Jan 21, 2024 1:01 am
1) Check for Surprise
2) Roll for Initiative
3) Determine Your Actions
Every player has 10 stamina points in each combat round which are used to "buy" actions.
4) Resolve Opponent Knockdowns and Wounds
Roll for damage and subtract opponent's armor rating. If inflicted damage is greater than the opponent's constitution, they are knocked down. If an opponent is struck while they're knocked down, then they take a wound.
5) Movement
Optionally, you can move before you take your actions.
2) Roll for Initiative
3) Determine Your Actions
Every player has 10 stamina points in each combat round which are used to "buy" actions.
4) Resolve Opponent Knockdowns and Wounds
Roll for damage and subtract opponent's armor rating. If inflicted damage is greater than the opponent's constitution, they are knocked down. If an opponent is struck while they're knocked down, then they take a wound.
5) Movement
Optionally, you can move before you take your actions.