Madam Eva stops shuffling the cards.
The cards are impatient. I must do the reading before the magic fades." She places the cards down on the table and cuts them into two decks.
" You will each be allowed to ask a question once the cards are revealed."
Closing her eyes, she places her right hand over the surface of the first deck. The crimson flames dim and swirl in eldritch patterns as her lips move silently, a distant tension spreading through the air. The sounds of the rustling trees and rippling pool beyond the tent's walls begin to dim, the external world growing mute and insubstantial as the space within grows more solid—more real.
Slowly, reverently, she draws three cards from the top of the deck, laying them face down separately on the table, with the second laid between and above its partners. She then moves to the second deck, drawing two more cards. The first she places below the first three, forming a cross. The second, she places in the center.
The lights of the candles sway like silhouettes, leaning in toward the cards like anxious watchers, yet the air in the tent is perfectly still. No light intrudes through the seams in the tent's walls, and no voice rings out in the silence. Shadows and mist swirl at the boundaries of the tent, where the darkness of the deepest night dwells, but here, at its center, light yet reigns.
She then moves her wrinkled hand to the left-most card—the first. She closes her eyes and tilts her head, as if listening to an unspoken word. The arcane lights swirl and then shift, their colors changing to a deep, piercing blue.
"This card tells of history. Knowledge of the ancients will help you better understand your enemy."
She flips the card.
The cerulean light dances across its surface, revealing an illustration of:
"The Nine of Swords—Torturer." Her dark pupils shift from side to side, as though reading from an unseen text.
"There is a town where all is not well. There you will find a house of corruption, and within, a boy corrupt with power."
She moves her hand to the second card, this one at the top of the cross. As she closes her eyes and listens once more, the candlelight flares, its color bursting into a fierce, cheery yellow.
"This card tells of a powerful force for good and protection, a holy symbol of great hope."
She flips the card.
This time, the light reveals a new illustration:
"The Four of Stars—Abjurer." Her eyes stare deep into the shadows that lurk in the corners of the tent.
"I see a fallen house guarded by a great stone dragon. Light the beacon."
She moves her hand to the third card, at the right arm of the cross, her eyelids closing like a trance, her lips pursed in quiet contemplation. The candlelight vanishes, for a heartbeat, and then returns in a nova of fierce, burning white, so pure and strong and clean that it hurts to look at, burns to see..
Madam Eva's eyes snap open, burning with fierce determination.
"This is a card of power and strength. It tells of a weapon of vengeance: a sword of sunlight."
She flips the card.
The light reveals a third illustration:
"The Nine of Stars—The Conjurer." The crone's voice is strong with purpose.
"I see a dead village, drowned by a river, ruled by one who has brought great evil into the world. The Sword Tainted with Blood."
She moves to the fourth card, at the bottom of the cross, and listens once more, tracing small circles across its back as she hums a contemplative note. The magic flames leap and dance upon their wicks, now casting swirling violet embers into the air as the walls of the tent gleam with the shimmer of twilight.
"This card sheds light on one who will help you greatly in the battle against darkness."
She flips the card.
This time, the illustration revealed is:
"The Beast." Madam Eva leans forward.
"A werewolf holds a secret hatred for your enemy and one of your hearts. Use both to your advantage."
Finally, she moves her hand to the fifth card and nearly recoils, her brow furrowing until the wrinkles split her forehead like a trench. Behind her, shadows encircle the candlelight until the light is very nearly swallowed by the creeping darkness.
When next she speaks, Madam Eva's rasping voice is scarce above a whisper.
"Your enemy is a creature of darkness, whose powers are beyond mortality. This card will lead you to him!"
Her hand trembles above the card for a silent moment, and then deft, ancient fingers reveal its opposite side. In the darkness, the fifth and final illustration is only barely visible through the smoke and unnatural murk.
Madam Eva slowly exhales.
"The Darklord . He lurks in the depths of darkness, in the one place to which he must return."
As the last syllable passes her lips, the old woman freezes—and then rocks back in her chair, her eyes rolling until their whites gleam like pearls in the darkness—and then she snaps back, the candlelight burning down to its ordinary crimson glow.
The sound of the outside world returns—the voices of the Vistani, the crackling of the bonfire, the whisper of the wind, and the lapping of the waves against the shore of the pool. Light, grey and insubstantial, filters in once more through the canvas walls of the tent, and you feel yourselves breathe for the first time since the reading began.
Madam Eva says nothing. She only regards you silently with dark, heavy eyes.
@grifter730,@Khulod,@GeneCortess,@Redamancy,@Kilikina This is a lot, I know. If you have any OoC questions for clarification, please let me know.
You each can ask her one question.