The trouble with Fey Relations

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Feb 2, 2024 8:58 am
okay, so in that case... Unless Gorman might be better at it or stops me... :)
Seeing that it won't be possible to to simply carry everything back to town Aizashi looks around for some material to craft a makeshift travois for transporting the animals while Gorman kills the deer and brings it back here.
Feb 2, 2024 1:57 pm
As Gorman make preparations Gorman scouts the trail of the deer from where he last spotted it. The trail is soon found and the travouis competed with a couple small trees and rope. The wolf is placed atop it and you begin the treck to hunt down the wounded deer. Fortuantly it is soon located and Gorman is able to cleanly finish it off.

Gorman then spends time, with Aizashi's help, to skin, butcher, and clean the two annimals. Leaving what you can not use of sell for the wild to reclaim you put the rest onto the travouis and make your way back to the village. By time th village center is in sight is is nearing noon.
Feb 2, 2024 2:52 pm
Aizashi helps Gorman with unloading the goods. Excuse me, I'll need to clean up and rush to the class with the children.
With that he takes off towards the inn. When he gets there he goes straight to Adabra, Do I still have time to wash up and meet for the class with the children?
Feb 2, 2024 6:05 pm
Gorman surveys the skinned and butchered wolf and deer, a sense of accomplishment evident on his face. The unexpected encounter with the wolves added an extra layer of challenge to the hunt, but they managed to secure valuable resources for the village.

As Aizashi rushes off to clean up for the impending meeting with the children, Gorman heads towards the village center, carrying the bounty from their successful hunt. He contemplates the upcoming interaction with the children and the villagers.

Approaching the inn, Gorman hopes that Aizashi has enough time to freshen up before the meeting with the children. It's essential to make a positive impression on the villagers to gain their cooperation in solving the mystery at hand.
Can I gain extra skill with my bow?
Feb 3, 2024 2:40 am
Gorman can take either quickshot, so he dos not need to spend an action to load the bow, or gain weapon mastery with it and roll 3d6 when attacking.
Feb 3, 2024 8:13 am
Unless you veto:
After cleaning up Aizashi asks Adabra for the way to class and prepares to meet some more people.
Feb 4, 2024 9:33 am
Gorman looks at the now plentiful supply of game and remembers their earlier meeting with the smith who was in need of meat and picks out a couple of joints and makes his way to the Smithy to present them to Thagren.
I would like to gain mastery with the bow so I will now have 3D6 to hit is that right?
Feb 4, 2024 2:34 pm
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Feb 4, 2024 3:41 pm
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Feb 5, 2024 4:31 pm
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Last edited Feb 5, 2024 4:31 pm
Feb 6, 2024 5:27 am
Psybermagi sent a note to ChrSch
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Feb 6, 2024 6:20 am
As the children enter Aizashi gives them a few moments to take him in. Once he gets the feeling that the children won't be scared he slowly starts moving and tries to gently greet them.
Feb 6, 2024 9:27 am
After their initial shock at seeing Aizashi the children see that he is quite friendly and some are letting him approach him. Gorman now joins his friend and reassures the children as he goes, saying that despite his looks priest is quite gentle and wont mind if you touch him. He smiles at Aizashi to encourage him
Feb 6, 2024 2:18 pm
There are a few squeals from the first couple of kids but with the arrival of Gorman and more kids they calm down. But then the kids get in on it and start getting in on the act telling Aizashi to pretend to be stuffed again for new batches of kids, half of whom similarly squeal but the laughter and giggling of their friends quickly reassure them.
After the entire batch of children, which ranges from 10 down to 4 years of age, has met the both of you the screens are pulled back a bit to allow them to all take a seat on the floor as you explain about your backgrounds and tell tales of your lives. Gorman himself elicits less interest as a human hunter is a common thing to them but his tales of his homeland and the places he has seen gets almost as much interest as Aizashi'z stories of his "exciting life in the monetary learning to fight". Aizashis is put off a bit by the childrens discounting his martial prowess as they attribute much of his martial might to his more animalistic nature.

After an hour of this the priest excuses you and tells the children that they still must finish their lessons. You sit for a few minutes at the back listening to the priest recount legends and stories, each used as a teaching tool. Some must be common as the older children answer quicker pointing out the lesson behind stories that are not always clear. The first story deals with a foolish farmer who loved the earth and so discounted the heavens only to suffer through a drought while his neighbors had prepared and adapted as the seasons progressed by watching the sky and remembering it cycles. The next deals with the wicked nature of fay and how they can not be trusted and point out how children are their favorite prey that they will lure to the woods to kidnap and eat.
Feb 6, 2024 2:52 pm
At the story of the fay Aizashi perks up a little, listening more closely. He whispers to Gorman: What do you think of those stories?

After class Aizashi approaches Malgrim: You have interesting fables. Would you be willing to share more of them with me? Maybe over smoe food if you are willing? I am getting a little famished and would be going for a meal soon. Join me and my friend?
Feb 7, 2024 11:26 am
Gorman nod to his friend to show he too has noticed some interesting content in the stories and so supports Aizashi's request. "Yes that would be very nice, we are always interested in local tales. We have some fresh venison outside too if you would like a portion."
Feb 7, 2024 12:17 pm
Btw, how do we regain health and is there a rest/exhaustion system or anything like that?
Feb 7, 2024 3:14 pm
The class takes several hours while the priest covers a wide variety of activities, typically in doing or story format with some time silent or back in the garden with older children helping younger children as they study plants and their uses.
healing is through rest fit 1 HP per hour or all health with 6 strait hours

More too come later



Feb 8, 2024 1:32 am
The priest has you wait for the children to leave before convesing with you. I ate before class began but I guess another night eating at the inn would be alright. I will gladly join you there for dinner if you like. I suggest an hour before sunset to avoid the rowdy crouds. It never gets too bad but I doubt they would let us talk in peace and you would end up aswering more questions than asking.
As for the stories, most priest collect locol folklore and write it into books. Most miths and legends are based on real people. By keeping the stories close to what each generation knows and is familiar with we can use them to pass on experiences from our ancestorrs.

And one of those stories teaches the wisdome of acepting fresh meat when it is available. I would appreciate a portion or two but the rest should go to the other villagers or the inn.

As he talks he cleans up the churches main hall from the childrens carless departure.
Time: 15:00
You can try to hang around and talk now, wait in the inn, go talk to other villagers, or we can just fast forward to dinner with the priest
Feb 8, 2024 3:34 am
Dinner tonight sounds great. As for the meat. Giving it to the inn was our intent already. I'm looking forward to meeting you later Malgrim.

After leaving the church, Aizashi makes sure they can't be overheard and turns to Gorman: We should meet somewhere to talk about how to proceed from here without anyone overhearing us. I'm a little unsure of it and also about what to think of the situation as we see it at the moment.
Are there any more buildings or people standing out?
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