The trouble with Fey Relations
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Feb 8, 2024 9:36 am
Gorman fall in beside Aizashi and says "Well Aizashi I don't see anyone else around here at the moment so why don't we go back to the inn. We can talk more to Adabra or sit quietly and see if anyone interesting call by"
Feb 8, 2024 10:10 am
I think you are right. Alright, let's see if we can get some more information from Adabra. But we need to be careful.
Aizashi agrees and starts heading towards the inn.
Aizashi agrees and starts heading towards the inn.
Feb 9, 2024 1:18 am
[ +- ] Village Center
the crossroads which has a total of 6 buildings. A church, a warehouse, a smithy, a small inn , a brewery, and what looks to be a store. Each of these looks to be larger than should be needed and built mostly of stone with living spaces on the second floor of each. This leeds to the speculation that perhaps they were, and possibly still are, also the local holdfast against unfriendly outsiders or overly energetic and dangerous natural events.
From the inn you see smoke rising from the chimney and you assume they are preparing the evening meal in advance, or perhaps backing bread for tomorrow. Inside you find the main room empty once again but the clatter from the open doorway to the kitchen makes it easy to locate the caretakers. Despite the noise of their preparations the proprietors must be sensitive to customers as before you can reach the kitchen doorway it is filled with

Feb 10, 2024 3:38 pm
Gorman gave the the meat to the inn so can start to smoke the meat in exchange for a portion
Feb 10, 2024 11:53 pm
Ah yes, a bit of food would be great, thank you.
how would I e get their hands on some money? I know we have provided the meat but I'm assuming somewhere down the line things like lunch and a room at an inn might cost a bit of money.Jestin
Feb 12, 2024 5:38 am
Part of the beginners pack should be some coin. I fixed the character sheet template and added the coins to your characters. 10 GP value
Feb 12, 2024 9:05 am
That looks great, thank you. What's your name, friend? Aizashi asks after the food was served.
Is there any more we can help with?
Is there any more we can help with?
Feb 12, 2024 1:37 pm

or after sunset.
He chats a bit more before taking you out back to show you his smoker then heading back to his work. You wander over to the smithy as the inkeeper and his wife are busy preparing for the expected crouds you will draw tonight.
If there is nothing else you want to do before dinner I will move on to that next
Feb 13, 2024 1:37 pm
You spend the next 4 hours resting and chatting with the smith and shop keeper as well as up tending to your gear after your earlier fight.
rest recovers 1 HP per hour
By time it is near sunset you make your way to the inn and find a table to talk with the priest
rest recovers 1 HP per hour
By time it is near sunset you make your way to the inn and find a table to talk with the priest
your can either do this all in character for a back and forth exchange, list a series of questions and statements to and for the priest Malgrim, or a combination of the twoFeb 13, 2024 3:48 pm
Do we notice any change in behavior in any of the people towards evening?I think a mix of the two might be best?
It is nice to meet you with a little more time on our hands. I have spent quite some time in a monastery not too far from here, but I wasn't aware of the village. My home is in a forest as well and in recent years we have had to defend our home from aggressive wildlife and bandits stealing livestock and destroying our fields.
- Does your village have similar problems? If yes, would you mind telling me how you deal with it? I have not seen any fortifications.
- Are you the only one teaching the children or do they learn arts and crafts as well?
- The children seem to enjoy your teachings, have you always lived here?
Depending on the responses he might have a few follow-up questions.
He'd be trying to see if any of the questions might give Malgrim pause or if he notices any lies from him.
In case it's necessary:
Insight? Detect lies? - (2d6)
Feb 14, 2024 1:54 pm

As for threats the area has a few breasts that bother the farmers but larger threats and invasive forces are rare. All the settlements band together when such arise. The settlement under threat retreats to the town center, here the 6 main buildings, to await reinforcement.
It had been several decades since the last such occurrence. And that was several villages over.
The priest informed you that he read both in a nearby settlement and that it is common practice for youth to begin leaving as closer as possible then travel to other settlements to finish their training. Apprentice at home, journeyman abroad, master where needed. This is a common practice for most professions in this area.
Feb 14, 2024 5:56 pm
Gorman turned to the priest and said "In my village we had no priests to do the teaching but relied on some of the older women to teach the basics but then we had apprentices and masters much as you describe. I was apprentice to a carpenter before I left on my travels. Is there a master carpenter in this village by the way? "
Feb 15, 2024 4:43 am

Feb 15, 2024 4:55 am
So you share your fortunes and your troubles among the villages? Aizashi asked Malgrim.
Feb 15, 2024 5:34 am

Feb 15, 2024 3:15 pm
Nothing stands out but when your have a question like that add a roll to see if your character can sense something more.load next