The trouble with Fey Relations

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Feb 16, 2024 3:12 am
Alrighty, we shall try


Detect lies - (2d6)


Feb 16, 2024 2:48 pm
Aizashi gets the feeling that the priest is avoiding talking about something but can't quite pin it down. Based on his casual talk and the reactions of those around you what he does say is likely the truth and common knowledge of the area.
Feb 17, 2024 2:21 pm
Would I be able to notice what subjects he is trying to avoid?


Insight, maybe? - (2d6)


Feb 17, 2024 5:45 pm
Is there anyone else in the room we should be talking to?
Feb 17, 2024 5:56 pm
Aizashi feels that the priest is not the best liar, perhaps that is why he avoids talking about things, and will likely react in a noticeable fashion if you can bring up the right subject. The room has several farmer, and craftsmen, all locals. A couple are eating while other only drink.
Just a recap - the story from the dying monk was that the fey hag claims her child was taken by the mayor and the priest who is using magic to block the hags recovery. The hag has elicited the help of some local children but had to transform them to circumvent the enchantment the priest has laid over the village that makes them believe the child is the mayor and his wife's. All the village is likely mad at the had due to the children she has taken/convinced.
If the hags story is true you will not gain any information from any but the cleric, mayor, or his wife.
If it is false then the hag is abducting and transforming children for no reason.
You need to find a way to test the truth of things. It is a bit of a mystery scenario so feel free to ask for hints/suggestions if you want.
Feb 17, 2024 11:54 pm
I guess I'm beating around the bush a little bit because of how the direct approach went. Didn't necessarily want to start a new conflict in the town 😅
Aizashi thinks over everything knows for a little while. After a moment he decides to try and ask about the missing monk.
Malgrim, do you mind if I ask you a question? Up until recently I lived in a monastery not too far from here. We had heard reports of a monk going missing nearby. Have you seen a monk in these parts recently?


Detect lies - (2d6)




Feb 18, 2024 1:27 am
Being circumspect is fine. I just wanted you to know you have options. You can also describe general intent and I can narrate results of multiple smaller interactions
I have more experience with simple/direct combat/trap style play but enjoy more narrative stories as well and just want to make sure the story is not too convoluted or obscure. Not everyone, ie most of the world, gets how I think so sometimes ideas are lost in translation.
Malgrim pauses then splutter's. Yes, we had someone come through like that. I am sorry to tell you that he must have been enchanted by a fey as he come into town and attacked me. Luckily several villagers were nearby and drove him off. If he has not returned to the monastery he is likely either still in her spell or she destroyed him. I would think the monasteries would teach you better of the vile and deceitful nature of the fey.

Malgrim is obviously nervous and you can tell that many in the room are paying more attention to you now. He is very nervous talking about the other monk but when he brings up the fey you nearly recoil at how strongly her reacts and Aizashi scents both fear and anger coming form the priest as he talks about them.
Feb 18, 2024 7:47 am
He attacked you? Did anyone get hurt?
Are there many fey around here, causing you trouble?

I would like to see if I can get Malgrim to reveal a little more about the incident. And maybe offering assistance to learn a little more about the fey in general so that we might get a lead of some kind as to where we might find her.



Feb 18, 2024 5:17 pm
No, as I said there were several villagers nearby who drove him off. As for the fey . . . .
Well they are like beast for the most part in that their wild natures keep them away from most civilized lands and most will leave us alone. However there are a few who enjoy tormenting others. These are often known as dark fey as most of the evil ones enjoy tormenting people in the dark where we are more easily confused. There has been a fey preying on this village for a while now but we keep her away for the most part but there have been a few losses.

Again while talking about the fey he becomes visibly agitated, especially when mentioning the dark fey. At the mention of the losses he and most of the room, which is listening in apparently, sink into a morose silence for a moment.
Feb 18, 2024 11:26 pm
I'm sorry to hear about your losses. Were they many? Would you tell us about it, the fey which is plaguing you? Your people have been kind to us, we might be able to help you drive it off for good.



Feb 19, 2024 1:37 am

We have lost 3 youths. Thank goodness the young are kept safer but still. . . .
As for the fey, all we know is it moves it's house each evening somehow. During the day it is impossible to find unless you follow her enchanted paths that charm you into believing her lies.

A feral growl rumbles through the inn from the locals at the mention of the losses.
Feb 19, 2024 2:25 am
When you say lost, do you mean the fey killed the children? That is horrible. Gorman, what say you my friend, shall we find a fey?

Aizashi tries to see if anyone in the inn would react in any fashion that would show that they don't agree with Malgrim's version of the story.


Perception - (2d6)


Feb 19, 2024 4:43 am
Though the locals seem upset they also have a mixture of fear and hopelessness.
Feb 20, 2024 6:19 pm
Gorman considered this new aspect that was affecting the village and now understands some of the reactions they have been getting from the villagers. They are clearly preoccupied with the fey and had little time to be bothered with Gorman and Aizashi. Turning to his friend he says "I do feel we ought to try to help. If they could show us one of the places the fey has been in we might be able to search for tracks from so we could recognise them in the future. "

He turns to Malgrim " Can you take us to some of the place the fey has been known to inhabit. I don't know if we can help but I think we would like to try "
Feb 21, 2024 5:28 am
Listening to Gorman Aizashi nods in approval.
Feb 21, 2024 2:03 pm
Malgrim eaves over one of the other locals who is more familiar with the area as his homestead is out from the center of town and he does some occasional hunting. He agrees to show you to find of the places they have seen the paths or hags hut from a distance.
I will take you to the woods later today.
Let me know if there is anything else you wish to do before leaving.
Feb 21, 2024 2:12 pm
If there is enough time, recover some health, but that's about it for me.
Feb 23, 2024 3:40 am
You recover 1 HP per hour. If you want to go out later in the afternoon that can also be arranged.
Feb 23, 2024 3:43 am
If it's okay for Gorman, I'd like to wait until I'm back at full health before heading out. Otherwise we can also go now if you prefer @Gorman

Szoldar Szoldarovich


Feb 23, 2024 4:09 am
When you are ready you and the guide set out and he takes you along a path past several homesteads then takes a little used side track up into the hills that surround the valley. As he walks he talks a bit about the valley, its people, and their trouble with the fey.
Szoldar Szoldarovich
This place used to be peaceful when I grew up. Sure there are fey in the wilds. Always been fey in the wilds. Some cause trouble, some people bother fey thinking they have gold or gems. The biggest issue was always the changelings. See some fey would give take an infant of the people and put theirs in its place with a glamor on it. It's not common as far as I know but it seems to be one of the most common stories round these parts. Course most of this would have happened in the Dawn age when tings were different. There are also stories of foundlings turning out to be fey. Mostly, seems to me they are just territorial.

The current problem stems from some fey acting up looking for her child. Fey live a long time and area not the most stable. Most think the fey child grew up and left, wandered off and forgot, or died from a sickness. No matter the case all we know is she want her child and somehow blames us.

He rambles on talking about the sighting of the hag. How over a year ago now she started luring children to her house. Back then she just kept them, talked with them and told them stories how the adults shouldn't be trusted. Finally some locals had enough and went to drive her out. Burned down her hut. Only the next day it was gone. Then a week or so later it was back, only somewhere else. And then she didn't just talk with the kids, but kept them. Tooks us a while to put two and two together. Now none of the children are allowed into the woods on their own. We sent the priest and a couple lads to try and bargain or drive her off but we can't seem to get close any more. Only outsiders and youth below adult age can see or find her hut.

Over the next hour he shows you several paths and areas where her house might be found. Places with thick groves, mid sized grottos, hidden clearings. By time he has to go and tend to his chores you have a good idea of what to look for. By this time it is mid afternoon so you have several hours before sunset, when the house is said to move.
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