Bunt / Oliver

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Feb 1, 2025 5:35 pm
As long as the ingredients are available in New Paphos, we'll assume you bought at least some.
Feb 2, 2025 12:05 am
Ok, Psybermagi is helping out on the Alchemy. Let's say that one place you got a deal with was into healing and medicine. The other was just really odd. Each gave you the choice of four to pick from.

- Healing Salve: Heals either one or two HP on application.
- Healing Potion: Heals either one or Two HP on ingestion.
- Poison Antidote: Removes a poison effect.
- Antitoxin: Gives Advantage on Save Tests against poison for one hour.

- Dye: Change the color of the hair and/or skin of any one subject. Lasts until dye is removed.
- Vocal Tonic: Change the voice of the drinker to whatever they wish. Lasts for one hour.
- Sneezing Powder: Causes a violent sneezing fit to whomever breathes it in. The target suffers Disadvantage on everything they do, including Save Tests, for one round.
- Smoke Screen: Fills an area with impenetrable smoke for one minute.

Make your choices! :-)
Feb 2, 2025 1:56 am
Omg, so cool!

Ok, for the first one: Healing Potion! Healing salve would technically be stronger as it can be applied more easily on an unconscious ally, but Healing Potion is too much of a classic to pass.

For the odd one: This was harder. I was on the verge between the last two. But I loved the darkmist substance, so I'm going for the classic route again: Smoke Screen!
Feb 2, 2025 5:14 am
Very nice choices!
Feb 2, 2025 12:29 pm
I just hope the ingredient for Smokescreen is not darkmantle fluid 🤣
Feb 12, 2025 8:18 am
Note: I purchased one of each of these

Feather Fall scroll
Color Spray scroll
Shock scroll

Burning Gaze scroll
Vine Strike scroll

Fireball scroll
Dispell Magic scroll
Rope of Climbing

I would like to roll to see whether there were multiple scrolls of Shock back at Valpip's. What should I roll?
Feb 12, 2025 4:28 pm
Roll a Standard Test (2d) for one extra; get a critical for two. No Focus.

Valpip normally only has a single scroll of each, replenishing as they are sold. This will wipe out his inventory, but he's good with that and will just make more over time. There might be some unnamed NPC adventurer that gets pissed with the temporarily empty inventory while he creates new ones, but that won't affect you. :-)

unnamed NPC


Feb 12, 2025 5:06 pm
unnamed NPC
Blasted luck, who took all the scrolls?!?
Feb 12, 2025 5:13 pm
"Come on, lady luck of the river!"

Edit: Nope, no luck today. I'm shocked once.
Last edited February 12, 2025 5:15 pm


Restock me a Shock - (2d6)

(33) = 6

Feb 12, 2025 5:36 pm
Well, you still have lots of options to use, since you have a virtual library of scrolls now!
Feb 15, 2025 5:56 pm
Oh, by the way: There are some things that I assume are automatically available due to Spell-Touched:
- You always have the ability to fire a magic bolt of some kind. It can have whatever effect you want (fire, cold, electricity, force, etc), but it is just an attack that uses 2d6. You can never gain Proficiency (as it isn't needed) nor can you gain Mastery. It is just 2d6 unless something else imposes Disadvantage.
- You can detect magic. This is a general sense and gives you no information other than something is radiating magic. If you are in an environment that is always radiating magic, then this sense is overwhelmed and doesn't give you anything useful. But, the vast majority of times, it can be used to detect which items are magic and if there is some kind of magical device or trap immediately present.
- You can summon light. Basically, you can create a light that is as effective as a torch whenever you want or need it.

If you are familiar with D&D, it operates like you have all base-level cantrips. It can't be too overt. It can't do huge things. It needs to be somewhat subtle. But it still covers a vast range of effects.
Feb 15, 2025 6:24 pm
Got it! Regarding the magic bolt, I was thinking that Oliver's signature way of doing that would be to blast a jet of water. Is this defined once and forever, or can he fire another element if need dictates?
Feb 15, 2025 10:22 pm
You can change it each time you use it. Skeeve generally used simple Force, but did fire frequently, too.

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