Chapter 2 - Visions of Fertilizer

Jan 20, 2024 8:25 pm
Coming from here.
The three girls approach the Swedish police station with a mix of determination and curiosity. The station is a sturdy building with a traditional Scandinavian design. The Swedish flag flutters in the breeze outside, signifying the authority within.

Upon entering, the girls find themselves in a well-lit lobby adorned with photos of local officers and commendations for community service. The atmosphere is calm but carries an air of official business. The soft hum of fluorescent lights overhead adds to the subdued ambiance.

Approaching the reception desk, a police officer greets them with a friendly but professional demeanor. He's a middle-aged man with a neatly pressed uniform, conveying a sense of authority. The reception area is equipped with a counter, a few chairs for waiting, and a display of informational brochures on community safety.

"Good day, how can I help you?" the police officer asks, maintaining a welcoming expression as he waits for the girls to state their purpose. The overall tone is courteous, indicating a commitment to assisting citizens with their inquiries.
Jan 20, 2024 8:26 pm
Feel free to add information that happened prior to coming to the police station. We know for example, that Robbie baked cookies.
Jan 20, 2024 9:41 pm
Robbie once again tries to look nice and proper. After her feed round in the morning, she took a long shower, then spent some time trying and failing to put on a bit of make-up to look as pretty as Emilia. In the end, she had to ask for her mom's help, but her mom didn't really understand what Robbie wanted and so now, she feels a bit underwhelmed with her look, even if she's wearing her nice new jacket and she even managed to convince her mom to lend her one of her purses, which is a lot prettier than Robbie's backpack. She has the tupper box of cookies in there as she meets the two other girls outside the police station, greeting them both with a hug, though the one she gives Emilia is a lot more shy and hesitant than the one she gives Tanya.

Once they've regrouped, the girls head inside and Robbie walks up to the counter and the man behind it. "We would like to see Skog Nilsson. He's my friend and he got arrested yesterday," she explains.
Jan 20, 2024 11:10 pm
Emilia tries to hide her uncertainty as she waits for the others . She still wasn't entirely sure why they were here. Wasn't this person behind what had happened? People had been hurt, just suddenly Robbie was running off after him and insisting he was a friend. Was it just everyone was a friend to her? Ehe thought was upsetting somehow, as if if it made Robbie's insistence on being her friend when they first got up with each other with the bird less special somehow.

As Robbie arrives Emilia immediate;y notices the make up and purse and a flicker of surprise crosses her face before she tries to hide it. It looked cute, but there was something to Robbies normal look she found nice. The way she wasn't afraid to look different, to not fit in.

It was because of Skog was it? No that couldn't be it, he was way to old, plus the jacket was before that. A boy she was trying to impress...why was that thought upsetting? She returns the hug, slightly awkwardly as she;s trying to figure out what going on.

'Make up? That's..its cute on you. Like the jacket. ' She doesn't really know what else to say.
Jan 21, 2024 8:04 am
Robbie turns bright red at the compliment and turns her eyes away. "I brought cookies," she says before chastising herself, That was the weirdest resposne you could have given, you weirdo. You should have complimented her back. She forces herself to look at Emilia again. "You're really pretty."
She's not sure whether that made it better or worse.
Jan 21, 2024 9:47 am
Tanya greets her two friends, and picks up on the awkwardness in the air.
Robbie is trying to impress... The coat... Purse... And now, makeup? she thinks, but just smiles in a friendly way to both. to Impress Emilia? Or that terrorist guy?

She follows inside the police station, saying "Yay! Cookies!"

As Robbie asks to see the captive man, she observes the officer and waits for his reaction. Is Robbie risking to appear like a... Terrorist too? Maybe now they'll think we're all with Skog... she thinks, suddenly concerned.


SpiritualSocket Inactive forever!

Jan 21, 2024 2:38 pm
The police officer narrows his eyes, clearly cautious. "Look, kids, this isn't a playground. We can't have unsupervised visits with people in custody. It's not safe, and we need to ensure everyone's well-being. You should let the adults handle this. If you have any questions, you should talk to your parents, or they can contact us." He gestures toward the exit.

The police officer won't simply allow you to stroll in to see Skog. You may need to persuade him, distract him, or find an alternative approach.
Jan 21, 2024 3:40 pm
"But it won't take long. We just want to make sure that he's okay. I'm sure he's sad being kept here like this, so I just want to cheer him up," Robbie says. "And make sure that he's being treated well."

She looks at Emilia. Emilia can always be so convincing, maybe she can get him to let them through. She then also reaches into her purse and takes out the box of cookies. "Look, my mom baked these so we could give some to him. That means she knows we're here. Do you want one?"
Emilia is the most socially skilled of us, but I think this should count as a help action. (Maybe another +1 for the cookies as an item? 😇)
Jan 21, 2024 3:53 pm
At the mention of cookies the image of Emilia's own failed attempt flashes across her mind. She can't dwell on it however as she's caught off guard by the compliment. '..T..thanks.' She goes slightly red and scratches the back of her head, for once not sure how to talk properly.

As Robbie looks to her to take them in she hesitates. still unsure if this is a good idea...though that would mean upsetting the farm girl.

'I realise we're kids but Robbie knows him. It might put him more at ease if we can just say hi?


Charm (Heart) - (3d6)

(446) = 14

Heart - (5d6)

(24612) = 15

Cookies - (1d6)

(6) = 6

Jan 21, 2024 3:58 pm
Any bonus effects you would like to have for the extra successes?
[ +- ] CHARM
Jan 21, 2024 4:05 pm
■ You have formed a lasting relationship.
Unnamed Officer is now Emilia's best friend 😆
Jan 21, 2024 4:40 pm
Not a clue. I mean maybe not quiet lasting relatiosnhip, but yeah maybe just friendly to Emilia if we need help again


SpiritualSocket Inactive forever!

Jan 21, 2024 6:58 pm
The officer gazes at the girls, requesting their names once again. When Emilia shares her name, the officer's eyes widen, and he exclaims, "Wait? Are you Tyra's daughter? Tyra Åberg. She and I used to be friends way back. It's been a couple of years since we last spoke." He grabs a cookie and begins to eat. "I can give you 5-10 minutes with your friend, but he's in some serious trouble. As far as I can tell, he's not a bad fella, but he's made some poor decisions that he's going to pay for."
The officer guides the girls down a corridor, the overhead fluorescent lights casting a neutral glow on the linoleum floor. They reach a section with a few small holding cells, each containing a single person. The air is cool, and the low hum of the ventilation system provides a constant background noise.

Skog occupies one of the cells, sitting on a simple bench against the wall. The cell is modest, with a plain, clean appearance. The girls notice a small table attached to the wall, holding a few essentials like a water bottle and a stack of papers. The room isn't intimidating, but the sense of confinement is still palpable.

As they approach, Skog glances up, and a hint of gratitude flickers in his tired eyes. The officer says "Skog you have a couple of visitors. I'll be back in about 10 minutes to escort them out." He then walks off.
Jan 21, 2024 7:03 pm
"Hey," Robbie says nervously. She's never spoken to a criminal in prison before. What do you even say in such a situation? "Do you remember me? I'm Robbie. You gave me some flyers yesterday and then we sat in the woods. And then you gave me another flyer. Do you want a cookie?"
Jan 21, 2024 8:22 pm
Skog's gaze meets Robbie's, and a spark of recognition glints in his tired eyes. A faint smile plays on his lips as he nods appreciatively. "Yeah, I remember you, Roberta, the little revolutionary," he says, holding up a fist in solidarity. He accepts one of the cookies. "Thanks for coming by. So, what brings you all here today? Are you trying to bring down the man from inside the police station?" he asks, genuinely curious.
Jan 21, 2024 8:30 pm
"Actually, we're trying to cheer up the man," Robbie jokes, following it up with a giggle that makes her feel self-conscious. Why is she being such a dork in front of Emilia?
"We just want to know what happened yesterday. They lied about it on the news. They said you were drunk and crashed your car into the train but that's not how it happened!" She takes three cookies out of the box and hands one to each of her friends before taking a bite out of the third. "Are they trying to hide something?"
Jan 22, 2024 2:10 am
Skog chuckles softly at Robbie's attempt at humor, appreciating the effort to lighten the mood. His eyes shift between the three girls, a mix of exhaustion and curiosity evident in his gaze. As Robbie questions the discrepancies in the news, Skog's expression turns more serious.

"No surprise they'd twist the story," he mutters, running a hand through his disheveled hair. "I wasn't driving. I barely had a sip. They want to paint me as the villain, make it look like I caused the whole thing." He pauses, taking a deep breath before leaning in conspiratorially. The girls can't help but notice the lingering scent of alcohol on him.

"Here's the real deal," he whispers. "Those scientists at the Loop are cooking up something unnatural. Some chemical they claim will boost crop growth, but I overheard it's made from space dust or something wild. It's not safe, not natural. I got too close to a plant exposed to too much of that stuff, and it changed. Then, I started seeing things – visions, like echoes from beyond the grave."

Skog looks around cautiously before continuing. "The good news is they don't have an infinite supply. I think they're still figuring out how to make more. That's why I started those fires. We need to stop them from producing more of that unnatural concoction. It's a threat, and they're covering it up."
Jan 22, 2024 6:41 am
Robbie decides not to point out to Skog that he very clearly had been drinking. She doesn't really see the point in being pedantic about that.

"My dad said that they haven't properly tested the fertilizer and they just want farmers like us to use it and be their lab bunnies," she explains to Skog. "The way you explain it sounds really creepy. How do you know the visions were real?" She's not sure if alcohol can make someone hallucinate. Her parents sometimes drink wine together, but she's never noticed them acting weird. They also never smell as much as Skog did yesterday, though.

"Is there some way we can help?" she asks. "Should we talk to someone?"
Jan 22, 2024 4:50 pm
"Your dad is onto something. These scientists, they're playing with things they don't understand. As for the visions, I know they were real. I've seen things that can't be explained. It's like I tapped into another world.

He takes a moment, glancing around to ensure no one is eavesdropping. "You should go to that meeting this Thursday evening in Creekside Woods near the old farm. Ask for Astrid. She'll know what to do next."
Jan 22, 2024 4:56 pm
Robbie gives a serious nod, even if she's still skeptical about this vision thing. She looks to her friends for their thoughts on the matter and the meeting.
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