You are an experienced hunter, right Gorman? How should we best go about it?
The trouble with Fey Relations
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Jan 20, 2024 10:55 am
After conferring with Gorman Aizashi starts heading out of the village towards the woods in the west, being prepared to search for game and hunt some meat.
You are an experienced hunter, right Gorman? How should we best go about it?
You are an experienced hunter, right Gorman? How should we best go about it?
Jan 24, 2024 8:26 am
Gorman looked ahead as they approached the wood. There was a clear path leading into it but Gorman led Aizashi further to the right. " Wildlife will in general keep clear of major tracks which humans use, if you look carefully along the edge you find thinner trails which are often made by deer these are the way we should enter "
They had to go about half a mile before Gorman spotted the type of trail he had described he pointed it out to Aizashi "Do you see there by the fallen oak behind it is atrail, let us go along that, make as little noise as you can though. "
They had to go about half a mile before Gorman spotted the type of trail he had described he pointed it out to Aizashi "Do you see there by the fallen oak behind it is atrail, let us go along that, make as little noise as you can though. "
Jan 24, 2024 9:36 am
I will be quiet. Do you think we will be able to find something in the time we have?
Aizashi took care to be as quiet as possible as he was following Gorman.
What feeling are you getting from the people in the village?
Aizashi took care to be as quiet as possible as he was following Gorman.
What feeling are you getting from the people in the village?
Jan 24, 2024 3:17 pm
Having wandered off on a side trail, then a less used side trail and soon are out of the valley and off the beaten track. The hills beyond are low and wide with a patchwork of grassy fields, bracken, clumps of trees, or thick woods. Gorman leads the way as at first you simply strike out from the are then find what he is looking for.
Lets have 2 rolls from each of you, tracker and survivalist from Gorman (3d6) and stealth (2d6) and sensitive nose (3d6) from Aizashi
Lets have 2 rolls from each of you, tracker and survivalist from Gorman (3d6) and stealth (2d6) and sensitive nose (3d6) from Aizashi
Jan 24, 2024 11:19 pm
As Aizashi stalks through the woods he is trying to pick up the scent of wild life. But either there is none or something is covering it up
Last edited Jan 24, 2024 11:20 pm
Stealth - (2d6)
Sensitive Nose - (3d6)
Jan 25, 2024 8:58 pm
Having failed to find anything in the woods Gorman looks around the more open lands that have opened up.
Last edited Jan 25, 2024 8:58 pm
Tracker - (3D6)
survivalist - (2D6)
Jan 26, 2024 4:43 pm
Survivalist gives Advantage, 3d6, on rolls unless I declare disadvantage.This game has a mechanic called Focus where you spend extra time to "focus" on an action allowing any roll with a 4 or higher to succeed. I allow this to be the default for basic tests when not in combat or other high stress or time limited situations. Thus ...
Either describe how you wish to approach them then roll to shoot, or you can just add another stealth roll or other action as you see fit and I can narrate the results.
Jan 27, 2024 12:09 am
Aizashi decides to leave this up to the trained hunter, since he is not equipped for shooting it or build for chasing after this kind of animal.
Jan 27, 2024 8:17 am
Gorman considers the situation then whispers to Aizashi "My idea is that I will try to work my way round behind the deer keeping a good distance then move closer to get a better shot. If I am not detected I should be able to shoot it down but if I am seen it will with any luck run straight at you so you can jump on it as it flees from me? What do you think of that plan?"
Jan 27, 2024 10:57 am
I think it sounds like a good plan. I will find a good place to potentially ambush it, if it should attempt to flee.
With that Aizashi starts looking for a good spot from which he could jump onto a fleeing deer.
With that Aizashi starts looking for a good spot from which he could jump onto a fleeing deer.
Jan 27, 2024 7:18 pm
Gorman moves back then spends some time circling around the small herd. Aizashi spends the time watching what he can see of the process and shifting to stay out of sight but nearby the herd as they slowly shift as they eat. Finally in position Gorman spots Aizashi and covertly gets his attention before preparing to release.
Gorman needs to roll a test. I suggest Focusing so you can also use your Marksman trait.
So you can narrate your results here's a guideline of the results
both dice < 3, miss and it flees / 1dice < 3 & 1dice showing 3 or 4 wounds the creature into fleeing / 2x @ 3 or 4 heavily wounded & fleeing / 1@3,4 1@5,6 severely wounded & Fleeing / 2@6 one shot kill The herd scatters no matter what
Gorman needs to roll a test. I suggest Focusing so you can also use your Marksman trait.
So you can narrate your results here's a guideline of the results
both dice < 3, miss and it flees / 1dice < 3 & 1dice showing 3 or 4 wounds the creature into fleeing / 2x @ 3 or 4 heavily wounded & fleeing / 1@3,4 1@5,6 severely wounded & Fleeing / 2@6 one shot kill The herd scatters no matter what
Psybermagi sent a note to ChrSch
Jan 28, 2024 12:08 am
ChrSch sent a note to Psybermagi
Last edited Jan 28, 2024 12:16 am
Test - (3d6)
Jan 28, 2024 7:45 am
Gorman having decided the best spot takes careful aim and fires his bow. The arrow bury itself deep into the the deer severely wounding it but with what must be the last of its strength thinks Gorman it flees. " I got it "he shouts to his friend " let us give chase it can't get far "
Last edited Jan 28, 2024 7:51 am
Marksman - (2D6)
Jan 29, 2024 4:52 am
Slightly startled by Gorman calling out to him Aizashi needs a moment to sort out what he should do next.
Jan 29, 2024 5:43 am
Suddenly a howl erupts not too far from the concealed Aizashi and a large beast breaks out of the bracken tens of feet from him!
The large wolf rushes towards the staggering deer as the herd scatters. Other similar form break out from nearby thickets and bushes rushing to follow their leader. Gorman counts a total of 4 wolves hurtling the deer, attempting to claim his prey as their own. The wolfve easily out sprint the deer ant cut of its flight into the woods, turning it back into the grassy field the herd was grazing in.
Gorman and Aizashi are about 100' apart, lets say in a North/South line. The deer was about in the middle between them asn has run about 50 feet west of that, so is barely in range as it stands.
Three of the wolves circle the deer keeping it paralyzed in fear and the fourth slipped into the tall grass at some point in the chase.
Note : Distances are for reference and often not used.Gorman can shoot at any of the 4 animals that are currently far from him, 3 visible wolves and 1 wounded deer but if any of them move further away they will be out of range.
Aizashi can move twice to get close enough to engage them in melee combat the following round.

Gorman and Aizashi are about 100' apart, lets say in a North/South line. The deer was about in the middle between them asn has run about 50 feet west of that, so is barely in range as it stands.
Three of the wolves circle the deer keeping it paralyzed in fear and the fourth slipped into the tall grass at some point in the chase.
[ +- ] Combat
During combat each character has 2 actions that can be performed. Possible actions include
+ attack (1 damage per success unless stated otherwise)
+ evade (Until you can act again Test at disadvantage any time you are hit to avoid damage)
+ move (move to a new room/field)
+ focus (improve the odds on you next roll)
+ other test
+ attack (1 damage per success unless stated otherwise)
+ evade (Until you can act again Test at disadvantage any time you are hit to avoid damage)
+ move (move to a new room/field)
+ focus (improve the odds on you next roll)
+ other test
[ +- ] Zones (distances)
Range | Zone | Attacks | Distance |
Adjacent | 0 | Light, Heavy, Magic | 0-5' |
Close | 0 | Light, Heavy, Magic, Ranged | 5-25' |
Near | 1 | Ranged, Magic | 25-50' |
Far | 2 | Ranged, Magic | 50-75' |
Very Far | 4-6 | Ranged* | 75'-150' |
Note : Distances are for reference and often not used.
Aizashi can move twice to get close enough to engage them in melee combat the following round.
This will be a quick combat scenario for you guys. I want you to engage so you can work our how it works in this system but you do not need to finish anything off and can flee/retreat later if you wish.Jan 29, 2024 5:52 am
I'm on my way, Gorman! Aizashi shouts as he rushes in to engage the wolves now trying to steal their target.
Aizashi spends his 2 actions to get into range.
Aizashi spends his 2 actions to get into range.
Jan 29, 2024 9:21 am
Realising the wolves will be out of range unless he acts quickly he lets loose arrows at two of the wolves. " Fly true " he cries watching the arrows speed on their way
Ranged Attack - (2d6)
Jan 29, 2024 1:04 pm
Ranged weapons require 1 action to load/ready befor use so you can only use 1 attack. when you do an attack you need to roll a standard test. I added it to your earlier post for you
A smll bit here and then it goes for Aizashi's throat but he manages to barely get a arm in the way.2 damage to Aizashi
You guys can go again.. Gorman has 1 more round and can load and fire his bow at either the wolf or deer that are heading for the woods a bit to his east. Aizashi can strike the wolf that is holding on to his arm, preventing him from running away or moving at any speed. He can attack twice or attack then evade to avoid furute attacksRolls
Wolf attacks Aizashi - (2d6, 2d6)
2d6 : (16)
2d6 : (66)
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