The trouble with Fey Relations
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Mar 22, 2024 9:51 pm
Gorman is npc now and will follow you around for now. yes he is with you along but will be mostly passiveMar 23, 2024 2:58 am
Mina's eyes dart quickly to Ultime, then back to Aizashi. Did--? Did the being talk into your mind? Or try to invade your mind in any fashion?
It might be interesting to inquire into the class. Is the class normally at the church? If so, we may risk encountering the priest, but that could be interesting/informative, as well! Last edited Mar 23, 2024 3:07 am
Mar 23, 2024 4:38 am
Thinking back to the situation sends a small shiver down Aizashi's spine, that he can't quite suppress, Talking into my mind, might be a rather accurate description. It didn't necessarily feel invasive. But strange and unpleasant.Without really realizing where he was going, Aizashi was taken aback when he noticed that he has lead the group to the village church.
the class was at the church, yes. Alrighty, to the church then :)Mar 23, 2024 2:49 pm
I see... Mina shares a look with Ultime, one hand inadvertently covering the small gash on her forearm as she blushes again. She's a little afraid he'll pipe up and tell Aizashi about their own mysterious encounter last night. She dreaded having to admit to Aizashi or Gorman that she had given away a sample of her blood to the being. Ugh! How incredibly naive she'd been!
She is relieved to turn and see the church -- a convenient distraction from the topic on hand. So this is it, then?
She is relieved to turn and see the church -- a convenient distraction from the topic on hand. So this is it, then?
Mar 23, 2024 3:02 pm
It is, shall we see if the class is in session?
Just wanted to see if Aizashi would notice if anything is going on with MinaLast edited Mar 23, 2024 3:04 pm
Insight on Mina's nervousness - (2d6)
Mar 23, 2024 3:12 pm
Nice roll! You can clearly see that Mina is uncomfortable and abashed about something related to the topic of the mysterious being, and that she and Ultime share some sort of understanding as it relates to the topic.She starts to head toward the church.
Mar 23, 2024 4:26 pm
Before she gets any closer to the church Aizashi grabs her arm to stop her. Wait... He let's go after a second when he realized that he grabbed her. I'm sorry. I.. wanted to warn you. The children's teacher, it's Malgrim... The village priest.
After an other moment, before Mina can respond to him, he sighs and adds Hey Mina, are you okay? You seem a little shaken?
After an other moment, before Mina can respond to him, he sighs and adds Hey Mina, are you okay? You seem a little shaken?
Mar 23, 2024 4:44 pm
Ha! This should be interesting. If Aizashi grabbed Mina's arm with bare hands, could you describe how it feels to be him right now, both emotionally & physically?Mar 23, 2024 4:53 pm
Just to clarify, do you wish to go before school to talk with priest or during it and talk with priest/childrenMar 23, 2024 5:17 pm
karabooo says:
Ha! This should be interesting. If Aizashi grabbed Mina's arm with bare hands, could you describe how it feels to be him right now, both emotionally & physically?OOC:
I will give that a shot... Hope I didn't bite off more than I can chew, quick question though. Are you just interested in how he is feeling or does touching Mina have some kind of effect on him?OOC:
personally I would want to avoid meeting just the priest because he gives Aizashi the creeps. He basically wants to find the hags daughter asap and get the priest locked up and move on to figure out what to do about the mayor. But I guess it might be helpfull if Mina gets to meet Malgrim before so she knows what she is in forMar 23, 2024 5:53 pm
Mina isn't trying to heal or harm Aizashi, so her touch won't have any effect on him. If you as player don't want to investigate the priest, then let's go straight to looking for the little girl. OOC, I could go either way. I will say, though, that if Aizashi feels that way about the priest, Mina will certainly pick up on it!Mar 23, 2024 6:31 pm
It is a bit before noon at this point so school will start after lunch (1300) let me know if you want to wait for school, swing back to the farm first, or .....? Mar 23, 2024 6:39 pm
ah, I didn't wanna snoop around in your character threat, because I think that would take away some if the mystery. :)I didn't think she was planning on harming him, I thought that it might be a something like a side effect, like her unintentionally affecting him somehow. But it seems like it's more the other way around? So in that case...
Physically he feels fine, maybe, like buzzeling with energy because things finally are going somewhere.
Mar 23, 2024 10:19 pm
Mina gasps at the physical contact, her whole body momentarily locking up. After Aizashi releases her, she grabs her arm where he touched it, her shoulders hunching.
She turns and looks at Aizashi searchingly for a long moment, seeming to process his words at a delay. It's alright... It's alright, she finally reassures. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, kneeling so that they are closer to eye level. I'm just... sensitive, is all, she says softly. She offers him a sweet, sad little smile.
The foxkin lowers her green-gold eyes, her brow furrowing in thought. We don't have to confront the priest now, she says gently. She looks back up. Shall we wait outside for the kids to come back to school? Maybe we will see the girl as she returns from lunch...? If not, we can seek her out....
She turns and looks at Aizashi searchingly for a long moment, seeming to process his words at a delay. It's alright... It's alright, she finally reassures. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, kneeling so that they are closer to eye level. I'm just... sensitive, is all, she says softly. She offers him a sweet, sad little smile.
The foxkin lowers her green-gold eyes, her brow furrowing in thought. We don't have to confront the priest now, she says gently. She looks back up. Shall we wait outside for the kids to come back to school? Maybe we will see the girl as she returns from lunch...? If not, we can seek her out....
Mar 24, 2024 7:37 am
Aizashi considers for a moment, collecting his thoughts, I... It will be alright. The priest needs to be dealt with either way.
He looks like he is about to start walking, then turns back to Mina,
What just happened? You knew what I'm feeling, didn't you?
Smiling and slightly relieved he added I have never met anyone like you.
He looks like he is about to start walking, then turns back to Mina,
What just happened? You knew what I'm feeling, didn't you?
Smiling and slightly relieved he added I have never met anyone like you.
Mar 24, 2024 12:55 pm
Mina smiles and ducks her head bashfully. It's a blessing and a curse, she says softly.
After a beat, she rises up again, looking in the direction of the church. Alright, then... We doing this?
After a beat, she rises up again, looking in the direction of the church. Alright, then... We doing this?
Mar 24, 2024 5:54 pm
Aizashi thinks about that for a moment, I can believe that.. Then he takes a deep breath, and nodding, he says, Yes, let us do this. Do we have a plan or are we making it up as we go?
Last edited Mar 24, 2024 5:55 pm
Mar 25, 2024 1:29 am
As you chat you wander around the small town center mapping it in you heads, at Gormans suggestion, in case things get problematic. As you wander you spt Tilly who comes running to inform you she is heading home. She doubt that her mom will let Hanny go to school yet but the boys still need to attend class unless it is planting or harvesting seasons and if she isn't there to keep an eye on them then . . . . Boys are so lazy and stupid. . . But not monks obviously she corrects herself glancing at Aizashi the rushing away with a glance at Gorman.
Basic idea of town but combine some of the smaller buildings and you get the idea
Whenever you are ready just put yourselves at the school and class will begin shortly thereafter.
[ +- ] approximation of Town Map

You can stop and Tilly if you wish or let her go. Whenever you are ready just put yourselves at the school and class will begin shortly thereafter.
Mar 25, 2024 12:26 pm
Aizashi looks after Tilly in confusion, mumbling Do you know what she meant?
Do you wanna do something with Tilly?load next