IC Story Thread: Ch.1,Ad.2 - The Far Reach

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Sep 25, 2024 3:06 pm
To Cirion, Túril says: Do not fear, young Sailor. The forest and its stewards are ancient enemies of the Shadow. We Free Peoples have nothing to fear from them. As a High Elf, Túril sees himself as righteous and pure. His arrogance inclines him to choose: Judgement, which he thinks he would easily pass.

We are enemies of the Shadow - and I believe we would be judged favorably by the spirit of the forest. However, I will accept the Ordeal if that is the consensus of the Company.
Sep 26, 2024 4:15 am
"Cirion, we are strangers here. Every land has its own people, its own ways, its own secrets. Since we have no idea what dangers may lie ahead, I feel it is less risky to face the Druedain's tests and have them as allies."
Last edited Sep 26, 2024 4:16 am
Sep 26, 2024 6:32 am
He listens to Túril and Éothain, and gives them an uncertain nod of the head.
"If we must... I will try my best to face this ordeal too..." his tone is not as confident as the others', though...
Last edited Sep 26, 2024 6:32 am
Sep 26, 2024 7:36 am
"Well said Éothain, and I too believe the ordeal is the better choice. Like Cirion I question the wisdom and need of doing this, it seems unnecessary, but it seems you others have set your hearts on it, so I will join you in it."
Sep 26, 2024 3:04 pm
Ok, sounds like Ordeal it is.
The Elder rocks at the waist acknowledging the decision. "Ba mog tog ung trahk. Trahk ong mohk b'gah."

You have chosen your path. The path is good., comes the translation. Turil can explain that the latter half of the statement is an expression that metaphorically contrasts hunting along a game trail vs. waiting or hunting where there is no path. But connotates that; it may be long but the path itself will reward you.

Then she picks up a flat, thick piece of slate that lies behind her and clacks it on her seat-rock three times. Shortly after which a couple of Druedain come bearing dried gourd-shells full of water, and fillets of smoked river fish on a bed pine nuts atop a large fragrant leaf, which are all offered to you.

Another Druedain takes some sort of dried crumbled leafs from a sling-like buckskin pouch and spreads them over the fire-pit in the middle, which while there is no flame, the rocks are hot enough to smoulder the leaves, which release a fragrant white smoke.

The Elder states that they are all eager to come to know, or 'understand' as is the direct translation, each of you. And she encourages you each to take the time you have before nightfall to "meet with yourself", before the ritual, and that it will begin with the moon-rise.
Will pause just a moment for any final interactions or checks before moving forward.
Sep 26, 2024 8:54 pm
"That's settled then. Better be ready for the Ordeal. Who knows what they'll put us through." Duinhir says as the audience with the Elder comes to a close.
Duinhir is still down some hitpoints from the ghost on the boat. Have we had time and rest enough to be healed by now? Otherwise, Duinhir will spend some time resting before the Ordeal.
Sep 26, 2024 9:44 pm
You can take a Short Rest, and thereby recover up to your Hit Die (roll 2d8, for Duinhir - might be something else for other Classes, check your HD) in hit points. But you have not received the benefits of a Long Rest (recover all lost HP, expended HD, and all expended abilities), since Minas Tirith.

You cannot take a Long Rest in AIME unless you fulfill 3 narrative conditions:

Sep 27, 2024 5:53 am
Cirion finds a quiet spot next to his companions and tries to, if not sleep, at least relax for the upcoming test.

His mind wanders in concern and anticipation of what this ordeal might entail. These are strange people, with strange customs...
rolling for short rest, as he has 10 out of 17 HP
Edit, back to full now.
Last edited Sep 27, 2024 5:53 am


Resting - (2d8)

(61) = 7

Sep 27, 2024 9:39 pm
Like say so do, Duinhir takes a rest.


Rest - (2d8)

(16) = 7

Sep 29, 2024 1:10 am
Túril decides to meditate, hoping that his Elvish Dreams and Foreknowledge might give him an edge in his ordeal.
Cool. I’m eager to see what happens if I fail. Specifically, will this trigger the shadow weaknesses. Also, with Known Lands, there’s a piece in there that talks about personal Event tests DC being lowered. Not sure if that relates to this.
Oct 1, 2024 3:19 pm
Éothain sits quietly, reflecting on past situations when he faced danger and uncertainty.
Éothain didn’t take any damage from the ghost.
Oct 1, 2024 3:55 pm
I'm gonna push things forward but if Eothain or Seonaid need any rest or to do anything else you can still roll that.
Thunder_Lungz says:
Also, with Known Lands, there’s a piece in there that talks about personal Event tests DC being lowered. Not sure if that relates to this.
"Events" in that context refer specifically to Journey Events, and we're technically in the "Adventure Phase" now (as opposed to Journey Phase), so it will not apply, but that is good to know for future reference. Turil hasn't participated in a Journey yet so we haven't had the chance to use that at all yet.
The evening comes on, but before it is fully dark the moon rises above the treeline to the east, and once the pale crescent is visible the Druedain man who had earlier spread the dried crumbled leaves upon the heated stones comes to gather you all, he is chanting a warbling chant, which lacks the sensibilities of the musical notation of Men or Elves, but carries it's own haunting beauty.

Turil recognizes the themes as they harken to the Druedain creation myth, and he is able to translate...

From void
Winds carry dust
Then flame
The waters come
From it life sprang

Together, bound, eternally
Sky, earth, sea, and We!

Welcome void
give and consume
Winds carry us
and earth life's womb
Fire renews
water cleanse

Life spring forth, and amend
Then to void all goes again!

From there it begins again, and so goes the chant until he has lead you all up the mountain valley away from the settlement, into a clearing of rock strewn ground with a pool at it's center and a waterfall cascading into it from above.

A handful of other Druedain have joined you all on the walk up, and they assist the Chanter now, by directing you each to seating stones arranged around a smouldering fire pit, and another uses a long stick to unearth a long and wide slate tile that has been resting down amongst the hot coals, while yet another brings the fire back to life.

The slate tile has a shallow but large indentation worn away in the center of it, forming a kind of tray. Water is poured into the indentation which immediately boils but as water continues to be poured, it just begins to steam.

The Chanter sprinkles what looks like some dried plant-matter into the steaming water, and begins to say some ceremonial words with a similar theme to the song. This goes on for several minutes, after which you're all directed to drink the water, which has essentially become some sort of fragrant tea.
Oct 1, 2024 8:05 pm
It was almost exactly what Duinhir had imagined. There was no dance ritual but a song and a strong drink. He felt prepared for this. He had to admit to himself that the song and the words as translated by Turil moved him more that it should. It was like an old forgotten memory returning, though he had never heard anything like it.

At the gesture to drink the tea, Duinhir resolutely picks it up and takes a good sip. He doesn't want to appear hesitant. Besides, they need to do this.
Oct 1, 2024 9:57 pm
Cirion holds his breath, observing Duinhir drinking. Such bravery...

He feels the inner struggle between fear-induced caution, and the need to prove to his companions that he is just as brave as the Ranger.

But for now, he watches, to see Duinhir's reaction to the liquid...
Oct 2, 2024 8:07 am
Tea? Éothain expected a physical challenge -- climbing a tree, throwing a stone, diving into a sacred pond -- something that establishes his physical connection with nature. He clears those thoughts and allows himself to appreciate fully the ritual song and its unfamiliar style. The village will be thrilled to hear about this place and the Druedains' ways.

Approaching the tray, the warrior nods respectfully to the chanter, then takes a cupped handful of tea. I hope it tastes as good as it smells.
Oct 5, 2024 4:47 pm
Kneeling beside Cirion, Túril takes the tea and prepares to drink. Seeing Cirion hesitate, he speaks in a quiet and melodious voice:
Gwaned i Valar, an arthad a nathron,
Ar hain ennim o luin, ar hain an gwarth.
[ +- ] translation from Sindarin
Túril drains his vessel and waits, somewhat wary of how the dreams and visions he’s accustomed to might be altered, but hoping that his words might have given the young Man some confidence.
Last edited Oct 6, 2024 12:50 am
Oct 8, 2024 5:31 pm
After all have drank, the Chanter speaks a few words and bids Turil to relay them:

"You may become hungry, but do not eat.", he gestures to the trees and plants and general area around you all. Though you don't see anything that is readily edible.

"You will become thirsty, but do not drink - except of the waters we provide.", he and a couple of the other Druedain that came along hold up water skins.

"You will soon be lifted up by the Winds into the Void. Here we have already joined inside you, the earth water and fire.", he gestures to the "tea", with it's plant matter, water, and heated stone from the coals.

"As are the Druedain, you too will become one with these sacred elements which make up All Else around us. You will lose yourself for a time. Do not fight your passing. Do not try to cling to that which is yourself as you are now. For right now, you are alone and lost to All Else, and once you have let yourself go, you will gain your connection to All Else. And in that connection you will have the chance to find yourself again, for you will become a part of All Else.

As you search for yourself anew, you may witness visions... Of not only your past, but your PEOPLE'S past. You will witness truths of yourself, past present and future, and you will have to reconcile this all with yourself - which will be a reconciliation with All Else.

May you find your way back to yourself, and may you have love for that person you find.

If you refuse to let go of yourself as you are now, or if you find yourself anew for the first time and do not love the person you find? You will become lost to yourself and to All Else, and then there is nothing that we can do for you...

Now... let us welcome the Winds and welcome the Void.

The Chanter stands and motions for you all to stand.

He raises his arms above his head and indicates for you all to do the same.

And then as one of the other Druedain stokes the flames of the fire to life, he begins a bodily motion in a rhythmic pattern, sweeping his hands down from overhead toward the ground and the fire, and as he does so steps back before stepping forward again, and raising his hands high again. Repeating this pattern of movement over and over.

He motions for you all to join him, and then begins to chant the warbling chant again. And so it goes for... quite awhile... you begin to lose track of time, until...
Okey doke, gang, let's start the Ordeal!

We will be handling this as a Skill Challenge, if you want to review those rules. The one exception is that we will be using a Constitution save to determine each of your Difficulties of the Skill Challenge independently. Tho we will still aggregate your successes and failures as a group as usual, to determine overall success or failure of the Challenge, and thereby the Consequences. 5 failures (the number of characters in your group) will be an overall Challenge failure as always, 6 aggregate successes will be needed for overall Challenge success.

So, if you will each please roll me a Constitution save, DC 12! (And provide any narrative you'd like to contribute to the scene, of course.)
Oct 9, 2024 6:18 pm
Éothain closes his eyes. His body wants to focus on the sounds as he moves in rhythm with the chants. The music is felt more than heard.

The simple notes of a flute (an instrument he failed woefully to learn in his youth) grow increasingly louder, drowning out the now quieting chants. It's an ancient song. What is it called? Does it even have a name?

The flute stops and he warrior opens his eyes. The forest of the Druedain is gone, replaced by the familiar plains of Rohan. Is this Rohan? Those are the White Mountains. Where is Helm's Deep?

A white horse gallops pasts his right. Instinctively, Éothain follows it with a speed he didn't know he had. He realizes his armor and weapons are gone and he's wearing the tunic, breeches, and sandals of his farming brethren.

Yet Éothain keeps pace with the animal. The horse looks back, slows down, then speeds up. This happens again and again. Is the horse playing with me? They both slow down as they approach a small pond under a tree.

He stands silently as the horse drinks its fill. He resists the urge to mount the horse and continue their journey through the rolling plains. Instead, he pats the horse's neck. "Thank you for the run."
Last edited Oct 9, 2024 6:23 pm


Constitution save - (1d20+3)

(20) + 3 = 23

Oct 9, 2024 9:04 pm
The drink was not as strong as Duinhir had expected. It didn't taste alcoholic. It was something different. Then he started feeling it. Like a tickling sensation on his skin. All of his skin. The rhythm made his head spin. He tried to fight it, to resist it. He couldn't let go then...

A banner. With seven white stars. The banner was set on top of a formidable tower on a hill. Without ever seeing it before, Duinhir knew this was Amon Sûl. Mighty of old.
Then the sky darkened and a shadow slowly crept over the tower that crumbled and fell into ruins.

The tower lay in ruin and all was dark when all the sudden the stars though faint and distant shimmered in sky with clear brightness. And Duinhir heard singing
A! Elbereth Gilthoniel!
silivren penna míriel
o menel aglar elenath,
Gilthoniel, A! Elbereth!
We still remember, we who dwell
In this far land beneath the trees
The starlight on the Western Seas.

The song and the stars gave him hope.
Last edited Oct 9, 2024 9:21 pm


Constitution save - (1d20+3)

(10) + 3 = 13

Oct 10, 2024 1:58 pm
As the movements and the fire fades, suddenly…

Túril stands in the familiar halls of Imladris, though the light of the Last Homely House is dimmed, casting long shadows upon the stone walls. Before him, two figures emerge from the fading glow—his parents, Eilianneth and Brannamdir. Their faces are serene, but their eyes betray a deep sorrow, a sorrow Túril knows all too well.

Eilianneth’s voice drifts through the air like a gentle echo, soft as the wind through ancient trees. "Túril, our son," she whispers, her words both a comfort and a distant call. "You walk a path far from home, far from peace. The darkness seeks you… it knows your name."

Brannamdir steps forward, his hand resting on the hilt of a sword—the same broad-saber Túril now carries on his long journeys. Though his father’s form is ghostly, a shadow of his former self, his presence radiates strength. "You must remain vigilant," Brannamdir says, his voice grave and full of warning. "The Shadow grows. It will not relent."

Suddenly, the warmth of Imladris vanishes. A cold wind sweeps through the vision, and the shadows around him seem to stretch and writhe, consuming the light. His parents’ figures blur into the encroaching darkness. Túril calls out to them, but his voice is lost, swallowed by the creeping gloom.

A vast and formless shadow presses in, suffocating in its malice. Though it has no shape, Túril feels its weight, and with it, the gaze of an unseen eye. It does not yet reveal itself, but its presence is undeniable—watching, searching.

The vision shifts. In flashes, Túril sees distant lands: a fortress crumbles into ruin, armies of orcs and fouler things march under banners of despair. The scene changes again—a gleaming orb shimmers with dark intent. A hand reaches for it, and whispers stir from within, drawing Túril toward its power. He resists, pulling away from its pull.

In a final flash, Túril finds himself on a battlefield. Elves and men stand side by side, their faces etched with fear. Above them, a shadow moves—vast, unseen, devouring the sky. And then the eye finds him. Its gaze burns into his soul without word or sound, but the meaning is clear: You are already mine.

Túril’s heart quakes, but in that moment, his mother’s words return to him: Ú bain na-charned. Not all is pre-ordained.

Summoning his will, Túril resists. The darkness wavers, the vision cracks, splintering as the formless Shadow recoils.

In the fading light, he sees his parents once more—their faces silent but full of pride and love.

Then they, too, are gone.
Last edited Oct 10, 2024 2:39 pm


Constitution save - (1d20+4)

(19) + 4 = 23

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