Case 1: Victims at the park

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Spider Shepard

Ironmonger42 Inactive for 15 days

Feb 14, 2024 11:58 pm
Spider Shepard

Seth lines up a that fires clean through the monster's torso. The monster looks like it prepares to use web to get away, but no web comes out. It begins to panic. "No, no, no, no... How did the insects know to mix my children's venom with that... vile flower..." it then collapses. Its body starts to turn to dust. After about 5 minutes, it blows away in the wind like cobwebs.
it looks like the gear section of the expert does not mention armor, and I know you haven't gone out and acquired anything like that, so no you don't have armor
Feb 15, 2024 12:58 am
Panting heavily Maggie brushes the dust and dirt off of her. Yelling up to Seth "SPIDER DOWN! NICE SHOOTING! GET DOWN HERE!" Megs help Ajay up and makes sure he is ok.
Feb 15, 2024 1:47 am
Seth slings his rifle onto his back, and laboriously repels down the tree, grunting with effort. He turns to say something, then passes out onto the ground. He looks quite ill.
Feb 15, 2024 2:48 am
Meg's rushes over to Seth as he collapses onto the ground. She pulls out her bottle of antitoxin and carefully but forcefully pours it down into his mouth. "Ajay. Get over here your better at this then me."
Feb 15, 2024 9:37 am
Ajay grimaced at his wound when he stood up, some of it still bleeding. He ignored it for now and hobbled up towards Seth's unconscious body. He started checking out his vitals in order to determine what his condition was. "You gave the antitoxin, right, Meg? It should start to kick in. I think it would be better to take him back to the infirmary." He looked down on his face and said, "That was a hell of a shot, Seth. You just saved us and killed a monster."

OOC: So, how's Seth looking? Is he in dire condition?
Feb 15, 2024 12:34 pm
it doesn't look like zatatmando was tracking harm on his character sheet. At the bare minimum, Seth has 3 harm, 2 from the bite earlier and 1 from the venom hurting him after he shot the kill shot. If he still has any harm from the fight to get through fey lilly then he would have at least 4 harm, making him unstable, but I am not sure of that.
Feb 15, 2024 1:33 pm
Ooc: Okay, so 4 harm total should probably not kill him. If we don't have anything major to do here then we should get back to infirmary. Also, anyway of knowing if the antitoxin is working? Apart from that, I don't see why we should linger here except for may be searching any survivors.
Feb 15, 2024 2:09 pm
We might think of checking out the spider's lair. Make sure there is no bodies up there or anything interesting.
Feb 15, 2024 2:17 pm
Sorry I have been tracking my harm and luck on a PDF sheet that I have. I am at 4 harm now which leads me to unstable. I didn't get hurt in the fight for the fey Lilly I don't think.
Feb 15, 2024 6:07 pm
Ooc: If Seth is stable, we can investigate the lair.
Feb 15, 2024 8:44 pm
If Seth had any amount of harm before this fight, then he has an unstable wound. As far as the venom in his system, you will need 2 antivenom to remove it from his system, which you have.

Narratively, the case is over. As you look around, the webs in the forest seem to rapidly age and become cobwebs, and you don't hear anymore spiders (aside from non-supernatural ones that would be here anyways) anywhere else. All that's left is to search for any survivors, in case the original victims are still alive, and for Seth to file a report to his superior Sidney Callahan. As for the report, Seth would be the only one that would submit it, but you can collectively decide what is in the report and what is omitted (if anything).
Feb 15, 2024 11:30 pm
While Ajay deals with Seth's wounds, she climbs up to check out the spider lair. " I will be right back. Goin' to check for any bodies."
Feb 17, 2024 2:31 am
Seth begins to come around, and says, "Ugh, now my least favorite part of the job. The paperwork." With a grunt he rolls himself up and walks back to the van, shoulders a bit hunched in exhaustion. He turns back to the others after a moment and asks, "Shall we go?"
Feb 17, 2024 5:05 am
You search the tree and find all 5 of the missing victims, though 4 of them seem to be drained of blood and no heartbeat. The one that seems alive appears to be mentally scarred by the events and will need psychiatric attention on top of medical attention before they are up to talking. It isn't too hard to get them to come with you, though.

After a few hours, you manage to get back to Ajay's infirmary
and get Seth free of venom and the victim stabilized enough to give to PESD for the rest of the treatment they need.
I am going to assume Seth's report mentions everything except the parts involving Seth's haven (as that is a secret). If you want anything else left out please tell me or else I assume it is all there.

Also, every hunter gains 2 EXP, so I assume all 3 of you gain an improvement. Go ahead and use the OOC chat thread to discuss what you want to take or just declare what you want. Taking a move from another playbook is very useful, just make sure it is a move and not an ability the playbook automatically gets. For example, the chosen's Invincible move is fair game, but not their I'm Here for a Reason move, as that is a move core to the chosen's identity. When in doubt, choose the option to get a +1 to a rating given as an option.

Remember! You cannot choose an advanced improvement yet. Those are only available as your 5th level up and beyond, and this is only your first.
Feb 18, 2024 3:02 pm
Should remove any parts about us hurt civilians? Kid I threw a knife at, Dude, that was poisoned we gave drugs to?
Feb 20, 2024 4:37 pm
Yes my report will omit anything that we did that might be interpreted the wrong way. For the kid I will say that they were caught in crossfire and for the guy I will say that we rescued him and provided aid.

Sidney Callahan, Head of P.E.S.D.

Ironmonger42 Inactive for 15 days

Feb 20, 2024 5:39 pm
Sidney Callahan, Head of P.E.S.D.

Seth submits his report, omitting anything regarding Ajay's haven and Margaret's dark side coming up.

Sidney gives a look at Seth. She doesn't ask anything, but Seth knows that she knows things were left out. She has been around the block many times, and she knows most agents leave something or two out in just about every report. For now, all she says is, "Nice work agent. I'll catalog this knowledge on Spider Shepards into our database for future incidents. Take the week to focus on lighter work as you recover. I'll have field work for you soon enough. This world is full of the supernatural hiding under our noses. Before you go, what are your honest personal thoughts on Margaret's control of her abilities and Ajay's trustworthiness?"
the next case will be long enough in the future that you will heal all harm, to be clear
Feb 21, 2024 4:42 pm
"I can say that they are both exemplary assets to our work and I anticipate much success in the future. We work well as a team, and with an Agency backup team for support I think that we can do great things for the Agency." Seth says, trying to get comfortable in the seat but the leftover effect of his injuries leave him feeling itchy inside.

Sidney Callahan, Head of P.E.S.D.

Ironmonger42 Inactive for 15 days

Feb 21, 2024 6:32 pm
Sidney Callahan, Head of P.E.S.D.

Sidney looks over Seth. She doesn't have much choice but to take Seth at his word. "Very well. If you expect much success, so do I. Heal up soon, agent. As for that team you requested, I'll have them ready by your next assignment. They are professionals, but don't get them killed."
Feb 21, 2024 6:36 pm
"Yes sir. I will be sure to put them to good use."

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