Bunt / Oliver

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Jan 10, 2024 5:31 pm
So... question, if I attack someone at close quarters with a ranged weapon, what happens? Do i attack with disadvantage (1d6) or is it just plain not possible?

Second question: if I had Opportunist and Berserker (one attack with disadvantage allowed everytime opponent misses an attack on me & possibility of attacking with disadvantage but dealing 2 damage), can I activate Berserker on my Opportunist attack?
Jan 10, 2024 6:46 pm
See here

I think I might require a different trait or weapon group for use at range to deal extra damage. Heavy Archer or Heavy Ranged weapons. I'll think about it
Jan 10, 2024 7:07 pm
Psybermagi says:
See here

I think I might require a different trait or weapon group for use at range to deal extra damage. Heavy Archer or Heavy Ranged weapons. I'll think about it
I see, that makes sense, otherwise I could take the feat and literally punch back when they miss me on melee (even though I have ranged proficiency and took the feat for ranged stuff).

I considered that quirky choice of feat, but I guess I'd better go classic quickshot+mastery and be quirky in the alchemist stuff instead. Makes more flavor sense
Jan 10, 2024 11:24 pm
I might not understand what you’re all talking about - but I wonder if there could be some sort of item that improves ranged attacks and impacts either close range or long range attacks?

Ohhh, that’s what you meant by weapon group or trait - like Cannoneer or Sniper or something.
Last edited Jan 10, 2024 11:28 pm
Jan 10, 2024 11:30 pm
Yes, magic.Or a ballista
Historically they're are weapons that do more damage at range, long bow, heavy crossbow, but this system tries to keep things simple. If there is a character that focuses on ranged weapons I would be willing to expand the rules a bit, as I have done for other things already.
I'm considering it
Jan 10, 2024 11:42 pm
Cool! Sorry for hijacking your character page, Bunt. :)
Jan 22, 2024 10:42 pm
Bunt says:
RE: Oliver
Do I have a trait pending to decide?
I currently have:
Heritage: sensitive smell
Trait 1: Alchemy
Trait 2: Quickshot
Mastery of sling
Jan 22, 2024 10:43 pm
Is oliver wanting to go to the manor? or will he stay in the underdark?
I understood he is staying in the underdark.

Oliver should now have 3 traits besides his heritage. That is the TBD placeholder on your sheet
Jan 22, 2024 10:50 pm
Yes, indeed, underdark it is. My mistake, I wrote on the wrong channel. I've made up my mind regarding which trait to choose, and it goes in line with what just happened in battle :)
Last edited Jan 22, 2024 10:50 pm
Jan 22, 2024 11:40 pm
It only lasted a moment until they fled, but feeling helpless trapped by the darkmantle's bite and punching at the giant creature in vain left a lasting impression on Oliver. The next time he feels this way, he will let his wild anger run free... and probably attack with a rock in hand instead of a sophisticated sling.

His clam-smashing ancestors would be proud, no doubt.
Oliver has learned the Berserker trait. An adaptation for a ranged version of berserker, you ask? NO. Good old rock-in-hand regular Berserker.
Jan 22, 2024 11:44 pm
[ +- ] Berserker
My intention is to use berserker to attack with a river rock directly. The lack of proficiency + berserker would anyway mean I strike with 1d6
Jan 22, 2024 11:45 pm
That's the great thing about something that forces a roll with Disadvantage: If you are already at Disadvantage, the additional Disadvantage has no effect! Right there with you on that!
Jan 24, 2024 12:06 pm
I've substituted the Charter Notes in Oliver's character sheet for an Alchemy Journal with dropdown recipes and ingredients. Each ingredient is described based on ingame descriptions and evident characteristics. It currently looks like this, after removing the single magic ale vial I wasted on one experiment (now I have 4) and adding the wine alcohol (x5) and wine extract (x5) we obtained thanks to Valpip's help:

Alchemy Journal

Alchemical recipes:
[ +- ] Corrosive Agent
[ +- ] DeepShade
Alchemical ingredients:
[ +- ] Darkmist gland fluid (x3)
[ +- ] Magic ale (x4)
[ +- ] Wine alcohol (x5)
[ +- ] Wine extract (x5)
Ingredient location information:
[ +- ] Poisonous fungus, spiders, gelatinous cube and minerals
Alchemical gear:

Flasks and general tools of the trade.
Drunkard's Circlet : The bearer always knows the direction to the closest alcoholic beverage.
Last edited Jan 24, 2024 12:09 pm
Jan 24, 2024 3:33 pm
Cool, looks good.
One problem is, and technically you learn this the next day. The magic ale produced from the tank Blornvid took, and any thing produced by mixing it only lasts 1 day. This is common with magical items that produce elixirs and whatnot. The magic fade after being away from the source for a set amount of time. Like magic pools that will heal you if you drink the water but if you take the water away it has no healing effect.
Jan 24, 2024 4:13 pm
I thought that was only for the elixir that could be distilled from the ale, not the ale itself.
Jan 24, 2024 4:22 pm
"This alcohol affects a creature twice as much as normal due to its magical nature. By expending 1 gallon of ale you can distill a special elixir if you are a dwarf or are proficient with brewer's supplies. Each elixir contains one ounce of concentrated liquid and only lasts one day."
Jan 24, 2024 4:51 pm
sorry but it is all effect. After 1 day it all turns to odd flavored water.
Jan 24, 2024 5:08 pm
I mourn the loss of the beer, but bless Valpip for his intervention
Jan 24, 2024 6:15 pm
To answer you question about prestige traits from someone else's thread here, you have the following in the main book:
- Archdruid: Requires Beastspeaker. You get an animal companion.
- Archmage: Requires Spell Reader or Spell-Touched. You get a magical discipline.
- Assassin: Requires Dark-fighter, Nimble Fingers, or Sneaky. You get extra damage when hitting with Advantage and a Death Attack.
- Grandmaster: Requires Drunken Master or Martial Artist. You get a martial discipline. (These can be pretty cool!)
- Paladin: Requires Healer and Shield Bearer. You get Divine Smite and Evade helps others.
Archdruid, Archmage, and Grandmaster can be taken multiple times to get another item (animal companion, magical discipline, or martial discipline).

Do note that you can only get one prestige trait. So, Skeeve took Archmage. While he can take Archmage multiple times (which he did), he can't take any other prestige traits. So, for example, he can't take Archdruid even though he has Beastspeaker.

Those are the ones in the main book. Psybermagi is willing to go custom if you have an idea that is a reskin of one of the above or of a comparable power level. As an example of a reskin, just about any of the magical disciplines can work as psionic disciplines instead. He is also working on some new ones adapted from other sources. (Like with the Weapon Master series of traits he is refining.)

I hope that helps!
Feb 22, 2024 8:27 am
Oliver finds the limited-time sale of very interesting magical items at Valpip's shop. An elegant medium-like armor and a spraying device seemingly made for alchemists. He is just about to buy both, but then notices the BLAZEBALL BAT and his explosion-loving otter heart gets the best of him, and he makes an impulsive purchase.
Oliver trades
5x small 1/2"crystals (25 GP each)
20 x tiny 1/4" crystals (10 GP each)
[total 325GP]


Blazeball Bat 75gp
Ajile Scalemale 250gp
[total 325GP]

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