May 4, 2024 2:41 pm
"Magnetic cave?" Gabbro asks with some interest as the party walks with Johann back to Kobold Korners. "Would you tell us more about that? We've explored a fair bit of this level of Stonehell, but haven't seen anything yet that I would describe as 'magnetic.'" Gabbro makes a mental note to show Johann the map and see what details he might add, just as soon as they arrive back at the relative "safety" of the Kobold Korners. "We'd also like to hear more details about your interactions with the orcs." The elf looks meaningfully at his companions. ::We all know that orcs are not to be trusted, but this talk of ambushing another adventuring party probably gives us all second thoughts about any sort of alliance.:: "Knowing more might help us avoid falling into a similar trap in the future."