The trouble with Fey Relations

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Jan 29, 2024 3:43 pm
I have to roll 2d6 for each attack, right? Do we adjust the health in the character sheet?
Grunting in pain Aizashi gets ready to strike his opponent. Thinking, well, since you are seemingly stuck on my at least you won't be dodging then.

Aizashi pulls back back and throws two jabs into the wolf's face.
upps, I had a typo for the second attack, should I roll that again?
Last edited Jan 29, 2024 3:46 pm


Attack - (2d6)


Attack - (1d6)


Jan 29, 2024 4:05 pm
Random "easy answers" guy here ...

Yes, any attack that you are proficient in lets you roll two dice. Since you are just throwing hands, yes, you can use both actions to attack.

Yes, you can adjust the health on the character sheet. It is a good way to "scratch pad" things so you know what is going on. That said, Psybermagi will have his own running total going in the background, so he'll know what is going on regardless.

Finally, you if make a mistake by throwing too many dice, Psybermagi will just drop the extra rolls. So, if you should have rolled two dice, but roll three instead, he will just ignore the third die. If you make a mistake by throwing too few dice, just roll the missing die or dice; don't reroll what you already got. So, in your case, you rolled one die instead of two. To fix it, you'd roll another single die and just note that it is the second roll for the first one. In this specific case, it isn't needed as you already succeeded on your hit and the second die won't change anything. (Once you become "veteran", you would want to throw the extra die to see if you got another "6" and thus did a critical hit. However, no criticals yet while you are coming up to speed. Which, in this combat turn, is a very, very good thing, as the wolf attacking you did very well and would have scored a critical on you already!)
Jan 29, 2024 11:04 pm
okay, thanks for clearing that up.
Jan 30, 2024 12:18 pm
Taking encouragement from having hit one of the wolves Gorman has to decide whether to make sure the deer does not escape or try to get rid of another wolf. He decides the deer will not get far and can be tracked later so he loads and fires at the wolf.


Ranged attack - (2D6)


Jan 30, 2024 1:38 pm
Aizashi slams the wolf twice, once to the throat, causing it to let go, then ?again to finish it off! Bloodies but not critically so he looks up to see Gorman soot the pursuing wolf, which yips and breaks of its pursuit to run into the woods limping. The deer too makes it to the cover of the trees.

You looka around, making eye contact for a moment to check on each other, then scan the area. Two wolfes driven off, one felled, one missing . .

Sudenly the missing wolf reveals itself in asprint before lunging at Gorman! The two go down in a tangle and Gorman loses his bow as the wolf bites into his arms.


Wolf vs Gorman - (3d6)


Jan 30, 2024 1:43 pm
So Aizashi has 4/6 HP and Gorman has 5/6
IT will take Aizashi 3 moves, that 3 actions so he ont reach gorman till then round after this, to reach Gorman to aid him. Gorman is grapling a wolf and can not use his bow to shoot arrows at this range.
Thus Gorman need to either attack bare handed or with whatever he can find at hand. Either way attacks are with disadvantage, 1d6. He can also Evade for a single action to allow him a chance to avoid damage for each attack by the wolf.
Jan 30, 2024 1:52 pm
Does that mean the wolf biting Aizashi is out? Could I use the darts in any way or is it a spend an action to equip situation?
Jan 30, 2024 2:01 pm
Ranged weapons require 1 action to ready and 1 to fire. You can throw 1.
Butt then you do not get any closer
Jan 30, 2024 3:00 pm
After taking in the Situation Aizashi briefly considers throwing a dart at the wolf attacking Gorman but then decides to run towards the encounter instead.
Aizashi spends both actions to get closer to Gorman
Jan 31, 2024 8:47 am
Gorman looks around for something to help him fight off the wolf, a stone or tree branch but can see nothing near enough. He then notices his friend running to his aid so decides to try to evade the wolf if he can until Aizashi can get to him.
Jan 31, 2024 1:02 pm
This system allows 2 Actions each round. So I will have Gorman move as his 2nd action to get back to aizashi
Gorman shakes the wolf off and moves to regroup with Aizashi with the wolf in pursuit nipping at his heals but unable to do more than nip at his clothes.

Gorman : move & Evade
Wolf : Move & Attack
All 3 remaining combatants are now close enought for melee combat


Wolf attack vs Gorman - (2d6)


Jan 31, 2024 2:20 pm
Seeing Gorman come towards him, Aizashi decides to make use of his momentum. He sprints past Gorman and attacks the wolf chasing him, snapping two strikes in rappid succession at the wolf. He feels the first connect but the second blow missed it's target.

Slightly panting he turns to Gorman Are you alright?
Last edited Jan 31, 2024 2:25 pm


Attack 1 - (2d6)


Attack 2 - (2d6)


Feb 1, 2024 9:41 am
Gorman slightly out of breath too says "Yes I am Ok how about you? " He notes that Aizashi caught the wolf a substantial blow but he is not sure how effective that was so he now moves back so he can fire another arrow if needed.
Feb 1, 2024 10:05 am
Just a scratch. Do you think you can catch up to the deer? I think I can take this wolf.
Aizashi says with a small grin, hoping he is not overestimating his own abilities.

Wolf 2


Feb 1, 2024 1:28 pm
Wolf 2
Aizashi's attack wouds the wolf who snaps at the monk, missing, before turning and runing away.

Gorman is confident he can track the deer, and the wolf wounded with his arrow as well if desired, but sugggests takimg the slain wolf as well. Wolf pelts mae good winter clothes for fronteer lands and should get a good price.
Out of combat unless you pursue the wolves. Roll for tracking, Gorman has the trackimg trait so has advantage on this so 3d6


Wolf vs Aizashi - (2d6)


Feb 1, 2024 2:34 pm
There is no loot or exp for killing the extra wolf, right?
Seeing that the wolf decides to flee Aizashi watches it for a moment before he takes a breather and turns to follow Gorman.
Feb 2, 2024 2:18 am
Sorry no one has a gaming sytem for auto loot colection..
That would be an intersting trait "Bounty of the adventurer: overcoming challenges earns you rewards from the ether" or Guided by the god: you recieve quests"

You both are no longer novices and can add a trait or weapon/matial arts mastery. As for when it goes into effect, that will depend on what you take. But the latest would be after you next in game rest.
Feb 2, 2024 2:34 am
Oh, wasn't really thinking about auto looting or something like that. Was more about character progression, so chasing after it get those last few exp and such. But if I understood an other post correctly, for now it's progression by milestone, right?
Realizing that the wolf is gone for now, Aizashi turns to Gorman, Let us collect our price or I should say prices.

He goes off to collect the bodies of the killed wolves, placing them near a tree, before going to help Gorman kill and collect the deer.
Can we carry all the bodies back to town?
Also, do you have a list of the martial arts, that can potentially be mastered?
Feb 2, 2024 3:14 am
ChrSch says:
Also, do you have a list of the martial arts, that can potentially be mastered?
I will shortly post an answer to this in your character thread, to keep this thread less cluttered.
Feb 2, 2024 3:40 am
It will better to dress and skin the kills in the woods but your can create a travois to drag them back. The deer may be a priority as it is bigger and has better meat.

Gain mastery in a single martial attack. Punch, kick, etc. The actual attack doesn't technically matter but it does allow you at attack with 3d6.
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