The trouble with Fey Relations

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Dec 24, 2023 11:45 am
Rolling for initiative...Fail
Last edited December 24, 2023 11:45 am


Initiative - (2d6)

(13) = 4



Dec 24, 2023 3:31 pm
The large dog jumps forwards and snaps its massive jaws at your legs but you deftly move out of the way.


bite (2 success = grabs/grapple leg) - (2d6, 2d6)

2d6 : (23) = 5

2d6 : (13) = 4

Dec 27, 2023 2:36 pm
Gracefully changing the dodge into an attack Trod spins the stick in a wide arc, taking aim (Focus) at the dogs head.


Strike with Focus - (2d6)

(54) = 9

Dec 27, 2023 5:02 pm
Trod's slams the canines head with a well times blow and it yips in pain and anger as it whirls to bite but misses again before jumping back. wolf : Attack & Evade


Bite - (2d6)

(14) = 5

Dec 31, 2023 2:39 pm
Thank you so much for this introduction to pbp and TinyD6. But I’m going to call it a day on this game if you don’t mind. The system is great, I can’t believe it isn’t more popular.
Dec 31, 2023 3:38 pm
No worries, have fun. There are a few others running tiny games, heros, badlands, dungeons. Have fun 😊
Jan 10, 2024 1:26 pm
A hilltop lookout
A cloaked bowman suits under a tree awaiting his master who asked him to help with one last task before seeing it on his journeyman trials. Looking down to one side he sees his master with a beastfolk stranger.
Jan 10, 2024 1:30 pm
@Lord_Morane,@ChrSch welcome to the game. Introduce your characters and we can move into the story
Jan 10, 2024 2:04 pm
As Aizashi follows the Hunter he notices a stranger sitting under a tree. Since the hunter doesn't seem to show any aversion to the stranger he gets a feeling that this meeting might not be by chance.
Aizashi bows slightly to the stranger before introducing himself
Hello, my name is Aizashi Nobara. I've been asked to look into the appearance of a strange creature in this valley.
Aizashi is a badger beastfolk, he has left his home village to hone his skills as a martial artist. The last while he has spent in a monastery training body and mind. However he grew restless there. So the head of the monastery asked him if he would mind going to this village to investigate what happening here.
Last edited January 10, 2024 2:05 pm
Jan 10, 2024 5:47 pm
Gorman had been keeping in the shadows watching the person sitting under a tree a little further down the path. Another, creature looking rather like a large badger, had approached the stranger and seemed to be in the process of introducing himself. Gorman watched to see what reaction there would be. Nothing untoward seemed to have happened so he decided he might as well join them.

He spread his arms wide to show he meant no harm and said Hello my name is Gorman Trevow. I have been apprenticed to learn hunting and tracking under the tutelage of a well respected hunter in a village not far to the west. I received a message that if I came down this road I could meet with some travellers needing assistance, perhaps that is your good selves.



Jan 10, 2024 6:26 pm
Grunting the hunter interjects Now that introductions are over on with business.

He goes on to explain what he knows of the situation.

Some time ago odd sightings of previously unknown creatures in a nearby bakery began and increased in frequency and concern. The local mayor and priest claimed a dark grey moved in and was attacking the village. A traveling friar brought word to the monetary Aizashi came from. In the meantime the friar had also contacted his friend Karesohn to keep an eye on the situation.

A couple of days ago I found a deathly wounded monk who had news of these events. He claimed the fey's daughter was abducted by the mayor with the help of the priest.

Karesohn recounts all the monk told him before passing on from his injuries.
read this threads earlier posts for details.
Now I don't know the truth of things but do know the mayor of the town has no child. Or rather, did not a year ago.
And now he has a grown child staying with him.

I am on cordial terms with the few fey that live in the area. I have heard of this fey hag but have had no feelings with her.

Since add I understand it the two of you are looking for a bit of adventure I'm going to let you investigate this. Come find me if your end up over your heads and I will keep an eye on the situation from the outside.
Jan 10, 2024 11:33 pm
Thank you, KÃ¥resohn, for recounting the events. I myself don't have that much experience with investigating or the fey, but might I suggest we try and see what we can learn about the situation with the mayor in town?
Aizashi contemplates a moment, then turns to Gorman again,
Or maybe it's better if we seek an audience with the fey first to hear their side of the story? It seems they are the wronged party. What do you think?



Jan 11, 2024 5:49 am
That reminds me. The dying monk said this should be given to the fey child. and he hands over a small carved token with string knotted through holes drilled in key locations.
Jan 11, 2024 6:15 am
Aizashi takes the token from KÃ¥resohn.
Thanks, I'll make sure to give to the child. Judging by your tale, I surmise the monk fell to the priest's beast?
Last edited January 11, 2024 7:48 am



Jan 11, 2024 1:54 pm
Yes. Though I have no proof, I also have no reason to disbelieve his word. But the priest is a well knonw and respected figure who has lived in the area many years. There are few who woud believe the priest would do such a thing so I caution you against a similar approach of confronting him without support. Both the priest and fey, if they truely contesting via magic over this girl, should be conciderd dangerous. The key is to find out more.
Find the girl or talk with the fey transformed monsters, if you can find some. The vilagers are likely innocent but aas you are strangers they are likely to tell the mayor of all you do unless you can prove to them in some way that thigs are off.
Jan 11, 2024 3:40 pm
You raise some great points. Do you know where the monk had his camp when he met the transformed child? I'd like to meet one of them to be honest. We might glean some additional information.
Jan 11, 2024 4:05 pm
Karesohn gives some directions based on the story he got from the monk. With only two roads in and out of town he is confident. However as the fey cottage moved reach night this may not be the place to find them anymore. He suggests that Gorman might be able to help narrow the search with his tracking skills
Jan 11, 2024 7:12 pm
Gorman walks over to get a better look at the token. "This looks very precisely made" he said to Aizashi " Do you think it is magic in some way. If there is magic involved here I think getting the fey's version of events first could be a good idea. I can't any downside to doing that but what is your conclusion. " "I think you are more experienced than I in these matters so I will go along with whatever you decide."
Jan 12, 2024 2:14 am
I quite agree about seeing the fey first. I would not consider myself overly experienced in the matter of magic though. Either way we need to stay cautious. Aizashi agrees with Gorman.
Prepared to head off he turns to Gorman once more Should we see if we can find the Monks camp site and maybe we will run into one of the supposed transformed children? On the way I guess we should keep an eye out for a winding path that might seem out of place in this forrest.
Jan 12, 2024 9:21 am
" Yes I think a first target should be the monk's camp. If we are to track the fey we won't need the usual tracking skills I have learnt but I need to look for tracks that seem odd or out of place. So you can help by looking for anything that does not seem quite as it should be."

Gorman then stood back from his new companion and said " I am just a normal human with some training in hunting and tracking but I have never seen one of your kind before, would you mind telling me a bit about yourself"
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