Scene 1 - And the gunslingers followed...

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Jan 10, 2024 2:10 pm
So next up is our hosts, then Henry tgen Mattie? Has Rose rolled initiative?
Jan 10, 2024 7:03 pm
PC initiative order is scored simply as either 'before enemy' or 'after enemy' on the basis of whether you pass or fail the WIS attribute test.

So far Mattie, Oscar, Henry, and your hosts have all rolled WIS and have passed the test, so go before Bad Monkey. Rose hasn't rolled yet, I'll roll for her tomorrow if she doesn't post today.

As this is PbP I'm just leaving everyone who passed to do their attack in what ever order you make your posts in. So Oscar went first, next could be aby of Mattie, Henry, or the hosts - and maybe also Rose.

So when you're ready to make your attack, you're welcome to just go ahead and make it.

Just ping me if you have any more rules questions.
Jan 10, 2024 7:25 pm
Ok thanks- I'm sure I will have questions. Question 1: Quickdraw- "Treat your initiative roll as an attack roll. Deal damage equal to your Ammo die roll against 1 target if it would hit them." My intitative roll was a 4- so if I add +4 from our level discrepancy my roll to hit would be an 8 (my Dex is 14- so that is a hit?)
My Ammo die is a d6. My Fan the Hammer perk says: Roll Ammo with Disadvantage for this attack to deal an extra 2d6 damage. You can split the damage between up to 3 targets if the attack roll would hit all of them. So I should roll a D6 at disadvantage in order to use that?
Last edited January 10, 2024 7:27 pm
Jan 10, 2024 7:42 pm
I think the way it's intended is that you declare before the attack roll that you're going to use the feat, then roll your Doom die, and then roll for the attack.

For Quickdraw, my sense is that you would invoke that feat by declaring, before you do the initiative roll, that you want to use the feat - then you would roll your Doom die, and then if you hit, roll your Ammo die - which might then be downgraded if you roll 1 or 2 on it.

I'm checking with the author on that interpretation at the moment.

Happy to retro-fit this i.e. you roll now your Doom die (to see if it gets downgraded), and then you roll your Ammo die (because, as you say, you hit with 4+4), and Bad Monkey then takes that amount of damage and maybe your Ammo die gets downgraded.

You would then have your two actions - and assuming one of them is a gun attack, you could invoke a feat on that roll too. In which case, declare it before you do the attack roll and then roll your Doom die. Then do the attack.
Jan 10, 2024 8:02 pm
Ok thank you! I'mhoping the more we use the system the easier it gets, this is brand new to me. I will roll the die you asked for.
Henry would use one action to withdraw, shooting as he creates distance between the monster and himself. And then he would attack once more.
I am sure this will need editing. Thank you for your help and your patience!
Last edited January 10, 2024 8:04 pm


Doom die - (1d6)

(3) = 3

Ammo die (disadvantage per 'Fan the Hammer' - (2d6l1)

(26) = 2

Attack (Dex 14) - (1d20)

(4) = 4

Ammo - (1d6)

(1) = 1

Extra damage (Fan the hammer) - (2d6)

(26) = 8

Jan 10, 2024 8:13 pm

Oh, totally - I only played the game once, in a one-shot, and have never run it before, so it's all very new to me.

The more you do stuff that invokes particular rules, the more we learn about the system together :)

What I understand you've not invoked "Quickdraw" retroactively, but have instead invoked "Fan the hammer" this turn.

Your two actions on this turn are then:

1. "Move" i.e. changing from NEARBY to FAR AWAY range ("Moving one range band is one action.")
2. Firing your gun at Bad Monkey

You roll the Doom die to allow you to invoke your The Way of the Gun feat, you rolled a 3, so your Doom die remains a d6 (would have become a d4 if you'd rolled 1 or 2).

You roll your Ammo with disadvantage and get a 2, so your Ammo die is downgraded from a d6 to a d4.

You roll a 4 on your attack roll, which is a success.

The thing I think you need to do differently is for the final roll - instead of rolling Ammo 1d6, the feat allows you to roll 3d6 for your damage, rather than 1d6.
Jan 10, 2024 8:22 pm
Ok! Ill do that- and thanks for your help.
Henry sighs at his lapse and spits in the dust. ’Medoicre…’ ‘At least I remembered not to spit in the air…’ he grunts, angry at himself for his clumsiness.
Last edited January 10, 2024 8:26 pm


Damage - (3d6)

(126) = 9

Jan 10, 2024 8:34 pm
My pleasure :)
Oscar and Henry's attacks pepper the baboon with bullets - blood sprays from it, it roars with rage and pain and also... fear...? You get the sense that whenever this beast has gone to war in the past, it has destroyed and killed and hardly taken a scratch.

Not today, though, matey...

Because this time it's standing there, hindered by a huge trap on its leg, engulfed in flames, while looking like more than half its life has been sucked out of it...
Jan 11, 2024 12:56 am
Hey everyone, sorry for the delay. I do think rolling initiative for us is a great way to speed up the game (let me be living proof of that, lol), so feel free to roll for me whenever. While I'm here, I'll roll mine now. Action pending when I get the result.

P.S., I've seen the correction about the monkey's threat level, but I think it's fine to use the old ruling here. Advantage it is.

EDIT: Looks like I go after the monkey, therefore I'll let it go before posting my action.
Last edited January 11, 2024 1:14 am


WIS vs. 11 - (2d20L1)

(1913) = 13

Jan 11, 2024 4:55 pm
Yes @Adrasthea, you are free to play. I'm not assigning turns, its just you are either before.or after the enemy. You passed the WIS initiative test, so i'm just waiting for everyone who passed it to take their turn, no particula order. And Mattie is the last PC to go before the enemy. So, yes, please take your turn.
Jan 11, 2024 7:41 pm
Mattie positions herself pretty much between the angry beast and her family, takes a breath to consider, then unloads the shotgun into its head from up close. The sound is deafening.
Last edited January 11, 2024 7:46 pm


doom - (1d6)

(4) = 4

attack - (1d6)

(4) = 4

ammo with adv (careful shooter) - (2d6H1)

(24) = 4

damage (deal in lead) - (1d6+8)

(4) + 8 = 12

Jan 11, 2024 8:09 pm
On Mattie's attack, what's going on is:

1. Declare that you're going to use one of your "The Way of the Gun" feats, in this case "Deal in Lead" - doing this means you need to roll your Doom Die, which you do, and get a 4. As it's not 1 or 2, your Doom Die remains a d6, it doesn't get downgraded to a d4

2. Make your attack roll - this should be 1d20 with advantage (advantage because Bad Monkey is being held back by the big bear trap on its leg), an Attribute Test against your DEX i.e. 12, rather than the 1d6 you rolled.

Assuming you succeed in the attack roll, you then

3. use your Careful Shooter background to roll your Ammo Die with advantage - adding whatever your result is to your damage roll. You get a 4, so your Ammo die isn't downgraded (as it would be on a 1 or 2)

4. you roll your Damage Die (d6) and get 4 - which becomes total damage 12 because you add also your Ammo Die roll AND your Doom Die roll (via your Deal in Lead feat).

In summary - it's all good apart from the Attack Roll - please roll an Attribute Test against your DEX with advantage
Jan 11, 2024 8:43 pm
BeardHare says:
And Rose is the last PC to go before the enemy. So, yes, please take your turn.
Pardon my confusion, but shouldn't I go after the enemy? My Wisdom is 11 and I rolled higher (13), so I failed the initiative test. I'm happy to take my turn now, but I just want to make sure I understand the rules correctly.
Jan 11, 2024 8:53 pm
Oh, I'm really sorry there, @DragonDweller62 - I mixed up the PC names - I meant Mattie in the above post. Very sorry for the confusion! You're exactly right in your understanding of the rules.

I just edited the post you refer to, to correct my mistake.
Jan 12, 2024 2:20 am
Hi! So, if I'm reading everything correctly, it's the Baboon's turn next and then Rose goes. I'm going to roll fire damage for the baboon now. Let me know if that's wrong.
Last edited January 12, 2024 2:21 am


On going fire damage on the Baboon - (d4)

(4) = 4

Jan 12, 2024 8:27 am
I'm waiting for @Adrasthea to roll Mattie's attack roll atm. After that, our hosts have their turns. Then it's Bad Monkey. Then it's Rose. AND I'll use the fire damage you just rolled when (...if...) Monkey gets their turn.
Jan 12, 2024 12:15 pm
sry, I'll try again

oops, got a second d in there. still 4 and 5 works, right?
Last edited January 12, 2024 12:16 pm


attack vs 12 - (2d20dH1)

(54) + 1 = 10

Jan 12, 2024 12:26 pm
Oh! I completely forgot about the hosts. Who could forget Podge?
Jan 12, 2024 12:57 pm
No problem, @Adrasthea! We're all learning here :) And yes no problem with that roll, it's a successful attack, we can see the two d20 rolls and both are successes.
Mattie's brave move totally comes off.

She moves up into the neck of beast and completely destroys it - shredding its flesh and while also bending and distorting the metallic skeleton that lies beneath the flesh, rupturing what look like transparent rubber tubings that are spraying dense white fluid out, mixing with the blood from the flesh wounds.

The baboon slumps to the ground. Many of its joints - its ankles, its elbows, hips - are savagely twitching. If you got real close to it, you could easily get hit by one of its limbs, or worse one of its knife-like claws.

A few moments after the shotgun blast that ended it, an extremely loud voice blares out from the chest of the beast:

"This unit, monicker "Babs the Baboon" serial number 712415 is fatally wounded. Please report unit destruction to your nearest North Central Positronics representative to affect safe recycling of the remains. Estimated time to complete shutdown of this unit is two minutes."

This message continues on a loop, with the time to shutdown decreasing each time.

Spline, Podge, and Beretta look towards you all approvingly.

"That's some pretty iron y'all are packing there, my friends!" exclaims Spline.

"Aye, and you sure as hell knows how to use it too!"
adds Beretta.

She continues "Us retired gunslingers didn't even get a chance to make our contribution to this sorry business. It is beyond doubt that you remember the faces of your mothers."
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