The trouble with Fey Relations

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Dec 12, 2023 8:31 am
I bow politely and take the charm if it is offered.

With a quick farewell I leave the house and head back to the campsite. I make my decision to head into town the next day and search for the Hags daughter Lirael.

Despite the terrible situation it feels good to be helping someone again.
Dec 12, 2023 1:42 pm
Trod, charm in hand, makes it back to the camp without further issue. The little cursed girl is still at the camp feeding sticks into the fire. Upon hearing that you have offered to help the witch so as to free her she becomes quite excited and says she has to rush off to complete the nights task.

In the morning you make your way into the little village. The village itself fills most of the small and peaceful valley with a house or located near fields throughout the area but growing increasingly dense as you approach the middle till you come to the crossroads which has a total of 6 buildings. A church, a warehouse, a smithy, a small inn , a brewery, and what looks to be a store. Each of these looks to be larger than should be needed and built mostly of stone and look to have living spaces on the second floor of each. This leeds to the speculation that perhaps they were, and possibly still are, also the local holdfast against unfriendly outsiders or overly energetic and dangerous natural events.

The sound of the smith hard at work and a trickly of smoke from its' forge is the first thing to greet you as you near the center of the village. You saw, and were seen by, several farmers working their fields on your way in to town and you note the man stepping from the inn's door does not seem surprised to see you. The smell of fresh baked bread and cooking food remind your stomach of the culinary wonders of the world that you have only known since the loss of brother Cook and the rest.
Dec 13, 2023 4:20 pm
With a smile on his face Trod enters the Inn (he recalls some of the stories Master Cayfu told of the taverns and inns he visited).

If there is someone at the bar Trod asks for some food and makes enquires as to the the whereabouts of the priest.
Dec 14, 2023 1:33 am
Stepping inside you see a neat L shaped room with a fireplace in the corner of the L, small private tables in the short side, and the long bar with benches and long tables on the long side of the room. A woman steps out from the kitchens behind the bar and greets you
Adabra Gwynn
Welcome stranger. We do not get many of those. Perhaps while you eat you can share word of the world beyond our fair valley.

Taking your order she moves back to the kitchen for a moment and returns with a plat of warm food.

The priest? Are you one of those traveling priests? Heard tell about those and she rattles of for a while, informing you that the priest breaks his morning fast alone and spends the morning taking care of his church so can be found there till after lunch time as he move around the various homesteads in the afternoon before holding an evening sermon for those who with the gods favor more than ale. The woman, whom you lear is Adabra, is obviously curious but also considerate and leaves you to your food, returning from time to time to refill your cup of warm and soothing tea that is served with the meal. The man on the other hand seems quiet and to not like you, odd from what you know of tavern keepers but Adabra seems to be the one to greet people and take orders while the man runs thing in the background.
Dec 14, 2023 5:32 pm
Thank you for the food and the information. I will come back later and help you in any way I can but first I must speak this Priest about a serious matter.

Trod rises from his seat and bows to both Adabra and the man. His intention is to go into the church before lunch and speak to the priest alone.
Dec 15, 2023 4:14 pm
Making your way to the church, which appears to be a large single room with small high glass windows on the first floor. A smaller second floor with larger windows and a door to the balcony that surrounds it and a small belfry atop that. Moving to the front you find the main doors closed and locked. Wandering around the building you see a garden and a man working in it with the back door of the church open.
The man is dressed simply, but the material is obviously of good quality, and moves about the garden watering the plants, pulling weeds, and picking the occasional item and placing it in a basket.
Dec 15, 2023 6:24 pm
Approaching the man Trod bows politely.

Good sir perhaps you can tell me where I can find the Priest? I believe he is called Malgrim. I need to speak to him urgently.



Dec 15, 2023 11:46 pm
Standing the man smiles, dusting his hands of the earth and weeds on them. I am the only priest hereabouts, and my name is Malgrim. What can I do for for you child?
what? no, thats always what his name was. I didn't forget anything . . .
Dec 18, 2023 2:30 pm

Sir I am here to formally request you end your enchantment on Lirael.

Trod stands firm staring Malgrim in the eyes. His hand holds his short stick ready to attack should the Priest try any trickery.



Dec 18, 2023 4:06 pm
The man stiffens a moment and Malgrim's expression tightens as he replies Ah, you must be mistaken. There's no enchantment; Lirael is simply a regular human child. Your concerns are baseless, adventurer. Perhaps you've been misled by fanciful tales.
Dec 19, 2023 10:51 am
Trod scratches his head in confusion.

Life on the mountain was so much simpler. After a single day he is embroiled in some twisted tale and doesn't know who to believe.

He casts his mind back to a game Master Ruskiss played. The master would tell two tales and Trod would have to figure out which was false just by looking at the master.

Trod concentrates and looks at Malgrim's face and body searching signs that he is lying...


Truth seeking... - (2d6)


Dec 19, 2023 1:50 pm
The priest is obviously puting forth a bold face though you note him shifting his weight a bit more and fidgiting. Who refers to a young girl as "simply a regular human child"
Dec 19, 2023 8:47 pm
Trod takes his fighting stick and points it at the Priests face.

I have been trained to know when someone is lying and you are! Now I ask you again, reverse your magic or I shall be forced to take action.


priests reaction (fear, evasion, bluster, anger, innocence, malice), - (1d6)



Dec 20, 2023 3:23 am
With his face turning red the man starts shouting loudly at Trod Get out of this place Evil One! Waving his arms and shouting loudly the man advances. Trod hears running towards the back of the church where you confront Malgrim. The priest must hear it too and shouts Seize him, seize this man! He is a follower of evil teachers and sought to subvert me. and he points at you, now backing up. You see an evil glint in his eye as he looks around before moving to grab up the largest gardening tool.
Dec 20, 2023 9:44 pm
Quick as a mountain cat Trod pounces for the garden tool. Swinging his stick, trying to knock the tool flying away.


Stick swing - (2d6)


Dec 20, 2023 10:00 pm
[ +- ] Combat
You get 2 action each round. Edit and add another roll or just add another post
Dec 21, 2023 12:00 pm

Please can i use the previous as a successful 'Other Test' to knock the tool away (I suspect it is his staff) and as a second action do an Attack this post?

The Evade action confuses me. Should it give me advantage to avoid damage?

"+ evade (Until you can act again Test at disadvantage any time you are hit to avoid damage)"
Last edited Dec 21, 2023 12:01 pm


Attack priest - (2d6)


Dec 21, 2023 3:29 pm
2 actions a round example
Round 1: A attacks once and evades, B attacks twice, all attacks hit, A rolls 1d6 twice and fails once, A -1 damage, B -1 damage
Round 2: A attacks once and evades, B, C, D attacks twice each, all attacks hit, A rolls 1d6 six times and fails 4 time, A -4 damage, B -1 damage

In play by post I allow/recommend Evade rolls to happen when you declare so attacks can be resolved quicker

"Advantage" in this system is any roll with 3d6, disadvantage is any roll with 1d6

Malgrim does 2 move actions allowing him to move about 60 feet, 2 areas or zones of combat
Trod easily knocks the gardening implement away from the priests grast and strikes him on the head, stunning the man.

Now with panic in his voice Malgrim calls out louder for aid and runs away from you, circling the church to get to the front of the church. Around either end of the church you see villagers appear rushing towards you. Now surrounded by the villagers Malgrim stops as a kennel housing a large hound and works to release the beast within.

You hear the Hag's voice on the wind enter your ears A bold maneuver but perhaps a bit foolish. The priest has the townsfolk on his side and they are numerous and innocent in this. Quick run to the woods out of the village and I can hide you from the villagers.
Dec 23, 2023 8:33 am
Trod flees as instructed.

He is overwhelmed by the situation having never seen so many people gathered in a single place.
Dec 23, 2023 4:38 pm
Trod quickly runs to the woods and sounds of pursuit fade quickly as Trod easily slips through the woods finding the passage easy. Slowing he looks behind to see a nearly impenetrable tangle of brush and thick trees. Reassured by the hags help Trod slows to a walk to catch his breath only to hear a scrabbling of paws accompanied by the sounds of something large breaking through the brush behind himself. Whirling Trod sees the priests large hound break through a brush and charge towards him.
[ +- ] Combat
Roll 2d6 for initiative. If your roll is higher than the hounds, a 6, you can act immediately


Hound Initiative - (2d6)


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