Soon enough, the two horses are hitched to the wagon. It takes some coaxing and sweet words from the party members with an affinity for animals (Morik and Princess) to get the horses to back up to maneuver the wagon backwards through the trees until they get to a point where it can turn around, then it is the work of just a minute or so more and the party reappears back at the caravan's campsite.
Dugal's grim frown eases a bit, as he and the halfling drivers relax on seeing that it is the guards that have appeared out of the darkness, not more raiders. The caravan master is gruff, but you can see he appreciates that you rescued the wagon. "Good work. Really well done."
Belany cries with relief, then turns away to wipe angrily at her tears, embarrassed at the show of emotion. "Th-thank you. Thank you all."
Turighe is astounded at your prowess. "You really defeated that giant...uh...THING??" He laughs in delight and claps his hands. "You are amazing!"
The noble kar'Javon nods appreciatively at his fellow dwarf, Morik, then goes to see if Belany needs any help with her wagon and merchandise. She shoos his away with irritated flaps of her hands. The kar shrugs and smiles ruefully, turning back to the fire.
Tesko's eyes glitter in the firelight as he looks on with interest from his perch on the buckboard of his wagon. On seeing that it's the party that has returned with the wagon, he lets out a whoop of triumph. "WOOO! Killin's too good for thieves!"
Swelvie and Salt appear, walking backwards into the firelight, each holding one of Gavath's legs while Jalon hefts his upper body, together carrying the wounded groom back to the firelight. They set the half-orc down gently near Gunter's unconscious body. Turnip, who was acting as nurse, reports "He was very badly hurt, but I think he's going to make it."
Rather than try to comfort the from-his-perspective-giant and aloof human Belany, Findal the gnome meets you at the wagon, takes one look inside, and whistles. "Don't look, for a moment, please!" he calls to Belany, and, wondrously, she hesitates at the tone of his voice. The gnome chants to himself, making arcane gestures, and his skillful prestidigitation begins to scour the interior of the wagon of blood and innards. He is thorough, effective, and efficient, and soon most of the merchandise is presentable again. He approaches you, a little pale and with beads of sweat on his brow, and nods to Adran with a smile. "Good job on fixing the wagon. You can barely see where it broke. I assume that was your work?"