Out of Character (Character Creation)

Dec 11, 2023 6:12 pm
Neverwinter Security Agency
The Appointment isn't something to take lightly, in fact if more people knew about it chances are it would become something of a competition to get in. But you're here now in the Neverwinter Security Agency of as the common folk know it, the Neverwinter Skalds Authority.
In and of itself the job doesn't feel prestigious, but it can't be worse than how Volo felt after his guide to monsters was taken off the streets for 'Giving to much Information to the common folk.' Your work is valuable just like Volo's books and though it may not seem it if you look at the building you're based out of it pays well too.

And as of yet you haven't really had to do any serious work.
Though it seems that amy change.

Rats At It Again

The dead rat gang is at it again, "this is the second time this week that the Dead Rats have taken our earnings" said one Eve Whitbull Sobbing "I'll have to close if this sort of thing keeps up." Says Captain Hagg, owner of the Beached Leviathan, "My Sahuagin fighting days are behind me, and my crew."

The Dead rats have taken away the heart of the city, everything that makes Neverwinter, Neverwinter "I'm worried they'll start taking my tulips next." Said a concerned citizen. And what is Lord Neveremver doing about it as far as we can tell nothing. And the people living outside the Protectors Enclave seem to think it will stay that way

We Will start the adventure with a short section of Flashbacks/Prelude that happens when the Volcanic Chasm opened up so think about what happened then did you loose anyone? Did you almost die? How old would you have been? How did you take the experience?
Character Creation
3rd Level.

Character Options: Anything on DnD beyond, it's the forgotten realms.that's sorta the point.

Ability Scores: Point Buy (There's a Chicken Calculator or Something?)

Equipment: I'm not picky if you think you're character should have it then they can have it.

Background: You're all from Neverwinter, or around the area, and we're there on the day of the volcanos explosion.
- Who do you know in Neverwinter? Family? Friends?
- What did you do before the NSA?
Apr 25, 2024 12:43 pm
Three other Individuals work in the office of the NSA they can be turned to for resources related to their expertise if you Have something you think they could do chances are they can help you.
Barry Simpson

Criminologist: mostly works with evidence that you have collected, as a Non-Combatant member of the NSA, but will.come to scenes if deemed safe.
Seline Placard

Propaganda: Seline's jobs mostly Involves making sure people feel safe in Neverwinter and convincing people to move there but if you need to get a message to the public she can get it done.
Dr. Brevard

Physicist: Or really most scientificy type stuff, though he likes Physics. Can... Well actually I'm not sure how exactly a Physicist will be useful but he likes to try and find rules for everything.
Apr 25, 2024 6:27 pm
How many years ago did the Chasm open?
Apr 25, 2024 6:47 pm
Also Milestone or XP?
Apr 25, 2024 6:49 pm
Thinking Bugbear Rogue (Inquisitive).
Apr 25, 2024 6:52 pm
I assume we're using the optional stuff, like flexible racial bonuses from Tasha's?
Apr 25, 2024 8:47 pm
Are we using the character sheets here in GP?
Apr 25, 2024 9:28 pm
Wait I just realized, "Anything on DnD beyond", does that include their partnered content like stuff from Humblewood or Tal'Dorei?
Apr 25, 2024 11:58 pm
JoshuaMabry says:
How many years ago did the Chasm open?
I've decided to go with around 30 years.
Also I won't be using the Faerun Calendar (I don't care enough to learn a new calendar but I'd like to have a somewhat accurate track of time.
JoshuaMabry says:
Also Milestone or XP?
Milestone, for the most part it'll be whenever I start a new Thread in game.
AnonGL says:
I assume we're using the optional stuff, like flexible racial bonuses from Tasha's?
AnonGL says:
Wait I just realized, "Anything on DnD beyond", does that include their partnered content like stuff from Humblewood or Tal'Dorei?
Content Yes anything on DnD beyond is anything, as for what I prefer I'd like it if people kept to humanoid races (eg. Not based of animals) but if you really want to you can.
thorsman99 says:
Are we using the character sheets here in GP?
Providing link to Custom sheets as promised.
I really recommend using a custom sheet, It's so much better than the static sheets easier to edit and if you want to go really deep you can use get it to do absolutely everything.
Generic 5e Sheet
Class based 5e Sheets
Apr 26, 2024 11:37 am
I'm just going to throw this out now, whether or not your character is entirely completed, I'd prefer it to be submitted now just so that I can jump through the hurdle that is approving them all.
Apr 26, 2024 6:11 pm
Henson probably should have stuck with more appropriate dwarvish activities. His beard was a joke and since when did hair stand like that?

Still, he had a knack for figuring things and people were in need for it after the volcanic activity shook the city for spare change.

Henson is a Dwarf Wizard. Specifically Order of Scribes. Lost an eye and collected a few scars in juuust the right places. Still working out more detailed specifics, but you can get an idea what he's gonna be. I haven't fully decided if he'll be on the serious side, or if he'll have a lighthearted joking aspect. I'm leaning gruff/serious. Meanwhile his quirky sidekick notepad will likely be annoyingly chipper. I like the idea of a wizard bantering details with his spellbook. Anyway, dusty tomes to study and papers to fill out, then I'll brainstorm more of the who, what, and why!
Last edited April 26, 2024 10:16 pm
Apr 26, 2024 11:58 pm
Mazdu is an Yuan-ti Sorceror whose power come from a mutation enhancing his people's natural psychic abilities. A light hearted actor entertainer and actor who frequently uses his magic for special effects.


Mazdu was born in Neverwinter, an orphan who never knew his parents. At a young age he joined a traveling theather troupe who usually traveled during most of the year, but settled in Neverwinter during the winters. As such he spent most of his life on the read, but nonetheless considers Neverwinter his home.
Last edited April 27, 2024 2:41 am
Apr 27, 2024 1:36 am
Warin is a Goblin fighter. A veteran of three tours, Warin has retired from the military and now works for the NSA. During his service he was a member of a scouting unit, valued for his stealth and skirmishing skills.
Apr 27, 2024 5:06 pm
Just waiting here on JoshuaMabry and grifter730 but if you're character sheet is complete of mostly complete then you can throw up an answer to those questions so I can better get to work on my first In game post.
Apr 27, 2024 8:50 pm
@KoldikSteelskin What do you need from me still?
Apr 27, 2024 9:11 pm
JoshuaMabry says:
@KoldikSteelskin What do you need from me still?
Character sheet still looks a bit sparse, I mentioned you and grifter specifically because there wasn't any info about your character here, which is helpful both for the other players and for tying your characters into what's going on.
Apr 27, 2024 11:23 pm
KoldikSteelskin says:
Just waiting here on JoshuaMabry and grifter730 but if you're character sheet is complete of mostly complete then you can throw up an answer to those questions so I can better get to work on my first In game post.
I've got the family all day today, won't be able to get to this tonight. Gworgi is a kobold (no feats) swarmkeeper ranger. I need to catch up on the background posts and write that up as well.
Apr 27, 2024 11:53 pm
No worries, We'll get started when we get started, making characters takes time, and so does your life which should take precedence over games any day.
Apr 28, 2024 4:11 am
KoldikSteelskin says:
No worries, We'll get started when we get started, making characters takes time, and so does your life which should take precedence over games any day.
I'm still working on his background, but Gworgi's character sheet is ready. Working on updated avatar/image as well.
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