Chapter 1: A Celestial Odyssey

Dec 9, 2023 11:18 pm
Trade Era 1235, Day 3

Hercules, Draco II, Sector 05.26

Jil reclined in the small living quarters of her lifter ship, engrossed in a book, her sanctuary from the repetitive hum of the cargo ship Hercules. But her focus on maintaining a semblance of normalcy in the humdrum routine was disrupted as her communication console buzzed unexpectedly. The screen flickered to life, revealing the familiar emblem of ITC's Naval Intelligence. Jil's eyes narrowed, a sudden tension gripping her.
So, Jil left the Navy in mysterious circumstances and she doesn't want to talk about that. I'm going with the following: Jil is now an Undercover Operative. She kept that so secret, but so secret, that not even her player knew about it during character generation :D. Can we do that @ImperfectBeing? If you accept, receive Deception-1 as a bonus. If an Undercover Operative doesn't feels right for Jil, no problems, I can easily rewrite this post.
The stern face of Commander Alara appeared, her image transmitted across the vast expanse of space.

"Agent Jil, your service in the Navy has not gone unnoticed. We have a new assignment for you," Commander Alara stated, her tone businesslike and devoid of unnecessary sentiment.

"The Celestial Voyager, a merchant vessel in New Jordan, has become a focal point of interest. We suspect a dangerous individual is using it as a transport on a mission that may threaten interplanetary security." Commander Alara continued, her words deliberate. "Your assignment is to join the crew of the Celestial Voyager undercover before it leaves New Jordan. Gather information, assess the situation, and report back to us. Discretion is paramount. I'm sending you the information about this individual."
htech sent a note to ImperfectBeing

"Jil, your current cover identity is still intact, a seasoned cargo pilot seeking new opportunities. Please resign from the Hercules. We've arranged for your transfer. You leave for New Jordan in three days. Remember, the previous information is classified. Discretion, Agent Jil."

The communication ended abruptly, leaving Jil staring at the blank screen. Her past, once entwined with the shadows of her district, now resurfaced in the form of a covert mission. With a deep breath, she closed her book, the routine disrupted by the looming assignment that awaited her on the Celestial Voyager.

Jil nodded, her mind already racing with the complexities of the mission. The lifter ship had been a refuge, a way to distance herself from the intensity of naval life, but duty called again.

Trade Era 1235, Day 100

Celestial Voyager, New Jordan

Jil stepped onto the deck of the Celestial Voyager, the hum of activity buzzing around her. Her eyes scanned the area, taking in the diverse crew bustling about their duties. The ship's captain, Valeria Zaytsev, a formidable figure with a commanding presence, approached Jil.

"Jilandra Broadenspec, I presume?" Captain Zaytsev extended a firm handshake, her sharp gaze assessing Jil with a discerning eye.

"Yes, Captain. Pleasure to be aboard," Jil replied, maintaining a composed demeanor.
Dec 10, 2023 8:43 am
Trade Era 1235, Day 17

Explorers Division headquarters, Maryburg city, New Jordan

After five years of traversing the cosmos together, Master Alaric and Mariella had forged a bond stronger than the gravitational forces that governed the planets they explored. They returned to the Explorers Division headquarters, a place that had become a second home, to mark a momentous occasion – Mariella's promotion to Journeyman.

The ceremony was set against the backdrop of a holographic star map, displaying the routes they had charted and the mysteries they had unraveled. Councillor Adrian, alongside other Masters and Apprentices, awaited their return.

As the doors slid open, Mariella and Master Alaric entered with the ease of those intimately acquainted with the cosmos. Their suits bore the dust of distant worlds, a testament to the journey they had just completed. The scent of adventure clung to them like a cosmic perfume.

Councillor Adrian, adorned in the regalia of his position, stepped forward to greet them. "Welcome back, Apprentice Mariella, Master Alaric. Your odyssey has left its mark on the stars, and today, we celebrate the culmination of five years of exploration and discovery."

The holographic star map flickered to life, projecting the intricate routes they had traversed, the alien landscapes they had mapped, and the invaluable data they had collected. Mariella's eyes widened as she saw the visual representation of their journey, a tapestry woven with the threads of countless celestial bodies.

Councillor Adrian continued, "Mariella Solbjerg, in the company of Master Alaric, has demonstrated exceptional skill, resilience, and an unwavering dedication to the spirit of exploration. Today, we witness the evolution of an explorer ready to take the next step in her journey."

Master Alaric, a proud mentor, placed a hand on Mariella's shoulder, a silent acknowledgment of the growth and achievements they had shared. Mariella, with a mixture of humility and pride, received the Journeywoman's insignia – a symbol of her ascension within the ranks of the Explorers Division.

The chamber resonated with applause and cheers from fellow explorers, a chorus of recognition for a journey well-trodden and the promise of even greater horizons ahead.

Trade Era 1235, Day 19

Explorers Division headquarters, Maryburg city, New Jordan

A couple of days later, the holographic display in Mariella's quarters flickered to life, casting an ethereal glow across the room. She sat at the small desk, reviewing data from their latest expedition, when the familiar emblem of the Explorers Division appeared, heralding the arrival of a new mission.

Councillor Adrian's voice resonated through the room, "Journeywoman Mariella Solbjerg, a new mission awaits, one that will take you deep into uncharted territory."

As Mariella leaned forward, a holographic star map unfolded, revealing the coordinates of an unexplored Elders excavation site. The Elders, an ancient and enigmatic civilization, had left behind traces of their existence scattered across the galaxy. This excavation promised to unveil secrets hidden in the layers of time.

"Your task," Councillor Adrian continued, "is to accompany Professor Evelyn Stone, an esteemed archaeologist, on this journey. The Elders' artifacts hold the key to understanding their advanced technology, and Professor Stone believes this excavation site may reveal unprecedented insights. The Explorers Division has secured a long-range spacecraft, fully equipped to transport you, facilitate the excavation process, and support comprehensive research at the site."

The hologram dissipated, leaving Mariella with a mix of excitement and anticipation. The Elders' excavations were always fraught with challenges, from the unpredictable nature of their artifacts to the unknown dangers that lurked in the depths of their abandoned structures.

Trade Era 1235, Day 119

Celestial Voyager, Downport, New Jordan

Within the heart of the Celestial Voyager, Mariella Solbjerg and Professor Stone found themselves in the captain's quarters, a room embellished with holographic star charts and artifacts from previous expeditions. Valeria Zaytsev, the captain of this interstellar vessel and an old friend of Mariella's, greeted her with a warm smile.

"Welcome aboard, Mariella! It's been too long! And a Journeywoman, nonetheless. " Valeria exclaimed, enveloping Mariella in a heartfelt embrace.

Mariella returned the embrace, a sense of familiarity washing over her. "Captain, it's incredible to see you again. I never imagined we'd reunite on a mission like this."

"Professor Stone, it's an honor to have you aboard the Celestial Voyager," Valeria continued. "Let me present you to the crew."

Captain Valeria Zaytsev led Mariella Solbjerg and Professor Evelyn Stone through the bustling corridors of the Celestial Voyager until they reached the common area, introducing them to the vital crew members who would play crucial roles in their Elders' excavation mission.

"This is Corbin McRogers, our ship's engineer," Valeria announced, gesturing toward a sturdy individual with a toolkit strapped to his belt. Corbin's eyes sparkled with the pride of someone intimately acquainted with the inner workings of the Celestial Voyager.

She waited for Corbin to answer and continued:

"This is Jil, our skilled shuttle pilot. When we need to make planetfall in the wilderness or explore derelict ships, Jil's the one who'll get us there and back."

She waited for Jil to answer and continued:

"And this is Hank, our quartermaster for this mission. If you need anything from rations to specialized equipment, Hank's the man."
What do you do?
Dec 10, 2023 1:40 pm
"'Owdy Ma'am. Say, you the Mariella that hung those pictures down in Cargo? Went to move one while tracin' wires and the fellas down there 'bout bit my head off."

Corbin pauses for a second, before looking at his feet. "They are nice pictures."
Dec 10, 2023 3:20 pm
Hank works hard to play it cool while the others are introduced. When Professor Stone is introduced to Hank, he says, "It is so good to see you again! I had hoped our paths would cross again, but I had no idea it would be this quickly! Any help you need I am here to provide!"

He hopes she is as happy to see him again, as he is to see her.
Dec 10, 2023 4:42 pm
Mariella certainly is glad to be back on the Voyager, as she said to the captain, it is a more than welcome coincidence. While she was slightly sad about the loss of Master Alaric as a travel companion and everpresent navigator, leading the exploration team with his exploration expertise and life experiences in general, this feeling quickly subsides upon figuring out that she will parter up with her star-found family of old. Entering the cramped corridors of the ship, she feels a certain connection to the place that she hardly ever felt, even back as a child. Things changed just enough to not being able to remember everything, but it still feels like the good old ship she left behind many years ago.
Mariella isn't nearly as sure what to feel about the mission. Granted, the Elders seem like a magnificent research topic and opportunity, seeing as there has been little progress in figuring out who they were and what they were all about. At the same time, they are dealing with an alien civilisation, so any rules Mariella has learned might not apply, which is a tad discomforting. Still, the good outweighs the bad and there certainly are much worse missions to go on, especially as your first Journeywoman one.

After the warm welcome from the Captian, Mariella follows closely behind, eager to meet the new hires. She doesn't know how many of her friends from her time on board are left over, but she reckons she'll get along with whomever the Captain may hive hired in the meantime - getting along with people is part of her job description after all.
After the round of introductions, Mariella gives a brief welcoming gesture to everyone in turn, smiling politely. Her diplomatic expression lights up with a proper smile as Mr. McRogers mentions the artwork in the cargo bay, her eyes sparkling with exitement.

"Oh, they kept them up? I'd have feared they have been all but sold - not that that would be unusual, of course, I arranged them mainly to be taken elsewhere and sold off for a higher price in the first place. Still, it's a pleasant surprise at least some of them have been preserved. Brightens up the whole room, don't they?"

She laughs quietly before the Captain resumes the welcoming gesture. Mariella doesn't have to say anything to the other two personally, but they seem like capable folk and the Professor and one of the crew seem to be familiar with each other, which is also not a bad ting at all.
Last edited December 10, 2023 4:54 pm
Dec 11, 2023 2:54 pm
Professor Stone, her eyes reflecting a mix of surprise and delight, reciprocated Hank's warmth. "Hank, what a wonderful coincidence! I didn't expect to reunite with an old friend on this mission. Your offer of assistance is greatly appreciated. It seems the cosmos has its own way of bringing people together for extraordinary endeavors. I am eager to step onto Astralon," Professor Stone expressed with enthusiasm. Her eyes shimmered with anticipation as she looked out. "The Elders' secrets have beckoned for so long, and now, when we approach the excavation site, the thrill of unveiling those mysteries will be truly palpable."
Will continue after Jil's answer. The next post will introduce Douklan / the Sentinel, as well.
Dec 11, 2023 4:35 pm
Hank replies, "This is great! I have done my best to keep up with your work. I will gladly help in any way I can!"

He suddenly catches himself, glances back to the captain, and adds, "As much as Captain Zaytsev permits, of course."
Dec 11, 2023 5:05 pm
Hi everyone! This is my first pbp so please bare with me, help is appreciated.
Htech, working as an undercover operative fits Jil perfectly. She is actually interesting now :-D

Without altering her sullen expression Jil briefly introduces herself to the group. She is now 28 having served 6 years in the Navy and the last 4 years working in low grade cargo pilot jobs.

Anyone that knows her homeworld 'Ulivia Prime' would understand her grim demeaner. She was lucky to get away from that oppressive dumping ground.

After 'sizing up' her colleagues Jil stands apart from the group, eager to be underway.
Last edited December 11, 2023 9:22 pm
Dec 12, 2023 11:29 pm
Trade Era 1235, Day 119

New Jordan Space Yards, in orbit of New Jordan

In the heart of the New Jordan Space Yards, a symphony of clanging metal and whirring machinery echoed through the colossal assembly bay. Engineers meticulously finalized the construction of the starship Sentinel, a masterpiece of ITC Navy engineering. The air crackled with anticipation as the final bolts were secured and panels sealed.

As the ship's artificial gravity hummed to life, Captain Kara Rael, adorned in her navy-blue uniform, stood proudly on the bridge. Her eyes sparkled with a blend of excitement and determination as the crew prepared for the maiden voyage. The Sentinel, a sleek and formidable space frigate, exuded an air of power.

With a subtle vibration, the massive bay doors slowly creaked open, revealing the cosmos beyond. The Sentinel, adorned with the ITC emblem, gleamed under the distant starlight. The crew, a mix of seasoned veterans and eager recruits, moved with precision as they prepared for departure.

"Initiating launch sequence," announced the ship's pilot, its voice resonating through the bridge. The Sentinel gracefully glided out of the space yards, leaving behind the birthplace of its creation. Once in the vastness of space, the ship's engines roared to life, propelling it forward with controlled force.

Captain Rael surveyed the green displays on her command console, confirming the readiness of the point defense cannons and the array of offensive systems. Medium laser batteries stood ready to unleash controlled bursts of energy, while a multitude of missiles nestled in their silos, poised for any potential threat.

In the heart of the Sentinel's bridge, Lieutenant Douklan Paravides received the mission directive from Captain Rael with a crisp salute. "Lieutenant Paravides, you are assigned as the liaison officer with the Celestial Voyager. Your role is crucial to ensuring a seamless collaboration between our vessels during this mission to the far edges of known space."

With a stern nod, Paravides acknowledged the responsibility bestowed upon him. He swiftly made his way through the pristine corridors of the Sentinel, his boots echoing against the metallic floor. Upon reaching the external airlock, he navigated its confines and traversed the gangway leading to the docked Celestial Voyager.
Gabriel "Gabe" Reyes, the first officer of the Celestial Voyager, welcomed Paravides with a warm yet determined gaze. "Lieutenant Paravides, it's an honor to have you aboard. I'm Gabriel Reyes, the first officer of the Celestial Voyager. Our mission is one of great importance, and cooperation between our crews will be key to its success."
What do you do?
Dec 13, 2023 4:05 am
"Thank you, Mr. Reyes, sir." Douklan is unsure how this civilian officer should be addressed. Is it by rank title, or bridge role? Every once in a while, Douklan regrets not following his fantasy of signing up with the Explorers Division...if he had, he would surely know how to navigate this interaction more smoothly. " I look forward to learning about you and the rest of the crew and finding how I can best be of use to you." Douklan makes interested and respectful noises as the first officer shows him around the Celestial Voyager. This ship will likely be his home for longer than any civilian vessel ever has before now; he pays close attention and tries to get a sense of the hierarchy within the crew: who are the people to watch out for, who are the people useful to know, who are the interesting people...
Of particular interest to Douklan is getting to know the synth on board. Question: how long, at the rate of 2LY/week, are we expected to travel in hyperspace to get to the particular edge of known space we are aiming to explore? How many years are we going to be gone, just for the travel time to get to that region of space?

Gabriel "Gabe" Reyes


Dec 15, 2023 12:06 am
"You can call me Gabe, no need to be so formal." - the first officer replied with a casual smile, leading the Lieutenant on a tour. Gabe familiarized Douklan with the crew, introducing Jil, Hank, and Corbin. Additionally, he made sure Douklan met Mariella and Professor Stone, the civilians spearheading the exploratory mission.

Notably, Douklan observed that, in contrast to military vessels, the Synths remained in hibernation mode. They only awakened when the ship geared up for hyperspace, even though that's a crucial step in the ship's extensive jump checklist procedures.
Gabriel "Gabe" Reyes

Captain Zaytsev


Dec 15, 2023 1:04 am
Trade Era 1235, Day 119

Celestial Voyager, leaving New Jordan's orbit

In the heart of the Celestial Voyager, Captain Valeria's voice echoed through the intercom, summoning the crew, Mariella, and Douklan to the mess hall. As they gathered, the tables and chairs were rearranged to accommodate the increased number of occupants, creating an informal but communal atmosphere.

"Welcome, everyone," Captain Valeria began, her eyes surveying the diverse assembly. "As we prepare to jump, I wanted to brief you on our next destination." She gestured to a portable holographic star chart that was left above the central table.

"3 light years away from us, at the heart of the Draco system is a vibrant orange star. Orbiting this stellar giant are four planets. Two of then will be relevant for us. The first, a tiny and hot rocky planet, has a mining colony in it, tirelessly extracting resources from the planetary crust. Be prepared for some intricate trade possibilities there.

Next in line for our purposes is a gas giant. Circling this massive orb is a station, a vital link in our journey. This installation serves dual purposes – a refueling point for our voyage and a key base for the Postal Authority Division. In our interactions, I'll explore opportunities to negotiate mail transport, consisting of large data storage drums with a vast amount of information bound for our subsequent destinations."

As the crew exchanged nods and murmurs of anticipation, Captain Valeria continued, "Now, regarding our supplies, our cargo holds are nearly bare. Altairia, our next destination commissioned by the Explorers, lies 26 light years away and features an Explorers Division starbase where we'll replenish our stocks. The Sentinel, an ITC Frigate, is trailing us to Altairia and subsequently to Astralon. Until then, we have an exciting opportunity."

A subtle smile played on her lips as she revealed, "The planets in between Draco and Altairia are ripe for speculative trading. Crew, you're free to engage in agreements and explore local markets. Seize this chance to enrich both our coffers and your own pockets. Each crew member can borrow 5,000 credits from the Celestial Voyager; just return half of the profits from those credits to us. But if you have the means for your ventures, our standard shipping rates are 100 credits per ton, with a 50% discount for the crew. Naturally, Gabe and I will vet cargo – no weapons, radioactive materials, or the like."

Turning to Lt. Douklan, Captain Valeria extended an invitation, "Speculative trading is an old tradition here. As a Navy officer, your participation is optional, but as our guest of honor, you're welcome to join like any other crew member. Fun fact: it's how I bought this ship from the previous company."

Addressing Mariella, Captain Valeria concluded with a warm smile, "Mariella, we've still got your credits from the last painting sale. Let me return those 2,000 credits when we reach Draco and invite you to assist with brokering once more."

Concluding her briefing, Captain Valeria turned to the newcomers, Corbin, Hank, Mariella, Douklan and Jil, inviting any questions they might have.

In the meantime, she urged everyone else to enjoy the camaraderie of the mess hall, fostering a sense of unity and shared purpose.
What do you do?
Captain Zaytsev
Dec 15, 2023 2:13 am
How much credits do you start with?

Corbin: 1,500
Mariella: 2,000
Jil: 700
Hank: 2,400
Douklan: 700

I will keep track of all your monetary adventures in a separate GM character sheet. I will share it tomorrow with you ;)


Corbin McRogers: Engineering - (1d20+4)

(11) + 4 = 15

Jil: Piloting - (1d20+5)

(2) + 5 = 7

Hank Heron: Bureaucracy - (1d20+5)

(19) + 5 = 24

Douklan Paravides: Leadership - (1d20+3)

(4) + 3 = 7

Dec 15, 2023 2:30 am
Considering that Mariella is the expert broker, Hank will attempt to see if she is willing to provide some pointers on the finer arts of brokering so he can do better in his own efforts.

During down time, he will also check in on Professor Stone to both try and get more info on the expedition and help however he can. He does have relevant knowledge, after all!
Dec 15, 2023 3:18 am
"Cap'n, not to be a pain, but that port side compression coil is on it's last legs. If she blows, we can't repair it. Needs to be replaced at the earliest."

Standing up, he starts towards the hatch. "If we're getting ready to jump, I'll thaw the synths and get them started on the lists."
Dec 15, 2023 8:43 am
daryen says:
Considering that Mariella is the expert broker, Hank will attempt to ...

During down time, he will ...
During jump you will be in the cryopods. You have a couple of hours now, not weeks. :)

So, everybody can tell us In Character what you want to do, as we are not supposed to summarize a week here, like Travellers, just play the pre-jump and after jump. Esidrix's post is in the right direction. Feel free to talk with Mariella like he did with the captain. :)

Captain Zaytsev


Dec 15, 2023 9:29 am
Esidrix says:
"Cap'n, not to be a pain, but that port side compression coil is on it's last legs. If she blows, we can't repair it. Needs to be replaced at the earliest."

Standing up, he starts towards the hatch. "If we're getting ready to jump, I'll thaw the synths and get them started on the lists."
"Go ahead, Corbin. Gabe will handle the synths, you can replace the compression coils before we jump."
Gimme an Engineering check. ;)
Captain Zaytsev
Dec 15, 2023 1:04 pm
Corbin nods to the captain and heads out through the airlock and follows the maze of gangways and loading ramps to the Space Yards Maintenance department. He punches in the parts number at the kiosk and grabs some coffee while he waits on the clerk to pull the part.

Returning to the Voyager, he heads down to Engineering with the small crate in hand. Corbin was glad the captain had approved this, these coils were a nothing part to buy and replace, but they are vital.

After swapping the parts, Corbin packed the old coil in the small crate and put it on the shelf. It may only have a few jumps left in it, but better to have an old spare than no spare.


Engineering - (d20+4)

(19) + 4 = 23

Dec 15, 2023 5:03 pm
Corbin successfully replaced the coils before departure. It seems like everything is in pristine conditions now.
Dec 15, 2023 6:13 pm
Hank makes sure the berthing fees and supply costs have been paid. He makes sure we have enough supplies to get us to the next destination. He makes sure to update the captain on the current status of the ship's funds and supplies.

(Since this is just busy-work, I assumed a roll isn't necessary.)
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