Chapter 4A: Traitors in our midst

Feb 2, 2024 10:41 am
This thread has all the CV crew, except Douklan
Trade Era 1235, Day 136

Passenger shuttle, Draco system

With a little bit over a day left to arrive at the Celestial Voyager, Hank, Corbin and Slaine plan their next steps.
Feel free to talk, use your skills and/or ask me to move on
Feb 2, 2024 2:15 pm
Hank says, "What I was think of as an approach is to do this: We contact the Voyager to let them know we are heading back, even though the Sentinel is still searching. We tell them we made a great find while picking up the parts and we want to show it off when we get back. Hopefully, that will draw them all down to meet us we arrive back at the Voyager.

"When we make the communication, we make sure Agent Rowan, and any of their stuff, is hidden from view. No hints or suggestions that someone else is with us. We probably need to note that Douklan isn't coming back either, until after the Sentinel handles its business. Gabe and I have to head out unarmed (obviously) with the cargo to draw everyone in. At that point, everyone else can come out armed to prevent the target from leaving.

"Anyway, that's my base idea: Lie and say we have something nicer than we do to pull everyone down, use Gabe and I as a distraction to pull them in, then have everyone else make a perimeter. Hopefully that's at least the start of an idea that everyone else can make better."
Feb 2, 2024 2:16 pm
As an aside, Hank is going to keep calling Slaine "Agent Rowan" until they tell him to just use "Slaine". I don't want to assume familiarity before it exists. :-)
Feb 2, 2024 2:34 pm
daryen says:
As an aside, Hank is going to keep calling Slaine "Agent Rowan" until they tell him to just use "Slaine". I don't want to assume familiarity before it exists. :-)
I think Slaine thinks that's appropriate.

"I do have one worry about that.
The Alfredo I assume is a clone, violemtly incinerated himself with just a few touches on his datapad. Something like that could be dangerous in a crowd, no less just on a ship.
My first goal is to avoid that.
Feb 2, 2024 3:16 pm
Hank smiles at Slaine's comment and replies, "I'm just trying to figure out how to get him into the open and draw him out. I was kinda relying on you to figure out how to take him down safely. That's why I want you to be an unknown."
Feb 2, 2024 4:25 pm
"I think, what if we just had something to show ... Ryan Carter.. maybe Ryan and your Captain, if we think she could have them not bring their datapad, or at least warn us if he was bring his datapad."
Feb 2, 2024 4:41 pm
"We could always say someone has been injured. This guy is our Medic after all."
Feb 2, 2024 4:54 pm
Hank rolls his eyes, drops his head, and says, "I am an idiot. That's genius. And the best part is that we can just 'get injured' when trying to move the cargo out. Cool! I like it!

"Who's gonna get injured?

"Also, I still think we need to keep Agent Rowan hidden from the Voyager until we try to get the drop on Ryan."
Feb 2, 2024 5:05 pm
"Yeah, I'll stay hidden, that's best.
Hey, I had to learn not to overcomplicate things. The best ops are as simple as they can be. "
Feb 2, 2024 10:31 pm
"Also, I need to make clear, my first priority is the safety of any confirmed non-synths. If there seems to be a threat that can not be restrained I will try to eliminate it. Answers can come later. "
Feb 2, 2024 10:46 pm
With Gabe's permission, Hank radios back to the Voyager. He makes sure Slaine, and all of his stuff, is totally out of view from the cockpit, or can be seen through the open door. "The Sentinel made it to the asteroids and released our shuttle from scanning. We picked up Corbin, but Douklan had to stay behind. We should be back in a couple days." He will then answer any questions they may have.
These are separate conversations at different points of time. Just trying to cover two bases at the same time. Obviously Hank is not talking to the Voyager while also talking with Slaine.
Back to the conversation with Slaine. "Well, do you want to be the bait and surprise from that position, or do you want one of us to be the bait and then surprise from a different angle? I do recommend that everyone but the bait and whomever lures him in be armed. I have seen Ryan spar with Erin for practice and he held his own. He could cause a lot of damage even without exploding."
Feb 2, 2024 11:18 pm
No.... I don't think it would make sense for me to be bait. That would be more alarming, but that means I get to stay armed. Though I would say our bait should stay armed. I don't want any hostages...



Feb 2, 2024 11:45 pm
"I can be the bait. We can pretend I got injured unloading the cargo. " - volunteers Jil
Feb 2, 2024 11:52 pm
"OK. I figure we lay you down behind the cargo crate like you're injured, but with just your legs showing and your upper body hidden. That way you can be already armed. I can go out and direct him toward the cargo bay, but not enter. If anyone else is there, I can try to block them from entering. That leaves you three to surround and subdue him. Is that reasonable?" "You three" being, of course, Corbin, Gabe, and Slaine.
Last edited February 2, 2024 11:53 pm
Feb 3, 2024 7:21 am
Do I think there's enough room to use a vibrosword?
Feb 3, 2024 9:42 am
In theory, yes. You can plan on using it.

But using a sword or a rifle effectively will depend on positioning and the dice, though. You can't really predict Ryan's reaction and were everything will be when you spring the trap. I will prepare a map for this scene, before you arrive.



Feb 4, 2024 10:19 am
"Okay." - says Jil while Gabe nods and waits for Corbin's answer
Feb 4, 2024 5:00 pm
I'll understand if we stowed the gear 'off screen' but any chance I'm still in battle armor with a rifle?
Feb 4, 2024 5:16 pm
You kept one of the terrorists' blaster rifles as "loot", but the Navy gear, including the armor, was stowed and returned off screen.
Feb 4, 2024 6:51 pm
I think that's the whole of it.
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