Scene 1 - And the gunslingers followed...

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Jan 13, 2024 12:04 am
"Thanks. If it wasn't for your trap slowing it down, I don't how well we would have faired.", yells Oscar at Beretta and turns back to smoldering twitching automata.

Its back arches and its claws clash together.

He winces and says, "This thing is loud. I bet you can hear it a mile down the road, er, wheel, a wheel down the road."
Last edited January 13, 2024 12:06 am
Jan 13, 2024 12:26 am
Rose has no time to act before a volley of shots go off around her like fireworks. She cringes from the death throes of the creature, watching with morbid fascination something she never thought she would see in this world—the powering down of a dying robot. But then again, what's strange anymore?

When the ex-gunslingers shower the ka-tet with praise, Rose can't help but feel a little envious of what she's missed out on. After all, who's to say that she remembers the face of her mother? And do you?

She turns to the others and hears Oscar's concern. "That being said, should we be here when this thing reaches zero? Might be nothing, but then again . . ."
Jan 13, 2024 12:45 pm
"Yeah, you have a point there. Bertie here.", says Oscar.

Bertie looks quickly at Mattie and then trots to Oscar's side. Oscar lowers his gun and turns towards Mattie and Henry.

"Anything good in the box?", he says over the din of the dying robot.
Last edited January 13, 2024 12:46 pm
Jan 13, 2024 2:32 pm
Letters for all of us...some tarot cards and a puzzle box of sorts.' They did well despite him folding to his urges.
'A zero count may mean some danger to us, I know not....' Henry says softly, answering Rose and Oscar.

'The kill is yours Dame Adler. What say you?' He turns to Mattie.
Last edited January 13, 2024 3:28 pm
Jan 13, 2024 3:07 pm
For clarification - the package contained:
1. A letter addressed to all of you i.e. one letter for you all, not a single letter for each of you
2. A box with occult symbols decorating it - about 8 inches cube, it was this which gave the package its size and shape
3. Two tarot-like cards "The Monkey" and "The Sanatorium".

The letter has only been half-read by Mattie - there are another two pages of it that she didn't get to because of the commotion outside caused by Bad Monkey.

Current situation is that it's late morning, before you lies the twitching writhing form of vanquished cyborg monkey which is promising to be completely done in about 45 seconds. As the countdown goes on, its movements are slowing and becoming less vigorous.
Jan 13, 2024 3:08 pm
What would you like to do next?

Look together at the contents of the package? Finish reading the note? Go back inside with your hosts for a cup of bad coffee? Head directly back down into the cellar?
Jan 13, 2024 3:10 pm
As Henry turns to Mattie he feels a tickle at the back of his mind. That rapidly grows into an itch and then a scratch and then a THUD.

And then the feeling clears.

And then maybe, faintly, at the back of his mind, he can hear the sound of... humming?
Jan 13, 2024 3:29 pm
Henry hums along with what he hears. 'You hearing that, too?' He asks his companions.
Can he tell whether it's just him or if everyone can hear it?
Jan 13, 2024 4:20 pm
Henry realises - he's not sure how or why - that only he is hearing this humming.. The tune is very simple. Basically just bouncing up and down between two notes,.with some up and down tones either side of them. Henry thinks he knows the line, but can't put his finger on it...
Jan 13, 2024 4:34 pm
Is there an in-game mechanic he can use to figure out where he recognizes the simple tune from?
‘Ramona would know it- She and her songs…’ Henry lapses into thoughts of one of his original companions- much against his liking. 'The girl had a song for every occasion..' He pushes memories of the woman down deep. He could not think of that now- he would not.

Henry concentrates on where he might recognize the scrap of a tune from.
Last edited January 13, 2024 4:39 pm
Jan 13, 2024 4:40 pm
I'm on my mobile atm so cant check the rules - I'd make it an attribute test of either WIS or INT whichever of the two is described in the rules as more associated with memory or recal.
Jan 13, 2024 4:50 pm
Yeah- I have to bookmark those rules. :) Ummm...I'm going to go with INT because is says you 'apply ones knowledge to the situation at hand'.


INT (12) - (1d20)

(10) = 10

Jan 13, 2024 5:39 pm
Henry rumages around in his mind. And finally it catches.the humming is a guitar line. It's the intro to Depeche Mode's "Personal Jesus"...

And with that realisation the humming starts to change into singing. A deep gravely voice starts up with

"I'm your own. Personal. Demon..."

The singing breaks off and the voice changes to talking...

"Well howdy there, partner! Good to talk with you, demon to man, so to speak. You got a fine mind here, Henry. I can see that you do indeed shoot with it! Dancing Jack sends his regards!"

And with that the voice and the presence Henry feels with it pulls back, retreats, moves away to a deeper part of his mind...
Jan 13, 2024 7:00 pm
Rose is on the point of asking what the letter said when Henry starts acting strange and she becomes increasingly concerned. "You alright, man?" she asks, hoping this wasn't another Dancing Jack gambit. They had come too far to end up as playthings for a mad trickster like that.
Jan 13, 2024 7:44 pm
Henry represses the urge to giggle. Was he going mad? 'I'm hearing voices, Rose. You may have to shoot me- should I start to babble...' Henry says to her, as calmly as he can. "I think it may have to do with me being overcome by the urge to take the package when I saw it. I was never great at making friends- but it seems I've made a new one...' Damn his mouth. Shut up Henry, shut up.

Henry tries to communicate drectly with the entity that seems to be in his head, humming the opening bars of Personal Jesus as he does. 'What is it you want, Demon?'
Jan 13, 2024 8:13 pm
Right at the back of his mind, Henry hears more faint humming, and a quiet distant voice that says

"Oh, nothing for now, dear Henry, dear Henry. But worry ye not, I'll let you know when I am a-wanting something - you may set your watch and warrant on it..."
Jan 13, 2024 8:57 pm
I am equally horrified and delighted! This is great.
Oh fuuuuck youuu. Henry thinks to the demon now residing in his head. All the japes, jabs and insults he hoarded as a smug mouthed child erupt- demanding exposition.

‘It’d get off on that, I wot…’. Realizing he said that out loud he looks to his companions and his normally jovial face takes a turn.

‘As a dog makes vittles of its own vomit- so too a fool returns to his folly. You all may have to put me down…’ Henry says, forcing himself to stop humming by biting his lip until the blood flows freely.
Jan 13, 2024 10:18 pm
Mattie tilts her head and looks at the young gunslinger seriously.
"We won't let you down." She nods at him.
A demon among them....fucking great. She grits her teeth and thinks to herself Such is life, before she walks towards the cellar door.

"It sure won't do us any good standin' around waiting for some machinery to die down. We still don't know what else is down there. I'm gonna check things out beneath - no more nasty surprises for today. Then we shall read the rest of the message, if you please."

Mattie halts on the first step and turns slightly towards the retirees: "Xept your magic don't happen to include exorcisms, right? No such wizard livin' nearby, by any chance?" She waits for an answer, then descends.
Jan 13, 2024 11:41 pm
Such might be the life of a gunslinger, but Rose is thoroughly horrified by the idea of having to put her friend down like a lame horse. "Jesus, that's a sick joke—" She stops herself, deciding this is not the time for humor—even if she is starting to feel lump of panic in her chest. "It won't have to come to that. Whatever spell you're under, we can find a way to break it." This point is bolstered when Mattie brings up exorcisms. "Whatever we have to do, we'll do it, but I promise it won't come to that."

Jesus what a mess we've gotten ourselves into, she thinks, looking up at Spline and Beretta. Thanks for nothing, assholes.
Jan 14, 2024 12:03 am
DragonDweller62 says:
Thanks for nothing, assholes.
LOL! Right?
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