Chapter 3: Maulia Encounters

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Dec 28, 2023 5:48 am
"I’m just here to help the circus troupe get their ship back. It felt like the least I could do since one of their acrobats helped me get my ship back when it was stolen from me." He puts particular emphasis on the words ‘my ship’, staring daggers at the back of Tarron’s head.
Dec 28, 2023 1:13 pm
"I have heard tales about a circus ship. More like it is a ghost ship as it is here and then it is gone."

"There was a man that said more about it. He tends to be rather tipsy and is frequently around. Perhaps he will be in."
Dec 29, 2023 5:49 am
The village of Maulia seems like a pleasant place. Smells of fresh cooked fish and spices waft through the air from various round structures with thatched roofs. The buildings, most of which are built up on stilted beam foundations, rest on a number of elevations of rocky hills. The lowest structures being built right on the water with ladders extending to the docks and bridges that connect them.

The fog that gathered in the port continues to advance and has now covered the lower levels of the village. Windmills and silos jut up out above smaller round structures as does a large multi-level dome structure that appears to be the village's official meeting house. Lively sound can be heard coming from a building next to this large structure. Judging by the sound of loud playful voices coming from it, this building is Maulia's main meeting house, even if it is not the official one. It is the tavern.
[ +- ] Regan
[ +- ] Admiral and Cordey
Dec 29, 2023 12:26 pm
Leaving Cordey to talk to his friend, Admiral saunters up to the bar and buys a round for the crew, plus two extra mugs of ale. He plonks one of the mugs down in front of the noisy drunkard bloviating at the bartender and takes a sip from the other. "Rafa, I take it?"
Dec 29, 2023 3:41 pm
Cordey face shines a bit as he sees Lelay come in. He immediately breaks from what he is doing heads over to her. "Why I was just going to look for you in all this fog we are having now. Just leading the man there, Admiral, his crew, and some passengers here. You have arrived so very timely." He points out Admiral as he says this.

He calls over to Jaran, "Could you get a sweet drink for my dearest and I would like some ale." Cordey leads his gorgeous Lelay to a table. "Admiral is captain of that ship that just came in. All kinds of circus like people too." He pointily ignores Rafa and any other female now. "He says they were look for that ghost circus ship I think."
Dec 29, 2023 4:16 pm
Seeing the town, Regan takes note of the fog continuing to roll in. It seems... odd... but first thing first, he makes his way towards the sounds of revelry. There was work to be done, and he wanted information... hopefully, these people had some for him.
Dec 31, 2023 6:59 pm
Despite the dismal cloud continuing to blanket the village, the tavern's interior atmosphere is loud and full of energy.
[ +- ] Tavern
[ +- ] Regan
Dec 31, 2023 7:58 pm
I got the previous post all there. Make sure you got to see it in it's entirety as it has been updated
Dec 31, 2023 8:15 pm
Regan stops when his senses hit him, teeth gritting a bit as he looks around. Normally he has to focus... if his senses are picking up the undead without the usual effort, perhaps they are unique? Powerful... or different some other way.

He will begin attempting to find the source of this feeling... they must be close.

The tavern has windows, let us see what can be seen.
Dec 31, 2023 9:56 pm
Cordey was instantly taken back from what Lelay tells him. He is absolutely sure of it as she like some here see things. This time it is something that could change things drastically. It bothers him as unlike many here, he has dealings with the Sea Elves. Side effect of being half one. And can breathe water.

He says as he holds her tight, "My dearest. Surely no matter where I go. You know I will come back. Not that I want to leave either." He looks about trying not to make a show. "You know that you will never lose me." He gets her favored sweet drink. She has all his attention now.
Jan 1, 2024 5:49 am
Admiral listens to Rafa’s tall tales with feigned interest, the impatient twitching of his tail the only tell that he is anything other than completely impressed by Rafa’s ramblings.

He shakes his head in response to Rafa’s question about the Nipper. "No, the Whisper’s the only ship for me. I’ve been sailing with her as long as I can remember." He uses the ship’s old name, hoping to maybe scare a bit of sobriety into the drunk. Ebzer cultivated a chilling reputation when he was captain and it’s possible Rafa might have heard a story or two.

He taps the side of his mug with one of his claws. "…Say, I heard tell around the docks that you saw some sort of disappearing circus ship recently?"
Jan 1, 2024 5:15 pm
Admiral intimidation roll...


Admiral: Intimidation - (1d20+6)

(13) + 6 = 19

Rafa: Wisdom (inebriated) - (2d20L1)

(1611) = 11

Jan 1, 2024 6:13 pm
[ +- ] Regan
[ +- ] Tavern
Jan 1, 2024 8:31 pm
Rolls made. Stealth is at disadvantage from Armor, and advantage from the mist/fog -- so it's a straight roll.

Regan will attempt to lift himself up to peer in the windows to the tavern, looking for the undead he senses.


Athletics (STR) - (1d20+4)

(4) + 4 = 8

Stealth (DEX) - (1d20+1+1d4)

(14) + (3) + 1 = 18

Perception (WIS) - (2d20H1+3)

(69) + 3 = 12

Jan 2, 2024 3:09 am
[ +- ] Regan
Jan 2, 2024 12:11 pm
As soon as Rafa starts talking about the circus ship, Admiral catches Jin’s eye across the tavern and waves him over to come listen to what Rafa has to say. Once Rafa has finished speaking, Admiral raises an eyebrow at Jin. "What do you reckon? Does that sound like your ship?"
Last edited January 3, 2024 5:24 am
Jan 2, 2024 3:24 pm
I hate to ruin the element of surprise, but...

Regan steps out from the shadows and the mists, his warhammer appearing in his hand as his shield is interposed between himself and these undead. "Explain yourselves, or go no further. And do not seek to deceive."

Regan's voice is bold and firm, and if he is worried he doesn't show it. As he speaks he takes a head count of the undead gathered before him, as well as a quick assessment of how he might use the terrain to limit the number that can reach him at once.
Jan 2, 2024 5:49 pm
With a little surprise Cordey holds the pendant knowing she must be serious. She didn't just happen to have it. She has talk to others. This worried him some, but he hides in their embrace. "You know will never give you up. You are my waves that I ride that are always there."

He looks at the pendant and kisses her, "I will have a silver chain made to keep this closer to my heart." as he holds her like he never wants to let her go. He never hides how he feels about her.

"I can feel time creeping up on me and I really don't want it, but I know it can't be stopped. I want my time with you." He looks about like there is something there but there is only the tavern. This one of times he too wish that he could see even small fragments of what could or can be.
Last edited January 2, 2024 5:56 pm
Jan 3, 2024 5:19 am
[ +- ] Tavern
[ +- ] Regan


Cordey: Passive Perception Roll (11) - (1d20+3)

(2) + 3 = 5

Jan 3, 2024 5:50 am
Requested History Check DC 10 to see what Cordey's friends under the waves have taught him (or maybe he experienced himself) regarding water fey around here.. Seems Cordey might recall something. (Barely made the check.)
[ +- ] Cordey
Last edited January 3, 2024 6:12 am


History Check - (1d20+3)

(7) + 3 = 10

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