Looking through the peephole, Ricard sees what looks like a kobold guard post (although there’s not much guarding going on). The room is dominated by a rough wooden table around which eight kobolds are variously chatting, snoozing or munching on rat kebabs. None of the kobolds appears to be paying any attention. A large wooden keg stands in the room’s southwest corner, and most of the eastern wall is taken up with a weapon rack that holds numerous javelins.
The door looks like it opens away from Ricard and into the room.
Mapping information (Kobold Guard Post): Square room, 30’ x 30’. The door through which Ricard is looking is in the western section of the northern wall. There are no other visible exits.
Meanwhile, the rest of you move to investigate the source of the noise to the west. You safely traverse the room with the peephole door and the subsequent short corridor, Gabbro’s spear encountering only solid stone floors. Peering into the new chamber, you see that a fierce battle between six kobolds and a giant shrew is underway. The shrew is clearly winning. The other voices, which sound orcish, are a mixture of laughter and cheers - spectators enjoying the show. You can’t see the orcs though - they are away to the west, beyond the range of your lantern’s light.
The room also has an empty fire pit, and rubble and debris are scattered on the floor.
Mapping information (East Hall): This chamber is too large for you to see its full extent without moving into the room. However, you’re standing at the northernmost section of the western wall, and you can see a passage leading north, 30’ ahead of you.
Day 3, 8:40 am
Fenwick, Elf 1: 5/3
Gabbro, Elf 1: 4/7
Jessica, Cleric 1: 5/5
Luther, Cleric 1: 5/5 (Lantern)
Pickles, Halfling 1: 4/4
Ricard, Fighter 2: 12/14
Link to Gabbro's mega-maps ...