IC Story Thread: Ch.1,Ad.2 - The Far Reach

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Jul 11, 2024 2:52 pm
fine - I'll stick with that action
Jul 11, 2024 2:57 pm
Again tho, while we're following initiative, you guys are not limited to the strict action economy of combat rules. You can also talk or move or do something on your turn if you'd like to.

At the least I'd love to see more talk and thought and general working through what you all think might be going on, or if you have no idea, then propose what your character would like to see happen.

So please, and this is for everyone, feel free to add more to the narrative than just a brief statement and a roll. Interact with each other also.
Jul 11, 2024 3:26 pm
And if you're all just frustrated, and literally can't think of anything else to do, I would recommend we push the narrative along to the only other thing that's been suggested.

And that was Seonaid's proposal to just burn the boat.

But again, if anyone has ideas, you can talk to your allies and make suggestions.
Jul 11, 2024 5:46 pm
"These are links to the dead." The Rohiriim smashes as many skulls as he can with his crowbar.
Guessing on the roll (if needed)
Last edited Jul 11, 2024 5:48 pm


Skull smashing with crowbar (Strength) - (1d20)

(19) = 19

Jul 11, 2024 7:56 pm
Turil and Seonaid are the first to know it...

Turil because he witnesses the spectral form stagger as if struck from behind, and then a look of peace comes over him - gone is the face that was twisted in torment, gone are his frantic movements to dodge and attack you all - and he simply stands at ease, a faint smile coming over his face, he extends a hand in a gentle grasp, and he takes a step forward and says softly, "Marta.", then just... disappears.

Once the name is spoken, Seonaid just... no longer feels the sense of impending doom and dread that had consumed her.
Jul 11, 2024 9:33 pm
Realizing a bit later than Túril that the ghost is gone, Duinhir waves his sword around in the air trying to hit something that is no longer there.
Then he stops. What happened? he asks
Jul 11, 2024 11:11 pm
I… do not know. The wraith disappeared, and - the others! Túril races down to see if the others are alright, finding them in the previously locked room. Ae? Are you alright? The Wraith vanished.
Last edited Jul 11, 2024 11:12 pm
Jul 13, 2024 10:26 am
Cirion stops feeling the heavy presence of the spectre, a feeling akin to breathing clean air once again after being surrounded by smoke. The semidarkness below deck is less oppressive. He looks at the smashed fragments of skulls at Éothain's feet.

What is this unnatural world of shadows we caught a glimpse of?...

He tentatively peeks towards the daylight of the deck and his other companions.
"Is it... Gone? I don't feel it anymore..." his voice comes out a little more shaky than he'd wish.
Jul 13, 2024 4:33 pm
Feeling the suddenly released from the sense of dread & doom that hung over her Seònaid looks about her, coming out of her fugue state. No longer seeing the others dance about the ships surface, hearing Túril shouts, she is relieved to see the creature has been banished.

She follows Túril as far as the top of steps, joining Duinhir, but with no wish to descend into that darkness again.

"That is a threat I have no wish to meet again, Duinhir." She calls down the steps to the others. "I think we should finish our business here and quickly get back to shore. Look for signs of Captain Urqakar and Astalor."
Jul 13, 2024 9:08 pm
"Me neither" Duinhir says before joining the others below to start the investigation that was the reason they got on the ship.
Jul 16, 2024 12:12 am
"I don't think much is of interest, down here," he tells Duinhir. Then, pointing at the shattered skulls, "But whoever summoned that spectre to protect this boat surely has some insidious habits..."

He considers the wardrobe content, and takes the coil of rope. The sight of it sends the memories from his father's craft reeling in his mind. The smells of the waterfront shop in Pelargir that his father set up. The endless afternoons pulling rope strands tight.
He assesses the plaiting and workmanship with an expert eye.

"This might come in handy," he concludes.
Jul 16, 2024 4:18 am
Éothain’s frustrations with the ghostly foe disappears when he shatters the last of the morbid remains. The air feels different. A sudden aroma of wildflowers rushes past him, as if someone had opened a door to a herbalist’s garden. He turns just in time to witness the ghost’s departure. Initally stunned into silence by the otherworldly events, he yells "The ghost is gone!"
Jul 16, 2024 8:43 pm
emsquared says:
There is writing scrawled on the walls in some foreign script made using black chalk or perhaps it's a dried tar?
Duinhir goes down below. He briefly surveys the room that most likely is the captain's quarter. He takes a moment to try to read the scribblings on the wall though the thought of what those black letters would spell out feels him with dread.
Jul 17, 2024 3:44 am
With the general frantic needs of open conflict and combat gone, those in the main cabin do notice that there is a nautical chart on the desk - now littered with fragments of skull.

The geography of it spans the entirety of the Bay of Belfalas, from the Cape of Andrast - just a bit west of where you all are presently - to Dol Amroth and Pelargir, all the way down to Umbar in the northern Harad.

There are 4 marks on the land portion of the chart, one over each of those 3 cities, as well as one other, in the mountains of Andrast some miles west of you here in the mouth of the River Lefnui.
Anyone with Proficiency in Shadow-lore can give me a roll to try to read some portion of the writings on the walls.
Jul 18, 2024 10:21 pm
No Shadow-lore proficiency here.
Éothain removes the canvasses from the portcullises to allow more light in the quarters. He investigates the room for other clues, such as if the wax in the candles is hard or soft. "I would’ve liked to keep that dragon skull. That would have been a great souvenir to bring home."


Investigate room - (1d20+4)

(10) + 4 = 14

Jul 21, 2024 6:20 pm
Cirion leans over the map, frowning at the marks, trying to find some correlation to their positions. What is our foe looking for?

"What is this place?" he asks the others, pointing at the mark on the mountains, "by this river? There are no cities, there."

He looks at his better-travelled companions. Túril the elf from far lands, Duinhir the wanderer.
Jul 21, 2024 9:04 pm
"From the look of it it seems they are heading for the mountains of Andrast. They have been to the other three places marked. This must be their destination ... for now " Duinhis remarks grimly
Jul 22, 2024 3:56 am
can I make some sort of check for knowledge about the location marked on the map? I might throw out some rolls and if any of them matter, let me know :)
Túril mutters to himself as he pours over the map.


Survival - (1d20+8)

(6) + 8 = 14

Insight - (1d20+8)

(17) + 8 = 25

Jul 23, 2024 5:25 pm
By now you have all searched every space available in the boat.

The main cargo hold where you initially dropped down to find the empty shelving, and floor covered in straw. The crew cabin at the fore. The dry storage closet. And now the captains cabin.

It's pretty apparent why the boat was left in the bay with no crew. There is nothing of real value here, aside from the ship itself, and the sailing supplies that were left behind. And that was all guarded by the ghost, which presumably would have either killed or dissuaded all but the most capable and determined thieves.

The nautical chart, as is being speculated, does seem to have some sort of significance, beyond it's use as a navigational tool. As evidenced by the user-made markings.

As has been pointed out, the markings denote places where not only Lady Blackridge's agents have been on their investigation, but also locations that it just so happens you all have passed through now. With the exception of the mark in the Andrast mountains just to the west of you...

That mark however, is vague, and the nautical chart designed for navigating waters, not land, and so is of little use other than to indicate a general area where... something might be.
@Thunder_Lungz Insight is more for knowing about people/it's largely a social skill. But I will apply that roll (17) as a Lore if that's okay with you, as I would have been able to tell you that in advance in a normal play setting? And Survival will tell you some things too.
Turil knows quite a bit about the Andrast peninsula and it's mountains.

It is what he would consider a truly wild land. It has never been permanently inhabited by the Men of the West, nor the Elves, nor any "civilized" folk. And it's only major temporary settlement was on the Cape of Andrast at the southern most tip of the peninsula. A Gondorian naval outpost, defunct for well over 1,000 years now.

Andrast is considered by the Elves as a terrible, potential breeding ground for the Shadow for that reason. And although a horde of orcs or goblins may periodically work it's way into it's vast wilderness from the White Mountains and gain a foothold, they never seem to be able to remain for long. The last such incursion was almost 200 years ago.

And that is all a credit, as the Elves see it, to the Druedain. The ancient Wild Men of Woods. A race of people who lived on the lands long before the Numenoreans arrived on their ships from the West. Dwelling in caves or temporary structures built of raw timbers and earth or animal hides.

And although the Druedain are apparent enemies of the Shadow, they are not considered as friends to most of the Free Folk. Being highly insular and protective of the lands they inhabit.
That's the Lore.
In regards to the general types of threats of the area, the general remoteness and wildness of the land is both a bane and boon. A bane because there is no help, no roads, no comfort once you're out there, you're on your own. But a boon because it is so untouched that natural resources are generally still abundant.

Additionally, there are... other things... out there in the primal wilderness of Andrast. Yes, there are the normal animals of such a great wilderness, and the Druedain, but because it is so undisturbed and still so connected to the original forces which shaped all of Arda, there are also... what Turil can only refer to as 'spirits... out there. Not ghosts, but creatures or beings so connected to the wilderness through the ancient formative bonds of nature, that they are things of the land and water and air itself, made flesh.

And such timeless spirits often do not understand nor welcome the intrusion of mortals.
That's the Survival.
Jul 23, 2024 5:59 pm
sweet! Love me some lore!
Túril describes what he knows of Andrast, the Druedain, the lore, and what he knows about navigating the area and expectations for what to expect (basically what GM just said).

Túril looks to Duinhir: I tie raxea ná. (translation: the road is dangerous.) He looks to the rest of the group: If you are prepared, I will guide you.
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