Accepting Anlo's hand up, Khali focuses her mind despite the pain and shock. She throws an illusionary sound of a pig squeal. Again many hungry serpents converge on the illusion.
Kae Kae Storm mindlessly keeps running toward the stairs. The captain readies another shot.
Urgency and adrenaline set in. Anlo and Khali race up the rest of the stairs.
At the top, moving toward the large archway, they see a hallway type chamber beyond it. In the hallway a stone bridge spans its length. The hall is filled with bubbling liquid that emits a green gas. The liquid is about 5 feet lower than the height of bridge. Between large pillars and arches, stationary hulking stone statues stand on pedestals on the walls.
At the far end of the hall is a massive closed door. There is a similar open door at the arch they approach.
Before the far door is a circular stone platform with a pedestal at its center. On the pedestal a headband rests. From the distance the band does not appear to be the Ierendi crown(s). Above the pedestal five swirling circles of purple energy crackle and spin.