Stellar Cartography: New Jordan Sector

Jan 3, 2024 12:14 pm
Relevant systems in New Jordan
(note: this large map is best seen in a computer screen)

This post details some of the worlds in the New Jordan sector. Players are free to contribute in the co-creation thread. I'm keeping this thread here clean, with just the final information. =)
Jan 3, 2024 12:20 pm
Adebaran (New Jordan, 18.19)(by Esidrix)
Aldebaran is a Red Giant star that has expanded off the main sequence. If it had inner planets, they have long since been devoured by the star. It has 4 'outer' planets. Aldebaran b, Aldebaran c, Aldebaran d and Noximo. Aldebaran b is a gas giant planet with ice rings and close to 60 'moons'. Only two of which are large enough to have noticeable gravity, Eclipse and Twilight. Twilight was a dead planet with no inner core. Eclipse, on the other hand, had a rotating core and a basic nitrogen atmosphere. Terraforming was completed several hundred years ago and now Eclipse is a subsistence level planet. Basic foods are produced and certain precious metals are mined from the surrounding rings along with Ice for water on Eclipse and for refueling ships heading Rimward.
Jan 3, 2024 12:21 pm
Draco (New Jordan, 05.26)

Draco I
Draco I is a tiny and rocky inferno orbiting its orange (K4) star. Its climate is harsh, with temperatures soaring to extremes. The population of 30,000 struggles in this unforgiving environment, governed by a Feudal system. Strict laws and regulations, rigorously enforced, shape daily life. There is also taxation, heavy and often unfair, that burdens the citizens (This is a CR5 - Repressive - world)

On the other hand, the planet boasts abundant mineral resources, a double-edged sword under the watchful eyes of the feudal government. All goods are tightly controlled, requiring ration coupons and paperwork for every purchase. While there is a rich nobility, the average wealth teeters on the edge of survival.

Gravity on Draco I is a modest 0.32G, creating a unique experience for its inhabitants. The class 3 starport includes a downport and orbital station, offering essential repair facilities. Please note that obtaining special parts or undertaking complex repairs is too much for it and demands off-planet resources.

Ruling over this challenging domain is Duke Arion Voss, a figure known for his iron-fisted control. His authority extends through the feudal hierarchy, and his name strikes both fear and respect among the people of Draco I.

Draco III
Draco III, on the other hand, is a majestic gas giant adorned with a mesmerizing ring system reminiscent of Saturn's beauty. Circling this colossal sphere are five moons, the largest of which is Nocturna, an inhabited icy orb shrouded in an atmosphere of nitrogen and methane. The moon's atmosphere is dense (2.4 atm at the surface level) and poisonous, but does not contain any corrosives. The frigid average temperature of 118 Kelvin and the low gravity (0.2G), coupled with scarce natural resources, restricts habitation to a modest scientific outpost, home to a few hundred resilient individuals. This is a CR2 moon with CR4 Social Control.

Amidst the celestial dance of the five moons, a Postal Authority Division base gracefully orbits. The base's operations include the strategic collection and refinement of fuel and minerals from the ring system.

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