When you are ready you and the guide set out and he takes you along a path past several homesteads then takes a little used side track up into the hills that surround the valley. As he walks he talks a bit about the valley, its people, and their trouble with the fey.

Szoldar Szoldarovich
This place used to be peaceful when I grew up. Sure there are fey in the wilds. Always been fey in the wilds. Some cause trouble, some people bother fey thinking they have gold or gems. The biggest issue was always the changelings. See some fey would give take an infant of the people and put theirs in its place with a glamor on it. It's not common as far as I know but it seems to be one of the most common stories round these parts. Course most of this would have happened in the Dawn age when tings were different. There are also stories of foundlings turning out to be fey. Mostly, seems to me they are just territorial.
The current problem stems from some fey acting up looking for her child. Fey live a long time and area not the most stable. Most think the fey child grew up and left, wandered off and forgot, or died from a sickness. No matter the case all we know is she want her child and somehow blames us.
He rambles on talking about the sighting of the hag. How over a year ago now she started luring children to her house. Back then she just kept them, talked with them and told them stories how the adults shouldn't be trusted.
Finally some locals had enough and went to drive her out. Burned down her hut. Only the next day it was gone. Then a week or so later it was back, only somewhere else. And then she didn't just talk with the kids, but kept them. Tooks us a while to put two and two together. Now none of the children are allowed into the woods on their own. We sent the priest and a couple lads to try and bargain or drive her off but we can't seem to get close any more. Only outsiders and youth below adult age can see or find her hut.
Over the next hour he shows you several paths and areas where her house might be found. Places with thick groves, mid sized grottos, hidden clearings. By time he has to go and tend to his chores you have a good idea of what to look for. By this time it is mid afternoon so you have several hours before sunset, when the house is said to move.