Scene 1 - And the gunslingers followed...

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Jan 4, 2024 9:32 am
It's still morning. You woke up, saw the farmstead, it was maybe 30 minutes walk away - and since you got here, not so much time has passed.

As Henry is talking to Spline and Beretta, a new, deeper, louder sound starts to come from the cellar. The sound of metal thudding against metal, with about 4 seconds between each thud.
Jan 4, 2024 12:07 pm
Mattie listens. Some kind of device? If the strangers speak true, this has to do with their earlier visitor and thus - it has to do with them. The young woman can do without yet another demon.

"If there is a connection, maybe whatever's in our package will help clarify. Best not wait any longer. Let's step aside for a minute." Mattie takes leave of Baretta and Spline and walks towards the barn, where she wants to open it without prying eyes. This is for Henry, Oscar, Rose and herself. "We'll try not to put you in more danger."
Last edited January 4, 2024 12:08 pm
Jan 4, 2024 12:10 pm
"That isn't good. Pretty hard to ignore something that big.", says Oscar listening to the deep thud. He keeps his head and gun pointed toward the cellar.
Last edited January 4, 2024 12:12 pm
Jan 4, 2024 12:27 pm
Henry nods to his ka-tet and motions to lead on, ignoring the sound for now but not forgetting it.
Last edited January 4, 2024 12:28 pm
Jan 4, 2024 1:51 pm
What are you worried (or hoping?) will happen when you open the package? What are you worried (or hoping?) will be inside it?

It's roughly an 8-inches cube.
Jan 4, 2024 2:29 pm

Henry is hoping for some talisman or sign to give him and his companions a renewed sense of hope and purpose after their long trek through the desert... they were all acting out of sorts... either too impulsive or too slow...Henry felt he wasn't himself.

He is worried that the box holds some new obstacle or horror that will stop them, that this whole thing is a set up- and that Baretta and Co. (and spline and tentacle dog) will turn on them, unleashing whatever it is in the basement... or worse that this feeling of not being 'right' would continue until he just lost his will to reach the tower...
Last edited January 4, 2024 2:36 pm
Jan 4, 2024 4:51 pm
Oscar is hopeful that the box contains some sort of key or connection to the tower. Something they can use to benefit from on their journey.

He knows it will probably come with a price because of who it comes from, but he also knows there are larger forces at play than Black Francis. This may be a trial the ka-tet has to complete to appease them and progress to the tower.

Oscar is worried that the item is a false lead and will send them off in the wrong direction. Mostly he is scared that it will be a cursed item that will send them off into the todash darkness never to return. The voices he heard from the box earlier gives him pause.
Last edited January 4, 2024 4:58 pm
Jan 4, 2024 7:25 pm
Current situation as I understand it is:

- Henry and Mattie going to the barn to open the package
- Oscar and Rose waiting outside the cellar door with Spline, Beretta, and Podge

I'd like to wait until Rose/@DragonDweller62 posts whether she wants to stay with Oscar, or join Henry and Mattie, or (of course!) do something else, before before moving on (I expect) to the opening of the package and, er, maybe some simultaneous shenanigans...
Jan 5, 2024 8:19 am
Rose grips her shotgun, pointed safely at the hardpan but ready to blow something to kingdom come at a moment's notice. "Pretty hard, indeed," she says to Oscar, though she punctuates her words with a pointed glare at the retreating forms of Mattie and Henry. "In fact, I don't know where they're going to deal with all this." She recognizes that she's being unfair again, but she just can't stand all the damn pomp and circumstance that goes with everything the gunslingers do. Danger is literally at our doorstep, and we're still wasting time playing nice. Let's just please get this over with before someone gets shot or eaten.

"Smart move, kid," she says as Oscar raises his gun, raising hers in reply. She intends to do just as Henry said—fill anything that comes up those stairs full of shot.
Needless to say, Rose will be staying with Oscar at the cellar door.

She's trying not to think of the box now, but she hopes it will contain some clue to defeating Black Francis and/or getting closer to the Tower—"the way a fairy-tale villain will go ahead and show you his weakness," as she would put it. She can clearly feel the tension in the ka-tet, and fears that the box will hold some kind of taunt or curse that will only further the weakness and mistrust.
Jan 5, 2024 10:21 am
Rose, Oscar, Beretta, Podge, and Spline look on apprehensively at the outer cellar door. From behind it they hear more thumps of metal on metal, and they are now accompanied by sounds of that metal twisting, and groaning - it sounds like the inner door is being pounded off its hinges, and doesn't have much left in it before whatever-is-behind-it gets through...

Henry and Mattie enter the barn together, and Mattie pulls out the package. As this happens, Henry hears in his head...

"Ahhhhh and here's another, Henry, I was looking forward to meeting you... come, open me, I'll give you what been searching for, what you need to fill that empty hole you've always carried inside you..."
Henry/@SenorDeebs please make a WIS saving through against the compulsion from the package to grab it out of Mattie's hands and rip it open.
Really enjoyed reading your PCs thoughts about the package - found them very evocative helping me get more of a feeling for the mood in the scene...
Jan 5, 2024 10:41 am
Henry stares at the package. 'Shut your puling mouth...' he says in disgust. Despite his revulsion he feels drawn to the package with an intensity that makes his breath catch in his throat.
Last edited January 5, 2024 10:42 am


WIS (11) - (1d20)

(15) = 15

Jan 5, 2024 12:29 pm
As the voices speak to Henry, he finds himself lunging at the package, desperately trying to grab it of Mattie, to take and open on his own, without anyone else around...
Mattie/@Adrasthea, if you want to try and keep the box away from Henry with your agility, please roll against your DEX. if you want to push him back out of the way, please roll against your STR, if you want to try and talk Henry out of his compulsion, please roll against your INT. Or of course you're free to try and do something else :)
Jan 5, 2024 1:14 pm
no spitting in this instance?
Jan 5, 2024 1:21 pm
Oscar stares at the door and concentrates. He ignores Bertie who is growling at his feet.

Instead reaches out to the thing again. Timing his thought to the rhythm of its blows.

"Acid, the floor is acid. It burns.", he thinks and projects a mental image of the clean room to the thing beyond the door.

The boxes in the room start to bubble as noxious smoke fumes form around their bottoms. Several start to quickly sink into the floor as they are consumed. The metal pipes and legs of the basin start to buckle and jerks towards the floor as it's base is eaten away. Oscar amplifies the sizzling sound of this illusion to grow louder than the chimes in his own head.

"The floor is acid.", he projects to the thing.
Really enjoyed reading your PCs thoughts about the package - found them very evocative helping me get more of a feeling for the mood in the scene...
Here's for Antipathy round 2
Last edited January 5, 2024 1:22 pm


Antipathy - Door creature, floor is acid - do not touch, 2nd use of shimmer powers - (1d6)

(5) = 5

Jan 5, 2024 1:23 pm
Oh, sure, @SenorDeebs, if you'd like to "Spit in the eye of Doom", go for it - I assumed you didn't want to when I saw the roll without any other comments about it.

In the future, if you do fail a roll and want to do this, go ahead and edit the post to indicate that's what you're doing, and add the "Spit in the eye of Doom" roll to the post.

I'm fine with the choice to "Spit in the eye of Doom" be one you make after the failed roll.

Your doom die will automatically downgrade from a d6 to a d4 after a "Spit in the eye of Doom" roll.
Jan 5, 2024 1:24 pm
I’ll pass. Just trying to get a handle on the mechanics.
Jan 5, 2024 1:43 pm
There is again another shimmer, a thinning of reality, around Oscar as he projects his antipathy out towards this thing...

While at the same time, whatever it is, has managed to finally blast through the metal door, you can hear as the door is finally ripped off its hinges, you hear it clanging down, out, and into the clean room.

And the hoots and barking and clanking are all louder now the door is no longer in the way - but the noises also don't seem to be getting any closer. It doesn't sound like the thing has made its way yet inside the clean room - presumably because, for it, there is acid, the floor is acid. It burns... and so will not allow itself to come in contact with it.

The hoots and barks have a ring of frustration about them.
Good rolling here - no damage taken, no downgrading of your doom die...
Jan 6, 2024 12:23 pm
"Careful! Don't let it besp..."
Faster than Mattie can get the parcel away from him, Henry has snatched it out of her hand and tears it open.
Mattie lets him. This is what they want to do anyway. She takes a deep breath, though, and tries to steel herself against what's to come.
Mattie Adler hopes that the box contains a lead that is of some use.
She fears that it is a curse to either distract or divide the ka-tet.
Last edited January 6, 2024 7:34 pm


Dex vs 12 - (1d20)

(17) = 17

Jan 7, 2024 6:53 am
Henry gets his hands on the so-very-dark so-very-black package and it feels so GOOD to feel it, to get his fingers into it...

And it feels so GOOD to open it - the urge is so strong that he literally rips it open, sliding his fingers into the folds and flaps, and pulling and yanking it open so that its contents spill out, tumble out, onto the ground in the barn and the feeling of relief and GOODNESS is just overwhelming...

Lying now on the floor, Mattie and Henry see:

1. An envelope with the names Mattie, Rose, Henry, and Oscar written on it, sealed with a blob of wax, and apparently containing several - lots of - folded sheets of paper.

2. A wooden cube with various occult symbols garishly painted on its six faces, and a small flap on one side that looks like it folds outwards. This cube took up most of the space within the package.

3. Two tarot-like cards. Both have landed face-up. One is labelled The Monkey, and shows a hollering furious baboon beating its chest, baring its fangs, against the background of a room filled with electronics. The second is labelled The Sanatorium, and shows a bone saw and a heart monitor against the background of a gray corridor containing a medical gurney.

In the background, you had heard the sounds of barking and howling and hooting become louder - you assumed because whatever was in there had gotten rid of that first door - but as the package is being opened, the sounds diminish and become quieter again.
Jan 7, 2024 8:45 am
Mattie eyes the contents suspiciously. She imagines the monkey being the thing in the cellar for a moment and quickly pushes away the thought. No use worrying for naught. The woman then takes the envelope and opens it.

"Best not mess with this here hex-cube before readin' what's to be read." she says to Henry, putting a hand on his shoulder to break his concentration on the cursed object. Mattie takes out the sheets of paper and looks at them. If there is one specifically addressed to her, she opens and reads it. If it isn't letters, but one whole text, she reads it all.
Last edited January 7, 2024 8:46 am
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