General conversation/OOC commentary

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Feb 13, 2025 8:18 pm
grifter730 says:
Curiously, since registered games might not cost money, why don’t all GMs who want to run a game (for folks other than their friends) just do that? Seems like it has a better chance of being filled, and there seems to be no benefit for not registering?
Honestly, I think a big part of it is that some people aren't that organized. There's a deadline to get your game posted before the convention; a lot of people miss the deadline, either because they forget, they aren't ready, or because they're not even sure that they'll be able to attend until after the deadline has passed. I've been in that category sometimes!

Other people go to a con primarily to meet with friends, and they don't want to schedule a game that might conflict with their friends' schedule. That hasn't been me, but my son definitely has been in that group, as he has gamer friends from different states, countries, and hemispheres that come to meet in person at a gaming convention. It'd be terrible if your only chance to see your friend from, say, Argentina in person is the convention, but when their flight arrives, you're in a game with a bunch of (probably cool, but still) strangers.

I guess there's a third possibility: some people may not want to plan that much, but rather enjoy playing it by ear, taking things as they come. I don't relate to that as much, but I definitely see that vibe in some others.
Feb 13, 2025 8:47 pm
That all totally makes sense. That's awesome mate, hope you have a blast!
Feb 14, 2025 1:16 am
That all sounds super awesome. I hope I can get to a con someday that runs games like that. I think they do it at the anime con where I live (it's anime and general gaming, but started as anime so that's the name still) but I didn't get a chance to check it out when I was there this year because I was toting people around with me who would have been lost without me. Took one friend to his first even con, then another friend and my daughter for a half day. I didn't even think to check the gaming setup on the day I was there by myself scoping it all out.

Have a friggen blast!
Feb 23, 2025 5:32 am
I've got family visiting from overseas, so my posting will be a bit sporadic over the next few days. I should still be able to check nightly, but just letting you know in case I miss a day or so.
Mar 8, 2025 3:01 am
You guys are so lucky I hit Preview instead of send yesterday... we would've had to hide bodies or ditch them in the river. and that flying chick would've swooped down and we wouldda had to fight her too..

Faith the priestess


Mar 8, 2025 9:44 am
If Faith tries to sell her elveb religious objects, she could get a bit more information.
I think she should try that alone in the priestess guise. What do you think?

Faith the priestess

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