The trouble with Fey Relations

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Apr 4, 2024 4:19 pm
You are right, we don't know what is going on. Aizashi admits to the voice.
It's like my friend says. We would like to help. It's actually the reason why I came here in the first place. I had never heard of this place before.
Aizashi thinks back about how it was when he was growing up.
You know, in the village I've grown up a lot of responsibilities had need passed to the children and when I was younger I swore to myself to help anyone who needs help. So I'm glad I was sent here to help.
He considers for a moment and asks, Would you mind telling me, if you could chose to spend time with the fey or the priest, who would you rather be with?
Aizashi is trying to be considerate and understanding of the child but also try to figure out if they are more fond of the fey or the priest or if they would be scared of either of them. I'd think he might have a small edge having grown up learning from an early age to protect others?
as for earlier, I think Aizashi would probably have tried to chat to Ultime about small things from the past to try and get to know him a little. With a little bit of exposition dumping or something like that
well, ouch
Last edited Apr 4, 2024 5:13 pm


Getting the child to be more trusting - (3d6)


Apr 4, 2024 5:49 pm
Leaving the posting as is is fine.
Update/edit only if you feel the need.

I just created the social challenge matrix to track how this all can work and am letting you know so you can have a better understanding of how the conversation is going.
Busy at work so won't be able to respond till later
Apr 5, 2024 1:38 am
First of, Mina sure has no luck with the dice :( Luckily the point of role play is not Dice, they are just a tool, which I use as needed for random results. sooo
Mina says:
... We do need you. So I hope you will give us a chance to end this cycle here.

That's nice but how? You sound like the priest. Big on nice words but all that is is stories. Until today I never saw the priest mad and he has always been so nice and helpful that I believed his stories. But he proved today a person can say nice things without putting the ideas into their heart so they always act that way. How will you help? The child seems genuinely curious but also worried about possible outcomes as they are obviously over their head. You get the feeling the child is compassionate and want to help but fears making things worse.
Wow, still no luck. Well hopefully the law of averages will come to your aid?
FYI : I am counting rolls with 4+ a success (Focused tests)
Aizashi says:
Would you mind telling me, if you could chose to spend time with the fey or the priest, who would you rather be with?

Your question seems to surprise the child and they stammer for a bit . . um . . . well . . . I don't really know the fey lady. Just stories and such. But it seems to me they are one sided stories from the villagers point of view. I just want the fighting to stop so everyone can do their own thing. You know?

I know my parent are good people but I can't figure out why they are soo mad at and scared of the fey. All the old stories, even the ones from people still alive, tell the fey are wild and though they have some tricksters and bad ones, just like there are bad people, they are not evil. So . . . I want to grow up and decide for myself.
[ +- ] Situation
Apr 5, 2024 10:50 am
I have a mixed day of travel tomorrow, some busy parts but also a possible chance to post. After that, I will be visiting @karabooo! Prepare yourselves for a long weekend of coordinated posts!

In the meanwhile, feel free to carry on, and please imagine Ultime standing with the group and looking thoughtful.
Apr 5, 2024 3:59 pm
You say you notice that people are suffering from memory loss... This is not uncommon when minds are influenced by enchantments. Hany has no memory of her experiences, and even you may not have access to all of your memories if you too have been affected. There's no way to know without me checking you....

Mina pauses a moment to let that thought sink in, but applies no further pressure.

As for what we can do to help.... She frowns. Can I trust you with a secret?
Mina is encouraging cooperation by planting a doubt. She is building trust by demonstrating a willingness to share intel.


Building Trust/cooperation - (2d6)

(44) = 8



Apr 5, 2024 4:27 pm

After a thoughtful pause you hear I wont keep secrets that might hurt or endanger someone
[ +- ] Situation
Apr 5, 2024 4:47 pm
Aizashi realizes that Mina seems to get through to the child and decides it might be better to leave the field to her for now, but he quietly suggests We could always try and tell the child everything that we know. Both versions of the story we have heard, I think the children here deserve to know what's happening to them and their friends .
Apr 6, 2024 2:49 pm
Mina nods at Aizashi before she continues.

I'm sure you've heard stories about the hag coming into town and complaining about something being taken from her... she says carefully. From what we understand, it was in fact her daughter that was taken and re-homed with a family in town. But her daughter has an enchantment placed upon her, so she does not remember the hag... As to why other people like Hany have also been magically influenced, my theory is that whoever did this needed to make sure that the town and its children had memories of this girl, as if she were always there.... This way they would never question her presence in the town, nor suspect that she had in fact been kidnapped... What I don't understand is why they kidnapped her in the first place?? Did they mistrust the hag and think the child would be better off among humans? Mina shrugs helplessly, glancing back at Aizashi to see if he has any theories.


Boosting Info/Understanding - (2d6)

(44) = 8



Apr 6, 2024 3:17 pm

The child listens to the explanation and replies, seeming equally confused How could people kidnap a fey.
I thought fey all have magic. That seems like it would be hard to do. Though, . . . If it is a young fey I guess that makes sense, right? Young things are not as strong so . . . but it seems strange. Surely if it is true the people know the fey will look for their child. Even fey care for children right? All the stories say fey actually like children more than adult people.
[ +- ] Situation
Apr 6, 2024 10:31 pm
Aizashi nods at Mina, signalling her that he thinks she is doing well.
Maybe it was for concern, maybe jealousy. It is hard to say without knowing anything about the child or her presumed parents.
Apr 7, 2024 3:38 pm
Yeah, that’s why we should work together, Ultime chimes in, since Mina can check the children to see what spells they’ve got on ‘em and all. He sounds slightly proud of his companion’s ability. If you can help us meet up with some of them, that’d be a place to start. Or just see if they have some memories that are being suppressed, like if they witnessed something that would give us some clues. He brightens suddenly with an idea. Hey, you could do it yourself, to show ‘em how easy and painless it is. Since everyone’s having a hard time trusting strangers right now, you know?
While he’s obviously referencing elements of trust and cooperation, Ultime is trying to dispel some apathy by offering a simple, concrete plan/first step.


Persuasion to agree to the plan/next step - (2d6)




Apr 7, 2024 5:17 pm

The child considers the plan but does not seem to be confident it will work.
Um . . . I guess that can work. But the only time all the kids are together is at school. I don't think that's a good idea fo you to go there again . . they reply hesitantly.
[ +- ] Situation
Apr 8, 2024 3:04 am
Mina meets eyes with Aizashi. No, you are right... It's not a great idea for us to go back there... she says slowly to the girl. But you can go there.... She bites her lip. ...What if we were to give you a means of identifying the child? A magical token...? She raises her brows questioningly at the badgerkin, her gloved hand resting on his pack.
Mina suspects this child is the one they seek. She's trying to convince her to take the token, as it is supposed to help identify the girl for sure somehow. She is encouraging the girl's cooperation by proposing a concrete plan that she might find more acceptable.


Cooperation Encouragement - (2d6)


Apr 8, 2024 4:21 am
Aizashi nods in understanding, takes the token out of his pack and hands it to Mina,
You got this, he whispers in encouragement.



Apr 8, 2024 1:31 pm

I guess that wild be ok? the child seems willing but still a bit hesitant. Likely about taking things from strangers...
[ +- ] Situation
Apr 9, 2024 12:00 pm
It's okay, it's like a gemstone and it will tell you or us if there is a fey hidden or being hidden nearby


Info - (2d6)




Apr 9, 2024 1:35 pm

I guess that doesn't sound bad. But how does that help the children?
[ +- ] Situation
ok, you've pretty much convinced the kid to help. One last good post should be enough.
Apr 10, 2024 1:21 am
If we can identify who the stolen child is, I should be able to help return her stolen memories. At that point, she can make a more informed choice about where she would like to stay. Hopefully she can also help reveal who was behind her kidnapping, and we can stop that person from enchanting more children and others against their will.


Imparting Info/Understanding - (2d6)




Apr 10, 2024 2:50 am

There is a pause before you hear faint whispers and a shushing.
Leave the village in the morning before sunrise using the trail to the north west. You will probably be watched so you will have to leave the valley. Point out of the valley there is a side trail heading south.
I'll get as many kids as I can. We will meet you there at sunrise with some adults why will give you a chance. If what you say is true we will try to help find the truth and stop the fighting. If you lying then you better hope your can run fast.
they say with a determination and conviction being their apparent years.

Now you better leave before someone noticed you. Remember at sunrise on the south trail of the north west road.
Apr 10, 2024 8:15 pm
Very well... So, you'd like us to hold on to this magical token for now? Mina asks.
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