Feb 2, 2024 5:07 am
The Waters of Menehune

With the threat of undead gone and after Moonlight is tidied, everyone enjoys a round (or two) of drink. Afterwhich, all manage to get a full long rest. The circus troupe takes Jaron up on the common room. The Whisker crew opts to lodge in their familiar quarters on the ship. Cordey and Lelay return to Cordey's lodging.
Morning brings a fresh look at Maulia without the chilling fog of the night before. One can see the beautiful clear blue-green waters of the Menehune river that meets the sea here through the village.
How does everyone proceed?

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Morning brings a fresh look at Maulia without the chilling fog of the night before. One can see the beautiful clear blue-green waters of the Menehune river that meets the sea here through the village.
Everyone gets their respective benefits of a long rest. Please roll hit dice if necessary.How does everyone proceed?