2. The First Delve

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May 4, 2024 2:41 pm
"Magnetic cave?" Gabbro asks with some interest as the party walks with Johann back to Kobold Korners. "Would you tell us more about that? We've explored a fair bit of this level of Stonehell, but haven't seen anything yet that I would describe as 'magnetic.'" Gabbro makes a mental note to show Johann the map and see what details he might add, just as soon as they arrive back at the relative "safety" of the Kobold Korners. "We'd also like to hear more details about your interactions with the orcs." The elf looks meaningfully at his companions. ::We all know that orcs are not to be trusted, but this talk of ambushing another adventuring party probably gives us all second thoughts about any sort of alliance.:: "Knowing more might help us avoid falling into a similar trap in the future."
May 5, 2024 10:12 am
"There’s a series of caverns just west of here," describes Johann. "The first one we found had a distinct blue tint to the stone - a bit unusual, but seemingly natural. But the next cave was just weird. You could feel a sort of tingling in the air as you approached and then, all of a sudden, one of our fighters and our cleric found themselves pinned to the wall of the cave, their metal armour held by a strong magnetic force. It was quite a job to prise them away again, and that’s when the orcs attacked us."

"As for the orcs - they seemed to be in high spirits. From the little I could understand, I think they must have recently raided somewhere - I saw quite a lot of loot carried into the chieftain’s room."
Are you heading directly back to Kobold Korners now, or is there anything you would like to do first?

Day 2, 2:10 pm
Fenwick, Elf 1: 5/5
Gabbro, Elf 1: 7/7
Jessica, Cleric 1: 5/5
Johann, Gnome 0: 1/5
Pickles, Halfling 1: 4/4
Ricard, Fighter 1: 5/7
Tiberious, Magic-User 1: 5/5

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May 5, 2024 11:57 am
Pickles follows along close behind Johann, listening intently to his tales. "Wow, a cave that pins you down. That is a Wizard’s dream, they could stand there all day flinging spells as their flowing cloaks and Wooden Staves. Very cool." Pickles eye glaze a little as he visions it in his head, completely oblivious to the fact he wears metal. "Did you mention you can do spells? And I will happily purchase you a dagger once we are back in town." He adds with a grin.
May 6, 2024 2:32 pm
Ricard knocks on his breastplate with one mailed first,

"Doesn't sound good for me. Is it weird that I want to try it? Heh heh."
I think we're going straight back to put our gnome to bed after which we can head back out for a bit, please correct me if anyone else has a different idea.
May 6, 2024 10:04 pm
"Sounds pretty cool! Well, except for the getting stuck to a wall and killed part," says Fenwick.

Now she'll have to look out for bluish stone along with the usual floop traps, sigh.
I agree, Ricard.
May 7, 2024 12:13 am
I agree.
Jessica is dubious. She doesn't fancy being stuck to a wall and unable to defend herself.
May 7, 2024 5:26 am
Pickles follows along with wide eyes listening to Johann’s tales . . .
Sounds a solid plan.
May 7, 2024 5:56 pm
Mathfuric says:
"Did you mention you can do spells?
"Of course," replies Johann, a hint of indignation in his voice. "Us gnomes are famed for our mastery of the illusory arts. Although not ... ahem … when we have lost our spell books."
Mathfuric says:
"And I will happily purchase you a dagger once we are back in town." He adds with a grin.
"You are too kind, my cheerful friend. And, of course, I will repay you as soon as I have the coin to do so."

It takes you two turns to retrace your steps to Kobold Korners via the Chamber of the Woods (navigating its closed portcullis) and the kobold guard post. Having surrendered your weapons once more, you are free to enter the marketplace.

Day 2, 2:30 pm
Fenwick, Elf 1: 5/5
Gabbro, Elf 1: 7/7
Jessica, Cleric 1: 5/5
Johann, Gnome 0: 1/5
Pickles, Halfling 1: 4/4
Ricard, Fighter 1: 5/7
Tiberious, Magic-User 1: 5/5

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May 7, 2024 6:14 pm
"Let me know if you need me to chip in a copper or two to get Johann a bed and some food or water, " Fenwick says to Ricard.

She will do a quick pivot about the center of the marketplace, looking to see if any of the Ghost Beggars are still present at its stalls (though she won't approach any).
May 7, 2024 8:50 pm
Gabbro points out to everyone where the blue cave is on the map; some of the party have been the edge of that area already; knowing that, we can avoid going there until we're good and ready.
The blue cave is to the west of the intersection with the sign reading "Open Sore Tribe." When we entered that room the first time, we heard voices - possibly the same orcs returning with loot? - and fled rather than encounter anyone in the dungeon.
May 8, 2024 12:29 am
As they enter the markets Pickles steps up beside Johann, "I can’t replace your spell book, though you may find one at the junk exchange they had a massive range of odd things." Pickles pauses very briefly as if trying to recall the image of the shop, "But I can give you something to help buy a weapon, plus some rations to help with your recovery. Would you like us to help you shop and get accommodation?"

Pickles pull out 3 gold pieces and 2 standard ration packs from his pack, handing them to Johann.
May 8, 2024 11:07 pm
Gabbro scans the crowd with Fenwick (and any of the rest of the party nearby) and adds, softly: "So...how do you think we should proceed? Do we try to collar one of the Ghost Beggars as they're leaving Kobold Korners, do we go back to the surface and confront them in their cave, or do we just continue exploring and play it by ear as opportunity presents itself?"
May 9, 2024 4:02 am
"If they are still around we could buy them a drink, see what the liquor loosens."
May 9, 2024 3:28 pm
Kobold Market
Johann thanks the party for their generosity, bows, and heads towards the Kopper Kettle in search of bed, board and a chance to recuperate.

Those who have donated coins or rations to Johann, please update your character sheets accordingly.

Scanning the current occupants of the market, you can see a pair of humans sporting yellow-and-black checkered bandanas amongst the assembled crowd. They are standing outside the soothsayer’s tent, apparently debating whether the advertised two copper entry fee is worth paying.

Day 2, 2:30 pm
Fenwick, Elf 1: 5/5
Gabbro, Elf 1: 7/7
Jessica, Cleric 1: 5/5
Pickles, Halfling 1: 4/4
Ricard, Fighter 1: 5/7
Tiberious, Magic-User 1: 5/5

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May 9, 2024 11:09 pm
Pickles a little excitedly points out the Humans before skipping off towards them, "Hello. How are you?" Pickles calls out, waving as if he know them.
May 10, 2024 12:21 am
Ricard puts on his best easy smile and saunters up alongside Pickles.

"Hey there, not many men around here, I'm Ricard and this is Pickles, care to have a drink and swap stories? My treat."
May 10, 2024 12:30 am
Jessica's brow furrows as she watches Pickles and Ricard interact with the men. She doesn't trust the strangers and is more than a little concerned that getting too chummy with them might give away their advantage.
May 10, 2024 3:41 pm
A reaction roll seems appropriate in this situation. I’ll give you a modifier of +1 for Pickles’ friendly approach, and a further +1 for Ricard’s offer of a drink. Pickles’ and Ricard’s charisma modifiers cancel each other out.


Ghost Beggars' reaction roll - (2d6+2)

(21) + 2 = 5

May 10, 2024 3:49 pm
Kobold Market
Oh dear - unlucky! That's "Unfriendly, may attack".
Pickle’s and Ricard’s offer is met with sneers and derision from the two Ghost Beggars. "Save ya’ money scumbags - you’re gonna need it to pay us on the way out."

They turn away and resume their discussions on the merits of the soothsayer.

Day 2, 2:30 pm
Fenwick, Elf 1: 5/5
Gabbro, Elf 1: 7/7
Jessica, Cleric 1: 5/5
Pickles, Halfling 1: 4/4
Ricard, Fighter 1: 5/7
Tiberious, Magic-User 1: 5/5

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May 10, 2024 4:09 pm
Ricard shrugs,

"Didn't figure you lot for the tea-totalling type, guess they don't let you ladies drink in the gang, eh?"

The warrior is clearly trying to provoke a reaction though he does not show it in his face. He turns to head back to his group to further strategize.
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