Dec 23, 2023 9:56 pm
Spline looks up at Beretta and says
"Looks like Mattie here ain't able to join us or trust in us. I guess that's just how her trials have moved her. If you should'a change your mind, Maddie, we're here for you. A sense of fellowship and trust and belonging is a rare treat in these dark days, and part of me feels a sadness for you, that you don't seem able to share that with us. But as they young'uns say these days 'You do you'."
"For now, aye, here's some food, here's some gut-rot - the best we've got here to drink, more's the pity - and if you head out to that barn building over there you'll find shelter and some warmth."
"And if you look up at the top of the loft, you'll see the parcel left for you, or I s'pose it's for you, by that ol' laughing daemon Black Francis. You choose whether you wanna bring it in here to open with your companions, or, yeah, to do with as you will."
"Oh, and in case you are making the mistake of confusing our openness and generosity with weakness" tones in Beretta.
"I'm'a guessing that Spline, Podge, and I could rid the world of you and your friends here pretty damn quick smart if we had a mind to. But we don't have a mind to. We don't want to do that. But if you were to do something as foolish as draw on us? Well. If you force our hand, then you force our hand.
You all get the sense that Spline and Beretta have seen a lot in this here sick broken seeping fractured world. That they've lost a lot but also gained a lot. And that part of what they've gained is some pretty deep empathy and wisdom and even a deep love for their fellow people out there struggling against it all. But at the same time, they are made of something as hard as the iron in gunna of Elden Steel.
Spline now turns his head to the rest of the party. He's clearly curious - and hopeful - about how they all will respond to his offer and Mattie's refusal to accept it.
"Looks like Mattie here ain't able to join us or trust in us. I guess that's just how her trials have moved her. If you should'a change your mind, Maddie, we're here for you. A sense of fellowship and trust and belonging is a rare treat in these dark days, and part of me feels a sadness for you, that you don't seem able to share that with us. But as they young'uns say these days 'You do you'."
"For now, aye, here's some food, here's some gut-rot - the best we've got here to drink, more's the pity - and if you head out to that barn building over there you'll find shelter and some warmth."
"And if you look up at the top of the loft, you'll see the parcel left for you, or I s'pose it's for you, by that ol' laughing daemon Black Francis. You choose whether you wanna bring it in here to open with your companions, or, yeah, to do with as you will."
"Oh, and in case you are making the mistake of confusing our openness and generosity with weakness" tones in Beretta.
"I'm'a guessing that Spline, Podge, and I could rid the world of you and your friends here pretty damn quick smart if we had a mind to. But we don't have a mind to. We don't want to do that. But if you were to do something as foolish as draw on us? Well. If you force our hand, then you force our hand.
You all get the sense that Spline and Beretta have seen a lot in this here sick broken seeping fractured world. That they've lost a lot but also gained a lot. And that part of what they've gained is some pretty deep empathy and wisdom and even a deep love for their fellow people out there struggling against it all. But at the same time, they are made of something as hard as the iron in gunna of Elden Steel.
Spline now turns his head to the rest of the party. He's clearly curious - and hopeful - about how they all will respond to his offer and Mattie's refusal to accept it.