Daryen and Esidrix - Character generation

Dec 6, 2023 11:47 pm
Trade Era 1233, Day 178

Celestial Voyager, landed in New Jordan's downport

The Celestial Voyager's docking bay hummed with a controlled chaos of activity. Corbin stood at the threshold, a mix of anticipation and uncertainty coursing through him. The ship's metallic exterior gleamed under the artificial lights, a stark contrast to the lunar landscape he had grown accustomed to at the academy.

Captain Valeria Zaytsev, her black uniform sharply contrasting the ship's hull, approached with a nod of acknowledgment. "You're the one looking for a job, right?"

Corbin met her gaze, determined but respectful. "Yes, ma'am. Corbin McRogers."

Valeria raised an eyebrow. "Gabe, what do you think?"

Gabriel "Gabe" Reyes, the ship's first officer, scrutinized Corbin with a discerning gaze. He was the one who interviewed Corbin before. "He's got hands-on experience in the rings, helped with repairs. We could use someone like him, Captain."
The startown lay behind Hank, a canvas of both dreams and shadows. The Celestial Voyager, a metallic behemoth poised for cosmic exploration, loomed before him. As he approached the ship, a mix of anticipation and trepidation filled Hank's chest. With a deep breath, he stepped onto the gangway, crossing the threshold from his tumultuous past into an unknown cosmic expanse.

Before embarking on this cosmic odyssey, Hank took a moment to send crucial messages. A copy of the recorded confrontation with Lily, his former girlfriend, was dispatched to the investigator, a silent plea for justice from the void. Another message found its way to Dr. Stone, a virtual note of gratitude and hope, acknowledging that she had accompanied him through both the mundane and the extraordinary.
Four hours into the journey, the ship already en route, a calm yet commanding voice echoed through the metallic corridors via the ship's intercom. "Mr. Heron and Mr. McRogers, please report to the captain's office."

Adjusting the collar of his uniform, Hank navigated the labyrinthine passageways of the Celestial Voyager, finding his way to the captain's office. The door slid open with a soft hiss as he entered, greeted by a serene atmosphere that stood in stark contrast to the bustling ship outside.

Around the same time, Corbin arrived.

Captain Zaytsev leaned back in her chair, her gaze shifting between Hank and Corbin. "Gentlemen, take a seat. We need to discuss your roles on the Celestial Voyager. Do either of you have specific preferences?"

Hank settled into one of the chairs, while Corbin took the other, their expressions reflecting a mix of anticipation and curiosity.
What do you do?
Dec 6, 2023 11:49 pm
@daryen,@Esidrix you have a new thread now. The old one was archived, but is still in the game forums
Dec 7, 2023 3:28 am
Hank says, "I had originally planned to work dockside, but things rapidly changed and here I am. In light of that, in my prior career I was a data analyst and I am quite good at that. In addition, I am very familiar with navigating bureaucracies. I also have the basics of brokering. So, my best assets for you are my business and computer skills.

"In addition, I am a good air/raft pilot and I can help with maintenance."
He also thinks to himself, "And what I desperately need to learn is how to use a vacuum suit and handle microgravity!" OK, this clinches it: Hanks basic training for the Merchant career is Zero-G!

Edit: when adding Zero-G to my skills, I double checked all of the skill dependencies and found I made two mistakes: Will and Broker are CHA based, not WIT based. I changed them, but that is a pretty hash adjustment for me. Broker is no longer that great for me. I really need that to be WIT based. :)

Edit2: do note that I made a final update to the archived thread. When Hank sent out the two messages, he actually sent three messages. The third was to say goodbye to his parents. Doesn't really change anything other than to make sure he isn't a completely garbage son.
Last edited December 7, 2023 3:43 am
Dec 7, 2023 3:55 am
I just reread Esidrix's thread. While Hank graduated, but Esidrix didn't, they both sucked at rolling in general and both failed to gain entrance into the ITC Explorers. Hank did fail at more applications, though. :) And both needed to get off-world in a bad way. Hopefully they can bond over their mutual bad fortune over the next two years.
Last edited December 7, 2023 3:56 am
Dec 7, 2023 9:10 am
Broker is no longer that great for me. I really need that to be WIT based. :)
Haha. Not gonna happen.
"So, my best assets for you are my business and computer skills. In addition, I am a good air/raft pilot and I can help with maintenance"
"Good. I'll assign you to the cargo holds, overseeing logistics and customs inspections. Moreover, your proficiency in piloting air rafts should translate well to starships. We'll ensure someone familiarizes you with the controls, just in case. Additionally, a helping hand in maintenance is always appreciated—there are endless tasks there."

"What about you, Mr. McRogers?"
Dec 7, 2023 2:07 pm
Corbin sits up straight, a trait learned at the academy, without realizing it. "Well, Captain, " he pauses and takes a breath.

"I ain't putting on no airs. I grew up in the rings 'round Eclipse. Ma says I was turning a wrench on the ship before I was outta diapers, was running the Waldo's in the cargo bay by seven and holdin' station over ice rocks with the ship by 10. There's not a piece of a ship I ain't stripped down and rebuilt, heck, pa used to joke we had a 'Ship of Theseus' we done so much work on that old hauler. Workin' on a ship seems all I really know. You put where somethin's broke and I'll fix it. If nothin's broke I can watch the conn or swab the decks.
Dec 8, 2023 12:24 am
Will post something for you tomorrow, as we are approaching the end of chargen for all players.
Dec 8, 2023 3:00 pm
Trade Era 1233, Day 178

Celestial Voyager

Captain Zaytsev leans forward, a faint smile playing on her lips. "Mr. McRogers, we appreciate practical skills and hands-on experience. Gabe spoke highly of your repairs during the interview, and that's exactly what we need. You'll be our chief engineer, overseeing maintenance and repairs. Your familiarity with every nook and cranny of a ship will be invaluable. Welcome aboard."

Hank nods in agreement, recognizing the complementarity of their skills.

Trade Era 1235, Day 99

Celestial Voyager

Two years passed swiftly in the cosmic embrace of the Celestial Voyager. Hank, with a business acumen sharpened by his past endeavors, tackled customs with finesse. Navigating bureaucratic mazes became his daily chore, ensuring smooth transitions between star systems and the correct payment of taxes and tariffs. His data analysis skills proved instrumental in optimizing cargo routes, and he became the go-to person for brokering deals with clients across the galactic expanse.

The cargo holds hummed with efficiency under Hank's watchful eye. Streamlining operations became an art form, and the once chaotic space transformed into a well-oiled machine. Captain Zaytsev often praised his contributions, recognizing the vital role he played in the ship's economic success.
Hank: Receive an extra +1 Charisma, +1 Bureaucracy and +1 Broker as part of this event.
Meanwhile, Corbin faced challenges that pushed the boundaries of his engineering prowess. The incident with the rogue comet, for example, tested his skills to their limits. The damaged thruster threatened the ship's stability, and panic hung in the air like a weighty specter. However, Corbin's hands moved with practiced precision, drawing upon the years of experience in the rings around Eclipse.
Corbin: Receive an extra +2 Engineering, +1 Mechanics and +1 Zero G as part of this event.
In the midst of cosmic challenges, Hank often found himself lending a hand to Corbin in the maintenance bays. The camaraderie between the two grew as they navigated the intricacies of ship repairs and shared tales of their respective pasts. Bonding over occasional misfortunes became a ritual that strengthened their connection.

In essence, those two years were a testament to the resilience of the crew, the strength of their bonds, and the indomitable spirit of exploration that fueled their cosmic odyssey.
Hank: Choose 2 skills from the following list to receive +1 as part of your term: Broker, Bureaucracy, Engineering, Gunnery, Piloting, Stewardship, Streetwise, Zero G.

Corbin: Choose 2 skills from the following list to receive +1 as part of your term: Engineering, Gunnery, Eletronics, Mechanics, Resilience, Zero G. You should also choose your level-0 skill from the Merchant career.

And that ends the character generation. I will begin the adventure in the next few days, after your choices.
Dec 8, 2023 4:33 pm
OK, I want to be a team player here, so ...
Is Broker or Bureaucracy more important for Hank? Is he going to be the team's Broker, or is someone else doing that?
Do we have anyone with Streetwise, so as to interface with the less-savory elements to meet needs?
How many engineers do we have?
How many pilots do we have?
How many gunners do we have?

I'm leaning towards Broker or Bureaucracy and Engineering. Maybe include Streetwise for a bit of diversification. But want to make sure nothing is missed.

I've updated my sheet with the other information.

EDIT: Also, do you have any information on the Celestial Voyager? How big is it? Does it have subcraft? How big is the crew? Does it carry passengers? I am not necessarily asking for Traveller-esque detail. But I am looking for some details? Or ... can I give any suggestions?
Last edited December 8, 2023 4:46 pm
Dec 8, 2023 5:08 pm
Choose 2 skills from the following list to receive +1= Electronics and Zero-G and lvl 0 skill Gunnery.
Dec 8, 2023 8:00 pm
Depending on your answer, I think I will pick Broker +1 and Zero-G +1. I'd also like to change my basic training skill to Engineering, rather than Zero-G. That way I have a +1 on a skill I'd otherwise not have a bonus, and let Engineering use my default Wits bonus.

Unless your answers lead me in a completely different direction!
Dec 8, 2023 8:15 pm
Well... Mariella rolls for Broker higher than you do. You have the highest bureaucracy. Jil has Streetwise, if you need. Everyone has Engineering and Piloting. Douklan, Corbin and Jil have Gunnery.

The Celestial Voyager has a complement of 12, with two shuttles. It doesn't carry passengers, but it's crew is usually a couple of people short. A lot of people come and go.

The Celestial is a key part of the first adventure, so I will thank you for the offer, I would normally accept, but not this time. I will keep control of its description and won't accept suggestions there before the end of the first adventure. But there will be other things to collaborate ;)

Dec 8, 2023 9:33 pm
OK, then final answer: Hank choose Bureaucracy +1, Zero-G +1, Engineering-0.

Since Bureaucracy (and Computers) is Hank's "thing", let's bump it up instead. Zero-G is gonna be needed for survival, so let's get the +1 with it. Yes, everyone has Engineering, but it's what he was dabbling in for two years, so that's what I'm giving him. Character sheet has been updated.
No problem on the Voyager. I didn't know how defined it was. Please toss in a topic for it in the Game Details section!
Last edited December 8, 2023 9:37 pm

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