Chapter 2: Fell Tunnels
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HAMMRAMR vs 16 - (1d20+3)
(13) + 3 = 16
Glaezentorg 11+ - (1d20)
(15) = 15
Melee Attack - Total - (2d20h1+6)
(920) + 6 = 26
Melee Damage - Total - (2d10+4)
(81) + 4 = 13
Critical damage - (2d10+4)
(36) + 4 = 13
Also, 13 age critical hits are not roll damage twice but just double damage roll result, which happened to be the same thing here but you only need to roll once
also note, you can't break up your movement in 13th age, so you can't down one guy and attack a different guy with glaezentorg's ability unless you can do so without moving a second time
Invocation of Life: 0/1 used
Lay on Hands: 0/2 used
Smite Evil: 2/4 used
HP: 37/44
Icons: Lich King
Melee - (1d20+5)
(17) + 5 = 22
Damage - (2d10+3)
(54) + 3 = 12
Also, do you want to attack the same Half orc as hrafe? As he staggered his enemy, he's likely going to want to use Glaezentorg's ability to make a second attack, and you can only move once (not broken up like D&D 5e), so he'll likely swing to finish that guy off. Should I have you run up to HO4?
I agree -- I should attack a different target. So, yeah, let's hit HO4.

The two half orcs still standing lash out as best they can while yelling, "Boss!" the one that was knocked off the railing gets up, shakes his head as he processes what happens, yells at the humans farther in to join, and runs west to start taking a ladder back up.
The humans grab their weapons and start heading over, but don't make it far enough to contribute just yet.
A door to the west near the river starts pounding as a big, burly human kicks the door open. "What is it you numbskulls!?" as he turns to see the party, he explains, "Fresh meat. This should be fun." he pulls out his great axe and starts moving towards the party.
Thug Mace vs Hrafe AC 17 - 4 damage - (2d20H1+5)
(1315) + 5 = 20
Thug Mace vs Makasi AC 21 - 4 damage - (2d20H1+5)
(1216) + 5 = 21
Melee Attack - Total - (1d20+7+1)
(15) + 8 = 23
Abandon Dagger - Total - (2d8+5)
(41) + 5 = 10
Sneak Attack - Total - (1d6)
(5) = 5
Melee + Escalation 1 - (1d20+5+1)
(18) + 6 = 24
Damage - (2d10+3)
(37) + 3 = 13
flex atk vs HO4 - (1d20+6)
(6) + 6 = 12
Comeback Strike - (1d20+4)
(6) + 4 = 10
Melee Attack - Total - (2d20h1+7)
(1517) + 7 = 24
Melee Damage - Total - (2d10+4)
(86) + 4 = 18