Bunt / Oliver

Dec 26, 2023 5:35 pm
Welcome @Bunt

This thread is for your character creation. Take a look at welcome and character creation.

If you have any questions you can post them here or if you think they are general on the Q&A
Dec 26, 2023 6:09 pm
Lovely, I'm on it
Dec 26, 2023 6:44 pm
Apropos to nothing, but I love that avatar.
Dec 27, 2023 3:48 pm
Haha, thanks!

So, I have the following character so far:

Oliver, the alchemist otterfolk. I chose Beastfolk-mammal with hearing sensitivity. I thought about smelling sensitivity, which is more flavorful imo, but that seems to overlap with alchemist's substance identification. How would they interact?

As Trait 1 I chose Alchemist, with the intention of learning to make handy substances and potions. I don't mind starting the game with no recipes known, as learning stuff and collecting ingredients should be fun.

As trait 2 I tentatively chose nimble fingers, with the idea of being quick to hand potions to other allies during an encounter. I'm not sure this works in this manner, but that's why I'm asking now. An option B is barfighter (throw a flask?), and an option C is Dark-Fighter (throw a smoke bomb?). In any case, I would appreciate some advice here. Open to new ideas.

Also, how does drawing a weapon work here? Does it take your action? Is there a viable way to have a two-handed weapon and occassionally throw a potion flask on the ground (some turns attack, some turns use potion)? Maybe that's exactly what a light weapon is for after all...
Thanks for the help!

Ah also, as background I thought of Circus work, thinking of an otter playing around with balls (and that's why the weapon of choice is a "Ball Mace").


Also, I wrote as belief "Be wary of anyone who's unwilling to play catch", though it didn't save properly.
Dec 27, 2023 4:18 pm
Nimble fingers in the rules is for pick pocket and the like but can easily be re-flavored to suit your character. Go ahead and submit your character so I can look it over in detail and give better feedback.
rules says:
Combat is strictly turn-based to keep things running smoothly. During your turn in the Initiative Order, you have two Actions. You can choose to move, attack, and generally not be useless with these Actions. Other Actions include sheathing or unsheathing a weapon, grabbing an item, and giving an item to an ally.
I have not been requiring an action to draw/sheathe a weapon (actually I assume everyone has their weapon to hand when in dangerous situations so I dont think it camp up) or other minor actions. So grabbing something easily accessible form a belt can be free but getting something from a pack would not. Do note that
Rules says:
Ranged Weapons require one hand to hold, but two to operate. Ranged Weapons treat all targets on the field as being within range ... The downside to this is that they require one Action to load, and one Action to fire.
So if you will be "hurling" potions and what not then mechanically it takes you an action to prep, and another to throw/attack. There is a trait, Quickdraw, that eliminates this and can be adapted/applied to your alchemical focus.

ps. Nice avatar picture
Dec 27, 2023 4:53 pm
Alright! Yeah, quickdraw made a lot of sense.
So, just to see if I understand it properly...
An archer without quickdraw would need to use its two turn actions to ready and shoot, right? Whereas an archer with quickdraw could use an action to move and an action to ready-n-shoot.
Can an archer with quickdraw shoot two arrows in a turn or is the number of attacks always 1/turn?

Well, to be more practical, what source material should I read to find the basics?
Dec 27, 2023 4:59 pm
Quick draw allows 2 ranged attacks a round for 2 actions.
I allow archers to have 1 arrow/bolt/potion readied so they can do a ranged attack once as a single action but the 2nd ranges attack is 2 actions later.
The source material is linked in the What is TinyD6 section. You can also find it on Drive Through RPG
Dec 27, 2023 5:10 pm
Cool! I see, that makes sense.

I just edited the Heritage trait to Sensitive smell, as that's more fitting for an otter.

What happens if I try to identify a substance (say a flower) by smelling it? Alchemist gives advantage on that as well. Do these stack?
Dec 27, 2023 5:27 pm
No stacking
Sensitive smell inherently will give a broader range of what your can detect/identify while alchemy learning also expand the scope of known materials. So some things will be automatically identified due to ability and experience.

As for the overlap. I can give additional information based on multiple success. Ex : roll 3d6
2,4,6 = you smell poison
1,5,6 = your smell poison and catch the scent of the prison who delivered it
Dec 27, 2023 5:32 pm
Lovely! Glad it's not a dead mechanic then. Will cook up the minor magic item now
Dec 27, 2023 7:25 pm
Scent-capture flask it is. I think Oliver is almost ready.

Im still undecided between light and heavy proficiency, though.
Last edited December 27, 2023 7:26 pm
Dec 27, 2023 8:03 pm
Most pick light, possibly because heavy is two handed? A few have added ranged as a secondary. So if your go heavy you will stand or more. Still do your own thing
Dec 27, 2023 8:39 pm
Yeah, okay, juggling the flasks and two handed with draws and stows sounds fine. Regarding chucking the flasks, do I need ranged proficiency additionally to Alchemy?
Dec 27, 2023 9:38 pm
You get a weapon proficiency. If you take ranged you can throw your concoctions, or use a sling, or slingshot. without it attacks beyond Close would be at disadvantage. See Weapon Damage Range & Zones
Dec 27, 2023 11:22 pm
Ok, so I'm picking the following in the end:

Otterfolk (beastfolk-mammal)
Sensitive smell

Trait 1: Alchemy
Trait 2: Quickdraw

Proficiency: Ranged
Weapon: Slingshot (munition round river rocks & the flasks i'll concoct)

There seems to be a copy of the Oliver character with no traits, which is different to my character. Is that all good?
Dec 27, 2023 11:34 pm
I only see 1 oliver in the game. If you have 2 copies you can easily tell which in in my game by opening both. The one in a game will have "Forums" in the red footer bar at the bottom of the page. If the wrong one is submitted you can simply copy paste the character sheet by editing both. Or remove one and submit the 2nd. Or just update the one in my game with the content from the other. Let me know if you need help with this. Below is a copy of the one currently in my game.
[ +- ] Oliver
Dec 27, 2023 11:44 pm
Ok, I think it's fixed now. The correct Traits and info now appear when I click on the name Oliver right here.
Jan 10, 2024 1:43 pm
I added Slingshot mastery, as that's the main way that I will be using to chuck flasks. It plainly makes attacks with 3d6 instead of 2d6, right? Is the technical word for that "advantage" or is that something different?

We either pick this or a trait, correct? I'm asking because Mastery seems sort of much more powerful than a trait, raw-numbers-wise. Or is it balanced after all from your experience?

Edit: Oh, I also added the alchemical recipes in the character sheet. Loved your descriptions for them.
Last edited January 10, 2024 1:45 pm
Jan 10, 2024 1:58 pm
3d6 is advantage. Any disadvantage drops out to 1d6 still.
Traits can be more useful than mastery depending. It is pretty balanced.
Jan 10, 2024 2:44 pm
It should be pretty balanced.

Think of it this way: Many traits simply give advantage in certain situations (e.g. social situations for Charismatic or hiding and sneaking for Sneaky). Mastery is simply giving advantage in certain situations (i.e. combat with a specific weapon). Granted many will view the situations that Mastery works in is more important that the situations that many traits work in, but that is not necessarily true.

So, as difficult as it is to balance something as loose as Tiny D6, on the surface it would appear that mastery is relatively balanced with traits.
Jan 10, 2024 5:31 pm
So... question, if I attack someone at close quarters with a ranged weapon, what happens? Do i attack with disadvantage (1d6) or is it just plain not possible?

Second question: if I had Opportunist and Berserker (one attack with disadvantage allowed everytime opponent misses an attack on me & possibility of attacking with disadvantage but dealing 2 damage), can I activate Berserker on my Opportunist attack?
Jan 10, 2024 6:46 pm
See here

I think I might require a different trait or weapon group for use at range to deal extra damage. Heavy Archer or Heavy Ranged weapons. I'll think about it
Jan 10, 2024 7:07 pm
Psybermagi says:
See here

I think I might require a different trait or weapon group for use at range to deal extra damage. Heavy Archer or Heavy Ranged weapons. I'll think about it
I see, that makes sense, otherwise I could take the feat and literally punch back when they miss me on melee (even though I have ranged proficiency and took the feat for ranged stuff).

I considered that quirky choice of feat, but I guess I'd better go classic quickshot+mastery and be quirky in the alchemist stuff instead. Makes more flavor sense
Jan 10, 2024 11:24 pm
I might not understand what you’re all talking about - but I wonder if there could be some sort of item that improves ranged attacks and impacts either close range or long range attacks?

Ohhh, that’s what you meant by weapon group or trait - like Cannoneer or Sniper or something.
Last edited January 10, 2024 11:28 pm
Jan 10, 2024 11:30 pm
Yes, magic.Or a ballista
Historically they're are weapons that do more damage at range, long bow, heavy crossbow, but this system tries to keep things simple. If there is a character that focuses on ranged weapons I would be willing to expand the rules a bit, as I have done for other things already.
I'm considering it
Jan 10, 2024 11:42 pm
Cool! Sorry for hijacking your character page, Bunt. :)
Jan 22, 2024 10:42 pm
Bunt says:
RE: Oliver
Do I have a trait pending to decide?
I currently have:
Heritage: sensitive smell
Trait 1: Alchemy
Trait 2: Quickshot
Mastery of sling
Jan 22, 2024 10:43 pm
Is oliver wanting to go to the manor? or will he stay in the underdark?
I understood he is staying in the underdark.

Oliver should now have 3 traits besides his heritage. That is the TBD placeholder on your sheet
Jan 22, 2024 10:50 pm
Yes, indeed, underdark it is. My mistake, I wrote on the wrong channel. I've made up my mind regarding which trait to choose, and it goes in line with what just happened in battle :)
Last edited January 22, 2024 10:50 pm
Jan 22, 2024 11:40 pm
It only lasted a moment until they fled, but feeling helpless trapped by the darkmantle's bite and punching at the giant creature in vain left a lasting impression on Oliver. The next time he feels this way, he will let his wild anger run free... and probably attack with a rock in hand instead of a sophisticated sling.

His clam-smashing ancestors would be proud, no doubt.
Oliver has learned the Berserker trait. An adaptation for a ranged version of berserker, you ask? NO. Good old rock-in-hand regular Berserker.
Jan 22, 2024 11:44 pm
[ +- ] Berserker
My intention is to use berserker to attack with a river rock directly. The lack of proficiency + berserker would anyway mean I strike with 1d6
Jan 22, 2024 11:45 pm
That's the great thing about something that forces a roll with Disadvantage: If you are already at Disadvantage, the additional Disadvantage has no effect! Right there with you on that!
Jan 24, 2024 12:06 pm
I've substituted the Charter Notes in Oliver's character sheet for an Alchemy Journal with dropdown recipes and ingredients. Each ingredient is described based on ingame descriptions and evident characteristics. It currently looks like this, after removing the single magic ale vial I wasted on one experiment (now I have 4) and adding the wine alcohol (x5) and wine extract (x5) we obtained thanks to Valpip's help:

Alchemy Journal

Alchemical recipes:
[ +- ] Corrosive Agent
[ +- ] DeepShade
Alchemical ingredients:
[ +- ] Darkmist gland fluid (x3)
[ +- ] Magic ale (x4)
[ +- ] Wine alcohol (x5)
[ +- ] Wine extract (x5)
Ingredient location information:
[ +- ] Poisonous fungus, spiders, gelatinous cube and minerals
Alchemical gear:

Flasks and general tools of the trade.
Drunkard's Circlet : The bearer always knows the direction to the closest alcoholic beverage.
Last edited January 24, 2024 12:09 pm
Jan 24, 2024 3:33 pm
Cool, looks good.
One problem is, and technically you learn this the next day. The magic ale produced from the tank Blornvid took, and any thing produced by mixing it only lasts 1 day. This is common with magical items that produce elixirs and whatnot. The magic fade after being away from the source for a set amount of time. Like magic pools that will heal you if you drink the water but if you take the water away it has no healing effect.
Jan 24, 2024 4:13 pm
I thought that was only for the elixir that could be distilled from the ale, not the ale itself.
Jan 24, 2024 4:22 pm
"This alcohol affects a creature twice as much as normal due to its magical nature. By expending 1 gallon of ale you can distill a special elixir if you are a dwarf or are proficient with brewer's supplies. Each elixir contains one ounce of concentrated liquid and only lasts one day."
Jan 24, 2024 4:51 pm
sorry but it is all effect. After 1 day it all turns to odd flavored water.
Jan 24, 2024 5:08 pm
I mourn the loss of the beer, but bless Valpip for his intervention
Jan 24, 2024 6:15 pm
To answer you question about prestige traits from someone else's thread here, you have the following in the main book:
- Archdruid: Requires Beastspeaker. You get an animal companion.
- Archmage: Requires Spell Reader or Spell-Touched. You get a magical discipline.
- Assassin: Requires Dark-fighter, Nimble Fingers, or Sneaky. You get extra damage when hitting with Advantage and a Death Attack.
- Grandmaster: Requires Drunken Master or Martial Artist. You get a martial discipline. (These can be pretty cool!)
- Paladin: Requires Healer and Shield Bearer. You get Divine Smite and Evade helps others.
Archdruid, Archmage, and Grandmaster can be taken multiple times to get another item (animal companion, magical discipline, or martial discipline).

Do note that you can only get one prestige trait. So, Skeeve took Archmage. While he can take Archmage multiple times (which he did), he can't take any other prestige traits. So, for example, he can't take Archdruid even though he has Beastspeaker.

Those are the ones in the main book. Psybermagi is willing to go custom if you have an idea that is a reskin of one of the above or of a comparable power level. As an example of a reskin, just about any of the magical disciplines can work as psionic disciplines instead. He is also working on some new ones adapted from other sources. (Like with the Weapon Master series of traits he is refining.)

I hope that helps!
Feb 22, 2024 8:27 am
Oliver finds the limited-time sale of very interesting magical items at Valpip's shop. An elegant medium-like armor and a spraying device seemingly made for alchemists. He is just about to buy both, but then notices the BLAZEBALL BAT and his explosion-loving otter heart gets the best of him, and he makes an impulsive purchase.
Oliver trades
5x small 1/2"crystals (25 GP each)
20 x tiny 1/4" crystals (10 GP each)
[total 325GP]


Blazeball Bat 75gp
Ajile Scalemale 250gp
[total 325GP]

May 16, 2024 7:20 pm
I am guessing there is and herborium or alchemy bazaar somewhere? How much do the ingredients for these potions cost in town?

Corrosive Agent
A mix of minerals and plant extracts form this clear and scentless fluid.

A blend of common river plants is used to craft this toxin.
May 16, 2024 7:30 pm
There is the general store, Valpip's, and there is a local druid with a garden as well as Gulfis the Grippli shaman.

Pricing had a general format I used for Skeeve that I need to lookup
May 16, 2024 8:24 pm
Here's the text from Spell Reader, which covers the making of runes and talismans:

Perform a standard 2d6 Test to successfully read the scroll. When successfully read, the magic of the scroll takes effect, and the scroll turns to dust. If the Test is failed, the magic is not invoked and the scroll is unaffected.
You have mastered a few arcane words, inscribed into your talisman. Test to craft spell scrolls using words of power, failure requires you start over. The more words combined the greater the effect and the more costly the scroll and longer it takes to craft. Spells crafted only using mastered words tests at advantage.
# Word 1 (Rune) 2 (Talisman)
Minutes 1 10
Gold 1 10

Scrolls could be extended to include 3 or 4 Words, but I don't remember what the stepping was. (I don't think it was a full 10x each step, but could be wrong.) Actually, doing a full 10x each step should work just fine. 100 minutes is just over a hour and a half, and 1000 minutes is basically a day. So, it does work out OK, though 1000 GP scroll or potion should be absolutely outrageous! (Like blow up an entire building or raise someone from the dead.)

To transition that to alchemy, make that Components instead of Words and it should transfer fairly directly. So, with just the base Trait he can make potions, oils, and bombs that take 1 or 2 Components. He has to take Advanced Alchemy (or whatever) as a Prestige Trait in order to make items that take 3 or 4 Components.
May 17, 2024 11:41 am
During their downtime in town, Oliver buys a few herbs and minerals from the garden of the local druid and from Gulfis the shaman, and proceeds to try to concoct two flasks of corrossive agent and two flasks of deepshade, carefully following the swamp witch's recipe.
Corrosive Agent
A mix of minerals and plant extracts form this clear and scentless fluid. [interpreting this means two ingredients]

A blend of common river plants is used to craft this toxin. [interpreting this means one ingredient]

Deducting 60 gp from Oliver, and just using 22 minutes. If you rule that Deepshade is two ingredients instead, ignore the second roll of Deepshade, as I'd need more money.


Alchemy - Corrosive agent 1 - (2d6)

(44) = 8

Alchemy - Corrosive agent 2 - (2d6)

(25) = 7

Alchemy - Deepshade 1 - (2d6)

(26) = 8

Alchemy - Deepshade 2 - (2d6)

(61) = 7

May 17, 2024 7:31 pm
I'm good with the above. So, go ahead and add the three concoctions to your inventory.
Jan 13, 2025 6:51 pm
Two things

1) I'm thinking of calling dibs on the Quartermaster backpack, with the intention of using it for ingredient searching.

2) There's this Occultist trait which was in work in the Trait integration section, which I'm very interesting in. To dust it off a bit... it still needs work to be eligible as a trait, right?

Citing below that full post.
Psybermagi says:
Prestige trait: Occultist
Prerequisite: Alchemist and Spell touched
You have learned to enhance the potency of substances through transfiguration circle. Using material to craft a transfiguration circle roll a test. If you succeeds it activates but if it fails you must start again and lose half the materials. This feat can be taken multiple times. Everytime you take this feat, you learn a different kind of transfiguration circle and can maintain 1 additional circle.
Transfiguration Circles: (examples)
Battle : You can link weapons and ammunition to your transfiguration circle by engraving sigils onto them. When attacking with these linked weapons any attack with one or more 6's rolled triggers the magic and you can add the effects of an alchemical substance to the attack.
Attilery : A single creature can stand in this circle and all attacks he unleashes have their range increase 1 zone and gain the effect of an alchemical material placed in the circle
Rejuvenation : Each action a creature spends doing nothing in this circle removes 1 disease, poison, curse, or restores 2 health.
Infuse : Test to infuse the properties of an alchemical material to any mundane item. The infusion lasts 1 day and the infusion ends when it is triggered and takes effect. Items can only hold 1 infusion type but adding additional infusions increased the number of days it will persist.
Blend : This allows you to combine the effect of 2 alchemical material with a successful Test.
Prestige trait : Array master
Prerequisite: Artificer
You have mastered a magical formations that can be crafted into arrays allowing you manipulate the formations effects. Spending time and materials you create an arrays in an area or on an item. This can be taken multiple times with each time adding 2 formation types to your repertoire.
Formations :
Shield : Block Attack, Block Movement
Blade : Sever (cause persistent harm), Carve (inanimate)
Spear : Volley (multiple ranged attacks), Pierce (Single attack disadvantage ++Damage)
Club : Crush area, Shadder Barrier/shield
Refuge : Alarm, Group Defense
Mask : Illusion, Conceal
Prestige trait : Battle Alchemist
Prerequisite: Alchemist
Through practice and dedications you have created an alchemical star filled with an essence of the universe within your very soul that drives your craft to new height. Attacks using the essence, standard magical test. Manipulate tiny objects, materials, and fluids that are close/near without touching. Test to infuse alchemical materials with your star essence. This can be taken multiple times. Each time creates a new star with a different essence.
Stars: Fire, thunder, wood, metal, stone, acid, lightning, ice, chaos, order,...
Jan 14, 2025 8:18 pm
Come to think of it, maybe I should tag @daryen for the post above
Jan 14, 2025 10:53 pm

Let me read through that and think about it. For the backpack, that's for you to hash out with the others. Once everyone realizes what the Regiment Bottle actually is, I think Grin will want it for reasons ...
Jan 19, 2025 7:10 pm
I'm going to take spell-touched to be one step closer to Occultist!

What does spell-touched grant? From my understanding, I can freely do cantrip-level magic? Like, a bit of telekinesis, a bit of fire, and the sort? Or couls you clear that out for me?

Also, how would we go about the flavor of how I got that? Maybe something with Yoci's dim magic meditation alcove?

Edit: Thank you Psybermagi for working out such a beautiful Feat! <3
Last edited January 19, 2025 7:25 pm
Jan 19, 2025 7:29 pm
Yes, Spell-touched gives you basically unlimited cantrip magic. The key phrase the rules use is "subtle". In DnD terms, it is things like Spark, Mage Hand, Light, Prestidigitation, and stuff like that. The one "bonus" is that you get a magic bolt (that can be either pure energy or with an elemental visual effect) attack that attacks with 2d6, but can never gain Mastery or Advantage. (This was Skeeve's go-to attack for the longest time!)

And yes, Spell-touched, with some training, will let you access the dias in the meditation alcove. Fortunately, you will have a couple handy teachers at the Manor when you get back. (No one in Brahdhavehl has any idea of what the dias is, so no training or information here.)

(I'm gonna be honest here. I don't think I will ever make a character in a magic-enabled Tiny D6 game that doesn't have Spell-touched. It's just *so* much fun!)
Jan 19, 2025 8:02 pm
Sounds great! Also, quick question: Traits cost 10 XP, right?
Jan 19, 2025 8:16 pm
Jan 19, 2025 9:39 pm
Another question! Oliver's XP is 25 and he has used 20, right? (Including the 10XP expense for Spell-touched)

Daryen told us we had 15XP. I'm guessing you meant "remaining XP", and I previously had spent 10 for the Berserker Trait, so that would total 25
Jan 27, 2025 10:50 pm
[ +- ] Flavor justification for Spell-Touched
Jan 27, 2025 10:53 pm
[ +- ] Oliver learned/traded two new recipes
So, what's the deal?
Oliver knows the following recipes:
[ +- ] Corrossive Agent
[ +- ] Deepshade
Last edited January 27, 2025 10:56 pm
Jan 31, 2025 11:37 pm
Are the items listed in the magic shop available? Concretely, these things caught my attention. Is any of them available, or does the shop need updating?

Feather Fall scroll
Color Spray scroll
Shock scroll

Air Bubble scroll
Burning Gaze scroll
Vine Strike scroll

Fireball scroll
Dispell Magic scroll
Rope of Climbing
Feb 1, 2025 4:01 pm
Sure, they're available. None of the players have bought any, and I assume they are slowly bought by NPCs, the replenished in the background. So, there should be one of each available. If you want multiples, we'll have to roll.
Feb 1, 2025 4:30 pm
Nice! The only one I might take multiples of is Shock, but we'll see after I find how much I spend in alchemical ingredients and/or any other interesting extra ware that you put along the way before we set out to adventure.
Feb 1, 2025 4:31 pm
Also, I haven't forgotten the recipes. They just got sidelined by other issues.
Feb 1, 2025 5:06 pm
Urgent matters first, yeah. Absolutely no rush there. In fact, it will be a while until I use them, so even if the craft is done retroactively (or if I can't find the ingredients just yet and need to search for some while adventuring), that's fine
Feb 1, 2025 5:35 pm
As long as the ingredients are available in New Paphos, we'll assume you bought at least some.
Feb 2, 2025 12:05 am
Ok, Psybermagi is helping out on the Alchemy. Let's say that one place you got a deal with was into healing and medicine. The other was just really odd. Each gave you the choice of four to pick from.

- Healing Salve: Heals either one or two HP on application.
- Healing Potion: Heals either one or Two HP on ingestion.
- Poison Antidote: Removes a poison effect.
- Antitoxin: Gives Advantage on Save Tests against poison for one hour.

- Dye: Change the color of the hair and/or skin of any one subject. Lasts until dye is removed.
- Vocal Tonic: Change the voice of the drinker to whatever they wish. Lasts for one hour.
- Sneezing Powder: Causes a violent sneezing fit to whomever breathes it in. The target suffers Disadvantage on everything they do, including Save Tests, for one round.
- Smoke Screen: Fills an area with impenetrable smoke for one minute.

Make your choices! :-)
Feb 2, 2025 1:56 am
Omg, so cool!

Ok, for the first one: Healing Potion! Healing salve would technically be stronger as it can be applied more easily on an unconscious ally, but Healing Potion is too much of a classic to pass.

For the odd one: This was harder. I was on the verge between the last two. But I loved the darkmist substance, so I'm going for the classic route again: Smoke Screen!
Feb 2, 2025 5:14 am
Very nice choices!
Feb 2, 2025 12:29 pm
I just hope the ingredient for Smokescreen is not darkmantle fluid 🤣
Feb 12, 2025 8:18 am
Note: I purchased one of each of these

Feather Fall scroll
Color Spray scroll
Shock scroll

Burning Gaze scroll
Vine Strike scroll

Fireball scroll
Dispell Magic scroll
Rope of Climbing

I would like to roll to see whether there were multiple scrolls of Shock back at Valpip's. What should I roll?
Feb 12, 2025 4:28 pm
Roll a Standard Test (2d) for one extra; get a critical for two. No Focus.

Valpip normally only has a single scroll of each, replenishing as they are sold. This will wipe out his inventory, but he's good with that and will just make more over time. There might be some unnamed NPC adventurer that gets pissed with the temporarily empty inventory while he creates new ones, but that won't affect you. :-)

unnamed NPC


Feb 12, 2025 5:06 pm
unnamed NPC
Blasted luck, who took all the scrolls?!?
Feb 12, 2025 5:13 pm
"Come on, lady luck of the river!"

Edit: Nope, no luck today. I'm shocked once.
Last edited February 12, 2025 5:15 pm


Restock me a Shock - (2d6)

(33) = 6

Feb 12, 2025 5:36 pm
Well, you still have lots of options to use, since you have a virtual library of scrolls now!
Feb 15, 2025 5:56 pm
Oh, by the way: There are some things that I assume are automatically available due to Spell-Touched:
- You always have the ability to fire a magic bolt of some kind. It can have whatever effect you want (fire, cold, electricity, force, etc), but it is just an attack that uses 2d6. You can never gain Proficiency (as it isn't needed) nor can you gain Mastery. It is just 2d6 unless something else imposes Disadvantage.
- You can detect magic. This is a general sense and gives you no information other than something is radiating magic. If you are in an environment that is always radiating magic, then this sense is overwhelmed and doesn't give you anything useful. But, the vast majority of times, it can be used to detect which items are magic and if there is some kind of magical device or trap immediately present.
- You can summon light. Basically, you can create a light that is as effective as a torch whenever you want or need it.

If you are familiar with D&D, it operates like you have all base-level cantrips. It can't be too overt. It can't do huge things. It needs to be somewhat subtle. But it still covers a vast range of effects.
Feb 15, 2025 6:24 pm
Got it! Regarding the magic bolt, I was thinking that Oliver's signature way of doing that would be to blast a jet of water. Is this defined once and forever, or can he fire another element if need dictates?
Feb 15, 2025 10:22 pm
You can change it each time you use it. Skeeve generally used simple Force, but did fire frequently, too.

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