No need for a roll here Ma. Anlo knows this area of the ship quite well and would pretty easily spot something out of place like some blood on the floor.
Anlo follows quickly after the now wounded shifty little rogue. Though Pippin is invisible and obviously skillful at stealth, Anlo
does notice sparse blood droplets on the hall floor. He follows their patchy trail and it leads him to the window at the end of the hall. Unsurprisingly, the window is open, the long curtain covering it waving gently.
As Anlo makes it to the window, Khali bursts into the hall from the spiral stairs and runs down the hall making a turn toward Anlo's door, which she sees is wide open. Anlo hears her.
A = Anlo
K = Khali
Yellow arrow is Khali's direction.
Little red dots are the blood dropplets.