
Jan 1, 2024 5:36 pm

Good Day!
We will use this Thread to discuss your character!

Please let me know your character ideas and we will flesh things out.
Jan 1, 2024 5:47 pm
Shelter of the Faithful (Feature): As an acolyte, I command the respect of those who share my faith, and I can perform the religious ceremonies of my deity. I and my adventuring companions can expect to receive free healing and care at a temple, shrine, or other established presence of my faith, though I must provide any material components needed for spells. Those who share my religion will support me (but only me) in living a modest lifestyle.

I might also have ties to a specific temple dedicated to my chosen deity or pantheon, and I have a residence there. This could be the temple where I used to serve, if I remain on good terms with it, or a temple where I have found a new home. While near my temple, I can call upon the priests for assistance, provided the assistance I ask for is not hazardous and I remain in good standing with my temple.
Willowbrook can have a small temple/church you help maintain.
Jan 1, 2024 6:30 pm
Couth is an Acolyte (Priest) of Lathander. He is also in the Order of the Aster. That is mostly his background.

Working out of a small temple of Willowbrook works fine. He is basically an import to the area and not a true local but has been there long enough to establish himself.

There is info for Lathander & the Order of Aster on the character. Working a lot with that right now. :)

Are the bonds and flaws you have shown are in addition to the Inspiration generation or are they just something more for personal characteristics?
Last edited January 1, 2024 6:55 pm
Jan 1, 2024 6:44 pm
To help flesh out your character more and to give us more backstory, please go to.
Fill out that page. For age, put 61 years of age or older. Even if your character is younger,.
Make sure when you generate the Life so far has at least 4 experiences.

Please post everything you get here.
Jan 1, 2024 6:58 pm
Human Fighter, Acolyte - 61 years or older

You know who your parents are or were.

You were born in a temple

You grew up modest with your paternal or maternal aunt, uncle, or both; or extended family such as a tribe or clan

You have 7 siblings. 4 older. 2 younger. 1 is your twin.

Older: A neutral Merchant. They are friendly towards you. Alive, but doing poorly due to injury, financial trouble, or relationship difficulties
Older: A neutral good Farmer or herder. They are friendly towards you. Alive and quite successful
Older: A neutral Artisan or guild member. They are friendly towards you. Alive and well
Older: A neutral Politician or bureaucrat. They are friendly towards you. Alive and quite successful
Younger: A neutral good Politician or bureaucrat. They are friendly towards you. Alive, but doing poorly due to injury, financial trouble, or relationship difficulties
Younger: A neutral Laborer. They are friendly towards you. Alive, but doing poorly due to injury, financial trouble, or relationship difficulties
Twin: A neutral Entertainer. They are friendly towards you. Alive, but doing poorly due to injury, financial trouble, or relationship difficulties

You lived in a large house.

You had several friends, and your childhood was generally a happy one.

You became a Acolyte because; An impassioned sermon struck a chord deep in your soul and moved you to serve the faith.

You became a Fighter because; You could always pick up just about any weapon and know how to use it effectively.

Life so far
Age: 61 years or older

You made an enemy of an adventurer. You are blameless for the rift. (Neutral good Human Rogue, Sage - 41-50 years) Work with your DM to determine this hostile character's identity and the danger this enemy poses to you.

You fought in a battle. You survived the battle, but you suffer from terrible nightmares in which you relive the experience. Work with your DM to come up with the reason for the battle and the factions involved. It might have been a small conflict between your community and a band of orcs, or it could have been a major battle in a larger war.

You fought in a battle. You escaped the battle unscathed, though many of your Friends were injured or lost. Work with your DM to come up with the reason for the battle and the factions involved. It might have been a small conflict between your community and a band of orcs, or it could have been a major battle in a larger war.

You fought in a battle. You suffered only minor injuries, and the wounds all healed without leaving scars. Work with your DM to come up with the reason for the battle and the factions involved. It might have been a small conflict between your community and a band of orcs, or it could have been a major battle in a larger war.

You suffered a tragedy. A current or prospective romantic partner of yours died. (Cause: Murdered). If the result is murder, roll 1d12. On a 1, you were responsible, whether directly or indirectly.

You went on an adventure. You learned a great deal during your adventure. The next time you make an ability check or a saving throw, you have advantage on the roll. Work with your DM to determine the nature of the adventure and the creatures you encountered.

You Spent time working in a job related to your background. Start the game with an extra 8 gp.

You fell in love or got married. If you get this result more than once, you can choose to have a child instead. Work with your DM to determine the identity of your love interest.

You fell in love or got married. If you get this result more than once, you can choose to have a child instead. Work with your DM to determine the identity of your love interest.

You fell in love or got married. If you get this result more than once, you can choose to have a child instead. Work with your DM to determine the identity of your love interest.
Jan 1, 2024 7:09 pm
Original thought was the character is 23 years old. I don't have a problem with adjustment. Seems he has a bit of a family and might be a bit older to account for that and your 4 life experiences.

1#You fought in a battle. You survived the battle, but you suffer from terrible nightmares in which you relive the experience. Work with your DM to come up with the reason for the battle and the factions involved. It might have been a small conflict between your community and a band of orcs, or it could have been a major battle in a larger war. Yeah he has scaring on face an chest.

2#You fought in a battle. You suffered only minor injuries, and the wounds all healed without leaving scars. Work with your DM to come up with the reason for the battle and the factions involved. It might have been a small conflict between your community and a band of orcs, or it could have been a major battle in a larger war.

3#You suffered a tragedy. A current or prospective romantic partner of yours died. (Cause: Murdered). If the result is murder, roll 1d12. On a 1, you were responsible, whether directly or indirectly. Life Happens. Mark one up for disease.

You Spent time working in a job related to your background. Start the game with an extra 8 gp.

You fell in love or got married. If you get this result more than once, you can choose to have a child instead. Work with your DM to determine the identity of your love interest.

You fell in love or got married. If you get this result more than once, you can choose to have a child instead. Work with your DM to determine the identity of your love interest.

You fell in love or got married. If you get this result more than once, you can choose to have a child instead. Work with your DM to determine the identity of your love interest.
I can go with this get 8 gp for church work. The two extra kids would be problematic.

4#You made an enemy of an adventurer. You are blameless for the rift. (Neutral good Human Rogue, Sage - 41-50 years) Work with your DM to determine this hostile character's identity and the danger this enemy poses to you.

Childhood: You lived in a large house. You had several friends, and your childhood was generally a happy one. You became a Acolyte because; An impassioned sermon struck a chord deep in your soul and moved you to serve the faith.You became a Fighter because I wanted to be in Order of the Aster. This works for me.

Family: You know who your parents are or were. You were born in a temple. You grew up modest with your paternal or maternal aunt, uncle, or both.

You have 7 siblings. 4 older. 2 younger. 1 is your twin.

Older: A neutral Merchant. They are friendly towards you. Alive, but doing poorly due to injury, financial trouble, or relationship difficulties
Older: A neutral good Farmer or herder. They are friendly towards you. Alive and quite successful
Older: A neutral Artisan or guild member. They are friendly towards you. Alive and well
Older: A neutral Politician or bureaucrat. They are friendly towards you. Alive and quite successful
Younger: A neutral good Politician or bureaucrat. They are friendly towards you. Alive, but doing poorly due to injury, financial trouble, or relationship difficulties
Younger: A neutral Laborer. They are friendly towards you. Alive, but doing poorly due to injury, financial trouble, or relationship difficulties
Twin: A neutral Entertainer. They are friendly towards you. Alive, but doing poorly due to injury, financial trouble, or relationship difficulties
I can deal with that but as mentioned. Age of character is the catch.
Last edited January 1, 2024 7:22 pm


You suffered a tragedy - (1d12)

(11) = 11

Jan 1, 2024 7:54 pm
Your age can be whatever you wish. If you pick 61 and older, you get a lot more options to work with. It gives you more life events.

We can add, remove, or change things as needed.

What do you know about your parents?

Do you have to have seven siblings? We can make it less if you wish.

The two battles can be almost the same. Orcs (or some other creature) came and attacked your village. After the fight, the village got a group together, and you wiped out the rest of the orcs that were bothering the village.

We can remove the marriage/fall in love sort of thing. My thought is that you had a sweet heart in the village. She lived through the orc raid. When you went to attack the orcs, she forced herself to come with you. Her father or brother was injured in the raid but was alive. They could not come with her and asked you to protect her. Your sweet heart was killed in the second fight against the orc. Now her father and brother are mad at you.
Jan 1, 2024 8:42 pm
Smiles. is a life that could have been but not. Below is how it all went down.

Childhood: Couth lived in a large house. He had several friends, and his childhood was generally a happy one. He became an acolyte because after an impassioned sermon struck a chord deep in his soul and moved him to serve Lathander and later the Order of the Aster.

Family: Couth grew up modest lived with his direct family. He has 3 siblings and those being 2 older and a twin (not identical).
Parents Johnson & Mary: Farmers and still alive on the family farm.
Older Brother Cord: Good Farmer. Alive and quite successful. Lives with parents.
Older Brother Roger: Artisan. Alive and well. Lives with parents.
Twin Ben: Entertainer. He is friendly towards Couth. Alive, but doing poorly due to injury, financial trouble. He left the family at an early age.
His Wife Fine: A sweet local girl. DEAD. She was a sole child, and her bureaucratic parents hate Couth.

Events: Orcs came loot and attacked his village in his younger days. After the fight, the village got a group together, and Couth wiped out the rest of the orcs that were bothering the village.

At the time he was married to Fine, a sweet local girl. While clearing the last of the orc, she was attacked and killed before Couth could save her. Couth was badly injured in his attempt to save her. His parents and brothers have forever not forgiven him for that. This is one reason he moved to Willowbrook.
Last edited January 1, 2024 8:56 pm
Jan 1, 2024 8:48 pm
It works for me!

If you wish, can you come up with some basic information for your family and Fine's family?
Jan 1, 2024 8:54 pm
Finished version is on the character sheet now.

Are the bonds and flaws you have shown are in addition to the Inspiration generation or are they just something more for personal characteristics?
Last edited January 1, 2024 9:06 pm
Jan 1, 2024 9:08 pm
Perfect! Thank you!

I am going to edit the first post to make it easier to track of information.
Jan 1, 2024 9:13 pm
Bonds and Flaws are extra!
Jan 1, 2024 9:15 pm
Being that the family & wife's family are not in the current location, don't play a big part. That is just backdrop. Doesn't stop you from bringing such in. I did give some names.

What is current, is the temple life which is more in your area to create. I picture only 2 years there. His earlier life events when he was 21. He is now 23. Of course, that doesn't stop him from having a new sweet heart.

Age might be adjusted from the 21 base due to Order of the Aster training. So, a few years could be added to the 21 and 23. give a few years of the training before left. That training is also before the battle that took his wife and his scaring. He was in the battle due to being in the Order of the Aster.

I will get the deity and order area cleaned up. Right now, it is really in data format. LOL. Everything takes time.
Last edited January 1, 2024 9:26 pm
Jan 1, 2024 9:56 pm
Added thoughts

Lathander is Couth Greater deity who he refers to as the "Morninglord" who's symbol is "A Road traveling into a sunrise". Couth is called a Dawnbringer (Dawngreeter). He is the only Dawnbringer currently there. His orders are to serve as guard to the temple in Willowbrook.
Last edited January 1, 2024 9:56 pm
Jan 3, 2024 12:06 am
The above looks great.

The Temple of Willowbrook has maybe 3-4 other "Priest" working there.
(AI Generated)

High Dawnseeker Thalia Sunspire
Title: High Dawnseeker

Elder Lightbearer Alaric Brightwell
Title: Elder Lightbearer

Acolyte Radiantia Evershine
Title: Acolyte Radiant

(Names & Titles can change)
Jan 3, 2024 3:17 am
Probably need to reduce this list some. Any ideals.

Personal characteristics Traits:
Personality: I’ve enjoyed fine food, drink, and high society among my temple’s elite. Rough living grates on me. I’ve spent so long in the temple that I have little practical experience dealing with people in the outside world.

Ideals: I always try to help those in need, no matter what the personal cost.

Bonds: Everything I do is for the common people.
Extra: Concern One of my loved ones left home to seek their fortune. I hope they're staying safe.
Extra: Division My family was split by a bitter feud. I still hope that they'll reconcile someday.
Extra: Romance Love never dies. It might flicker, but I'll never let it burn out.

Flaws: Once I pick a goal, I become obsessed with it to the detriment of everything else in my life.
Extra: Anger I must learn to let go of my need for revenge on Orcs.
Extra: Anxiety I must learn to be confident in my ability to protect those I love. (Strike one.)
Extra: Denial I must learn to allow myself to grieve for the things I have lost. (To love again.)
Extra: Grief I must learn to move past the loved one that I lost. (To love again.)
Extra: Guilt I must learn to let go of my guilt for my failure to protect my loved one. (To love again.)
Extra: Isolation I must learn to open up and allow others to get close to me. (To love again.)
Extra: Resentment I must learn to let go of the anger that was born from my grief. (To love again.)
Extra: Shame I must learn to let go of my guilt for the mistakes that I have made. (To love again.)
Jan 3, 2024 11:28 pm
Yeah. Keep it simple.
Just pick one you think makes the most sense.

I might edit your sheet a little bit for readability.
Or at least post a custom sheet as the first post.
If you don't want me to, please let me know.
Jan 3, 2024 11:41 pm
I'm not keen on anyone altering my character sheet besides me. Sorry if something about it is rough on you. Can imagine grammar and such causes problems. I have used a standard 5e sheet which I favor. For combat and such it should be rather plain.

I would like it best if you would let me know about changes before, they happen. Couth's back history isn't polished done for sure. I still have work to be done on his gear too. Everything takes time. :)
Last edited January 3, 2024 11:44 pm
Jan 4, 2024 12:09 am
You are fine.
You keep working at let me know when you are finished.
Jan 4, 2024 12:34 am
Weapons & Items area is competed now. Just the back history needs work on now. Mechanics wise the character is complete. Appearance and Description next.

Personal Characteristics is done. Might want to look it over.
Last edited January 4, 2024 12:53 am
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