term, you should choose 2 skills to receive +1 between: Broker, Engineering, Piloting, Stewardship, Arts, Zero G, Carousing, Investigation, Leadership.

Depending on your choice, I will write the next scene.
Dec 1, 2023 3:13 pm
Alright! :D
Hmm... hard choice, there's many interesting ones there! Since we are in space though, I'll probably have her pick up Zero G. And something for her charisma maybe? Stewardship sounds a bit unfitting for Mariella since I want to have her have a distaste for authority and I doubt she'd be any good at a leadership position either... Arts is neat! So, Zero G and Arts please.
Dec 2, 2023 12:22 am
Trade Era 1228, Day 159

Aldebaran system, on route to the nearest jump point

As the Celestial Voyager traversed the cosmic sea for the next 3 years, Mariella's role aboard the ship evolved into a delicate dance of commerce and zero-gravity maneuvers. Specializing in art transactions, she turned the cargo hold into a makeshift gallery of wonders collected from distant planets.

Within the unused space of the cargo hold, sculptures and paintings adorned the metal walls, each a fragment of the universe's artistic tapestry. Mariella, with her keen eye for value and aesthetics, had become the curator of a unique celestial exhibition.

Her love for zero gravity manifested in graceful movements, pirouetting through the ship's corridors and cargo holds with a dancer's finesse. It was a cosmic ballet, a manifestation of Mariella's joy in the weightless expanse that surrounded them.

Beyond the artistry, Mariella surprised the crew by volunteering for space repairs. Clad in a sturdy spacesuit, she gracefully floated outside the ship, repairing and maintaining vital systems under the twinkling backdrop of distant stars. Her dedication to the well-being of the Celestial Voyager went beyond her role as a broker and art specialist – she became a multifaceted asset to the crew.
Receive an extra +1 Engineering as part of this event.
Captain Zaytsev
Captain Zaytsev, observing Mariella's growth, marveled at the transformation. "You've turned this ship into more than just a freighter, Mariella."

"It's a haven for art." - she finished, with a large smile.
Next term! Same career? If so, you know the drill. Gimme 1d4 and 1d20 and I'll check what's next. ;)

Otherwise, tell the captain, In Character, that you're leaving.
Dec 2, 2023 10:44 am
Yaay! :D
Mariella doesn't even know where her - quite sudden - affinity for artistic pieces suddenly came from. Back home, she was never into these kinds of things, finding them quite boring and - to be honest - also not fulfilling the center functionale of art: Making her feel something. Perhaps it was the pragmatic rusticality of the Voyager that made her appreciate works of intent more? Perhaps the inspirations of different planes, intermingling with one another, yet clearly having their own unique influence each? Whatever may be the root cause, Mariella was happy with the job she was doing - even if she had some trouble letting go of some of the more touching pieces after they have been sitting under her care for a while.

Her love for extended space walks and zero-g-dance-manouvres was much easier to explain: After having been confined by the shackles of gravity for all of her youth and early adolescence, the feeling of weightlessness prooved to be a unique experience at first, which turned into a quiet delight. Mariella knew that it was bad for her muscles long term, but the fluid ease with which one could move through weighless space surprised her again and again!

And finally, engineering. It seemed to lurk in Solbjerg family genes, apparently blooming late for her. Most of her siblings picked up on the trade of makeship repairs quite easily in their youth, but where they crawled all over mining harvesters and pneumatic drills to weld and screwdrive and whatnot, Mariella showed little interest for things moving and breaking. That changed though, now that she became a proper personality of her own and she could - even only reatroactivelly - feel with her siblings the feelings of artificial life creation and extension.
Mariella Solbjerg (she/her) Character overview!

Attributes Temporary Attributes Skills
Strenght: 17 Education: 6 Level 0: Demolition, Driving, Gunnery, Piloting, Profession: Mining, Stewardship, Streetwise, Resilience,
Agility: 6 Social: 10 Level 1: Arts, Broker, Bureaucracy, Engineering, Zero G
Wits: 10 Age: 23/32
Charisma: 13
Mariella will probably stay for one more term before the ventures out to do something else, while the job would have grown very much to her heart, I am going to impose narrator control because I don't want to have her do the same thing forever. :D One more term she gets though


Third Term Merchant Duration - (1d4)

(1) = 1

Third Term Merchant Abilities - (1d20)

(18) = 18

Dec 2, 2023 11:37 am
Mariella knew that it was bad for her muscles long term, but the fluid ease with which one could move through weighless space surprised her again and again!
Receive +1 to Agility, -1 to Strength.
Mariella will probably stay for one more term before the ventures out to do something else
Ok! Choose 2 skills to receive +1 between: Broker, Engineering, Piloting, Eletronics, Athletics, Persuasion.

Also, give me another 1d4 duration and 1d20 for her next term. No events on this one.
Dec 2, 2023 11:58 am
Oop! Unintentional stat rearranegement? :D

Okay, I'll have her lean into being a multi-facetted crew member now since she already diversivied quite a lot. So, Piloting for one, that sounds like a nice feature to have and Persuasion for more general charisma application.

As for the rolling, is this for the fourth Merchant term? Or for the third? Sorry, I'm a little confused.
Dec 2, 2023 12:04 pm
Oh, you meant she would leave after the 3rd? I thought it was the 4th. Ok =) Describe it In Character.
Dec 2, 2023 9:28 pm
Mariella Solbjerg (she/her) Character overview!

Attributes Temporary Attributes Skills
Strenght: 16 Education: 6 Level 0: Demolition, Driving, Gunnery, Profession: Mining, Stewardship, Streetwise, Resilience,
Agility: 7 Social: 10 Level 1: Arts, Broker, Bureaucracy, Engineering, Piloting, Persuasion, Zero G
Wits: 10 Age: 24/30
Charisma: 13
Also, just noticed I put the maximum age two years too high, sorry! Fixed now.

One faithful day, with a heavy heart, Mariella finds herself approaching the Captains whereabouts, knocking against a pipe in the wall to let her know that she's there. The woman collects her thoughts for a moment, then with a heavy sigh begins to speak.

"Hello, can I speak with you for a moment?" She waits for a split second, then decides to not wait for an answer in the fear of not being able to continue. "You must know, I have deeply enjoyed the years spent on the Voyager, they were perhaps the most forming of memories I have ever made. I consider this ship a home always and it's crew my family. And thank you for allowing me the opportunities to experience everything I have experienced, seen everything I saw, learn everything I learnt! It's ask with a heavy heart, but... would you mind if I left next time we hit port? I have thought about this for a while and - the decision wasn't easy - decided that I need something else... with you, here, I have experienced many things of what humanity had to offer and for that I will be eternally greatful, but now my heart longs for something else - the opposite of that! To go where no human had stepped foot before or something along those lines. Experience the frontier, the true wilderness of what space has to offer instead of following the lifeline of tradelines keeping humanities heart beating."

She considers for a moment, catching herself. Straightening up, Mariella gets noticeably more confident as she continues speaking.

"Captain, I would like to be relieved of my duties in the near future. May we part in eternal and deep friendship, for my emotional core would break if I had to choose between the invisible draw of the unknown, growing stronger by the day, and those who I have learnt to care about in the past few years."

She nods, then awaits the Captians reaction with a fast-beating heart.
Dec 2, 2023 11:35 pm
Trade Era 1229, Day 189

Starshatter, approaching New Jordan

Captain Zaytsev listened to Mariella's words in the quiet confines of her quarters. The hum of the ship's engines outside seemed to underscore the gravity of the moment. The captain's face remained composed, revealing a mix of understanding and gratitude.

"Mariella," she finally spoke, her voice carrying the weight of shared experiences. "Your time aboard the Voyager has been invaluable, and the bond you've forged with the crew will endure. It takes courage to answer the call of the unknown, and I respect your decision."

Over the next few days, the crew learned of Mariella's decision. Bittersweet farewells were exchanged, and the cargo hold, once adorned with celestial art, echoed with memories of the vibrant, weightless dance Mariella had brought to their lives.

On the eve of their docking, Mariella stood before the crew, her heart heavy with gratitude. "To new horizons and deep friendships," she said, raising a toast as they gathered in the common area.

Captain Zaytsev offered a sincere smile. "May the cosmos be your canvas, Mariella. Safe travels."
Receive Carousing-1 as part of this event
And so, in the next evening, Mariella stepped onto the docking platform, her eyes fixed on the stars. As the airlock sealed behind her, the Celestial Voyager prepared for departure, and Mariella embarked on a new chapter, drawn by the invisible pull of the unknown.
I guess you're applying for the Exploration Division? (Explorer career). If so, please roll for the application.
Dec 3, 2023 2:08 am

Ayup, that one was pretty obvious, wasn't it? <.<
A bit sad, but all good things need to come to an end sometime.
Cartography division sounds like the one she would be aiming for, even if not necessarily good at maps.


Application for Explorer DC10 - (1D20+0+2)

(20) + 2 = 22

Dec 3, 2023 5:21 pm
Trade Era 1229, Day 190

Explorers Division headquarters, Maryburg city, New Jordan

Mariella Solbjerg's heart raced as she stepped into the bustling hub of the Explorers Division headquarters, a few days after completing her entrance exams and interviews.

Councillor Adrian, a seasoned explorer with a face etched by countless adventures, welcomed Mariella with a warm smile. "Welcome to the Explorers, Mariella. Your journey begins here."

"Our first lesson is on the hierarchy that binds us together in the pursuit of knowledge and discovery,"
Adrian began, his voice resonating with authority and experience.

"Our journey commences as Recruits. At this stage, you absorb the basic principles for a couple of years, from star charting to the delicate maneuvers in and out of hyperspace. It's the foundation upon which your future as an explorer is built."

"As you progress, you ascend to the rank of Apprentice. Now, you embark on real missions, applying the knowledge gained in your training. Side by side with your Master, you delve into the mysteries of uncharted territories, forging your skills in astrogation and survival."

"Next are the Journeymen, the stalwarts of our endeavors. With successful missions behind you, you gain autonomy and can go on solo exploratory endeavors. Your expertise grows, and you specialize in specific fields, enriching our collective understanding of the universe."

"As you reach the pinnacle of our career, you become a Master. Your wealth of experience becomes a beacon for those who follow. Masters take an Apprentice and lead they in complex missions, conduct research that shapes our understanding, and contribute significantly to the expansion of our known galaxy."

"And finally, for a select few, the esteemed rank of Councillor, where they take on leadership roles within the Explorer Council, guiding the future of exploration for generations to come."

The initiation was swift but comprehensive. For the next years, Mariella delved into the intricate protocols of star charting, navigation through the cosmic currents, and the intricacies of hyperspace jumps. The holographic simulations tested her mettle, throwing challenges that mirrored the unpredictability of unexplored territories.
Gimme 1d4 and 1d20, as usual.
Dec 3, 2023 6:18 pm
Ouu, hierachrichal strucutes, neat!


Explorer First Term Lenght - (1D4)

(1) = 1

Explorer First Term Abilities - (1D20)

(3) = 3

Dec 3, 2023 6:41 pm
As that's a new career, choose 1 skill from the following list to receive at level-0: Academics (choose one), Athletics, Animals, Driving, Investigation, Navigation, Notice, Piloting.

Moreover, as part of your term, choose 2 skills to receive +1 between: Athletics, Animals, Driving, Investigation, Notice.
Trade Era 1230, Day 11

Explorers Division headquarters, Maryburg city, New Jordan

One year had passed since Mariella Solbjerg stepped into the vibrant world of the Explorers Division. The hum of starships and the glow of holographic displays had become familiar companions on her journey. Today marked a pivotal moment – Mariella was about to meet her Master.

Councillor Adrian, recognizing Mariella's exceptional progress, had decided it was time for her to take the next step in her exploration journey. In the central meeting chamber, adorned with holographic stellar maps, Mariella awaited the arrival of her mentor.

As the doors slid open, a figure clad in the distinctive explorers' uniform entered – a seasoned explorer with an air of quiet confidence. It was Master Alaric, renowned for his expertise in planetary geology and survival strategies on harsh terrains.

Master Alaric warm brown eyes held a captivating depth. His hair, once a vibrant chestnut, now bore traces of silver, a testament to the years spent beneath distant suns and the unforgiving expanse of the cosmos. A well-maintained beard adorned his strong jawline, while his uniform, adorned with patches representing past missions and embroidered with medals, bore the subtle stains and marks of the field – badges of honor earned in the pursuit of understanding the mysteries that lay beyond the veil of stars.

"Welcome, Mariella," Master Alaric greeted with a warm smile, his eyes reflecting a wealth of experience. "Councillor Adrian spoke highly of your dedication and proficiency. I am honored to guide you on your path as an Apprentice. Together, we will go wherever the map is blank, exploring unknown worlds and uncharted space."
Gimme 1d4 and 1d20, if you wanna continue for the next term, as usual.
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