Character conversion thread

Feb 12, 2024 12:02 am
Procedure that I am using for the character conversion to the new rules (minimizing changes but using the new character creation process)

- If there is any attribute above 18, reduce it to 18. Then, for Strength and Constitution, use the previous Strength value. For Intelligence and Wisdom, use the previous Wits value. For Dexterity and Charisma, use the attributes with the same names. The new Gamersplane character sheet will automatically calculate the new modifiers.
- Based on the previous character skill levels, note the 3-4 highest and/or most important skills and look for the equivalent ones from the new skill list. Note that down but don't write their levels yet.
- Choose the new character class based on previous game careers. Full psychics are not allowed, but Adventurer with partial psychic is a (new) possibility for this game. Military carrers are usualy Warriors and civilian are usually Experts.
- Look for the background and foci from the new rules that will give you some of those skills or related habilities. Get your initial focus plus your bonus foci based on your chosen class (usually combat-related for warriors, non-combat for experts, but we can ignore that and choose freely for this conversion).
- Next, choose 4 skills (2 from your background Learning tables + 2 Any Skill) based on your previous character experience and skills. If you pick the same skill as you received from your foci, they start at level-1. Nobody can start with a level-2 skill.
- Receive 3XP and advance to level 2, as usual. See the rules for more details.
- Roll you hit points for level 1, then for level 2. If the level 1 hit points were higher, receive a +1 + Constitution modifier for the level 1 roll and ignore the level 2 roll.
- Write your Attack Bonus. The character sheet will automatically calculate your saving throws.
- Get armor and weapons from the new equipment list, similar to what your previous character had.
- The Celestial Voyager will have a Ship’s Locker, so regular gear won't be an issue. Choose some equipment (except armor and weapons) as you wish, using the equipment packages from the rulebook as a reference.
- Write the same credits that your previous PC had.
- Fill Goals and notes
Feb 12, 2024 12:06 am
An initial suggestion for Douklan as well as a template for the other PCs
[ +- ] Douklan Paravides


Hit points level 1 - (1d6+2)

(3) + 2 = 5

Hit points level 2 - (2d6+4)

(45) + 4 = 13

Feb 12, 2024 12:16 am
spaceseeker19, see if you agree, creating a character with the button above. You're free to change those foci and skills, as you wish, before submitting it for approval. If you don't wanna change anything, the sheet is almost done, just missing the optional sections of goals and notes. Equipment we can do later, the Sentinel has a Ship’s Locker and Armory.

I will be suggesting conversions for the remaining PCs tomorrow or the day after. If Daryen,Esidrix,PhoenixScientist want, you can do that before I do and send a converted character for approval using Douklan as a template .

I have enabled 2 sheets per player in this game, in the meantime.
Feb 12, 2024 1:14 am
One thought is I think my wits scores, at least my Int, should be converted to 18. To synthesize the benefit that the +4 modifier they had before.
I'm looking at a Expert with a Healer and Specialist(Notice) Focus for how much of an investigator they are (and because of those crazy rolls). I think Notice is the closest we have to investigate.
If I understand correctly Healer, givese a rank training in Heal?
Last edited February 12, 2024 1:46 am
Feb 12, 2024 1:49 am
Adding in psionics is a pretty big change. You sure you wanna do that? Because I have no idea if I can resist that. (I always go for the magic angle, and psionics is the SF magic.)

Also, on the classes, I have a question. If I take Expert, then I get one focus and one restricted reroll per session. However, if I take Adventurer Expert/Warrior, I still get the exact same focus, but instead of the single reroll, I get a whole second focus AND I get more hit points and can fight better. Am I reading that correctly.

And if you are now including psionics, I have to go back and read that part because I had pretty much just skipped it all.

Regardless, using Expert still seems like a very poor choice to Adventurer. What am I missing?

Oh, one more thing. The base character generation rules say you should get one 14. Can I have my one 14? (It already is a 14. Never mind on this ...)
Last edited February 12, 2024 6:49 am
Feb 12, 2024 2:03 am
If I interpret what you're saying. This is my answer.
Expert gives: a general reroll, An extra non-combat Focus, and extra skill points/ level
An Adventurer Partial Warrior Partial Expert gives: An extra non-combat Focus, an extra skill pint a level, another(?)extra combat focus, bonus attack and hitpoints

So yeah, the loss of a single reroll seems minimal, especially if you take a focus that would give that reroll.

I thought of doing something similar, but don't know if I can justify it character wise.
Last edited February 12, 2024 2:04 am
Feb 12, 2024 2:47 am
If we're allowed to be a partial psion, I figure we can be a partial warrior, too. For Slaine, this should be a no-brainer.

EDIT: I don't see why Slaine can't be Adventurer with Expert/Warrior. Then, your combat focus is Gunslinger, so it covers your gun combat ability. Warrior doesn't have to mean you were a soldier. It just means you know how to fight. That's all it means. And Slaine is supposed to know how to use a gun.
Last edited February 12, 2024 7:04 am
Feb 12, 2024 7:00 am
For Hank his primary skills are going to be Administrate and Program. His main secondary skills are Trade and Know. His background is Scholar. His class is Adventurer, with half being Expert. The other half is undecided and I'm on the fence. I'm probably leaning Psychic, but I'm not sure. Fitting in Warrior as the other half doesn't fit as well, but the Expert class leaves me cold, so I refuse to take it. If I take psychic, I have to figure out my one skill for it, but I dunno yet.

Aside from my four main skills above, I'm not sure which others to get. Talk? Connect? I dunno. I'm also not sure on my focus. Probably Specialist, but potentially Diplomat. Just not sure on it all.
Feb 12, 2024 9:43 am
One thought is I think my wits scores, at least my Int, should be converted to 18. To synthesize the benefit that the +4 modifier they had before.
Ok. To balance that out, I guess Slaine could have Wisdom 16 and Intelligence 18 (average 17 = their Wits). Would that make sense for you?

The old +4 is actually covered by foci now: Healer and Specialist (Notice) as you said ;)
Regardless, using Expert still seems like a very poor choice to Adventurer. What am I missing?
A full Expert or full Warrior have a full reroll per scene. It's a pretty frequent hability and it stacks with the focus. You roll 3d6h2, see the results, and if you failed and want to, you roll 3d6h2 again
Warrior doesn't have to mean you were a soldier. It just means you know how to fight. That's all it means. And Slaine is supposed to know how to use a gun.
Yup. But that reroll for Heal / Notice wil make a difference. I would suggest an Expert based on their skills, but if @PhoenixScientist want, I don't see much of a problem with Slaine as an Adventurer.
Adding in psionics is a pretty big change. You sure you wanna do that? Because I have no idea if I can resist that. (I always go for the magic angle, and psionics is the SF magic.)
Yup. I was afraid of game balance and the extra work of homebrewing Psionics. With SWN that's solved. A full psychic wouldn't fit our story so far, but maybe Hank could be a partial psychic. We would have to justify his new powers story wise though, so you may have to take it slow as he discovers them.
Aside from my four main skills above, I'm not sure which others to get.
Exactly those 4 skills, probably at level-1, would be my suggestion for Hank. =) For foci, Hacker and Specialist (Administrate), based on your University and previous job.

Maybe the procedure above was not clear but you can choose the same skill twice to upgrade them to level-1, and have that level even if you don't get a bonus to them from your foci.

I will try to write my full suggestion for Hank today. But before that, a key decision is if you wanna be a full Expert (with the reroll once per scene) or try Psionics and if so, which power. Precog? Telekinesis?
Feb 12, 2024 1:22 pm
Here is a suggestion for Corbin.
[ +- ] Corbin


Hit points level 1 - (1d6+4)

(5) + 4 = 9

Hit points level 2 - (2d6+6)

(45) + 6 = 15

Feb 12, 2024 1:26 pm
@htech - I like it. Feels like the same guy.
Feb 12, 2024 1:30 pm
@PhoenixScientist I approved Slaine charsheet, but you missed the hit points roll. They roll 1d6+3, 2d6+2 and keep the higher of those 2 results.
Feb 12, 2024 1:32 pm
Esidrix says:
@htech - I like it. Feels like the same guy.
Great! Please click on the "create character" button and submit the new sheet so you will be good to go =)

Edit: The correct hit points are 19, I fixed it now. I forgot to multiply the die hard bonus
Feb 12, 2024 3:49 pm
htech says:
Regardless, using Expert still seems like a very poor choice to Adventurer. What am I missing?
A full Expert or full Warrior have a full reroll per scene. It's a pretty frequent ability and it stacks with the focus. You roll 3d6h2, see the results, and if you failed and want to, you roll 3d6h2 again.
OK, I am still not following what is meant by a "scene", then. So, in one case, it would likely be "once per combat", correct? How about not in combat? How many times can it be used?
Adding in psionics is a pretty big change. You sure you wanna do that? Because I have no idea if I can resist that. (I always go for the magic angle, and psionics is the SF magic.)
Yup. I was afraid of game balance and the extra work of homebrewing Psionics. With SWN that's solved. A full psychic wouldn't fit our story so far, but maybe Hank could be a partial psychic. We would have to justify his new powers story wise though, so you may have to take it slow as he discovers them.
I dunno. I guess it depends on if anyone else takes it, too. Worst case, he it could have been discovered in university and just not really advanced until the high-stress environment now. So, he takes the initial focus in the beginning, but doesn't advance it until now.
Exactly those 4 skills, probably at level-1, would be my suggestion for Hank. =) For foci, Hacker and Specialist (Administrate), based on your University and previous job.

Maybe the procedure above was not clear but you can choose the same skill twice to upgrade them to level-1, and have that level even if you don't get a bonus to them from your foci.

I will try to write my full suggestion for Hank today. But before that, a key decision is if you wanna be a full Expert (with the reroll once per scene) or try Psionics and if so, which power. Precog? Telekinesis?
Well, focus gives you skill-1 instantly, so I don't need to take those skills prior to getting them in focus. In that case, I'd likely take three completely different level-0 skills for my background. So, uh, Know-0 (for the Elder knowledge), Notice-0 (for the Investigate), and Fix-0 (too early, but it has to be here). The Foci add in Program-1 (Hacker) from university and Administrate-1 (Specialist) from his first job. Then for his free extra skill, he'll take Trade-0.

Since Notice isn't really Investigate, I suppose I could swap it out for Connect or Talk instead. That might be a good idea. I don't know which is the better plan.

That means he loses Pilot, Deception, whatever Will should be, whatever Zero-G translates to, and the ability to shoot a gun. In particular losing Pilot hurts, as he was actually doing it some, but it's way less important than Trade. Ooo. Wait. Since we start off at level-2, I get three extra skill points to spend, correct? That means I can either bump something to level-1 or get three new level-0 skills. Correct?

But he can gain a psionic power if he wants. Speaking of that psionic power, I will always tend toward telekinesis. That stuff is just *so* useful out of combat. It is so useful it can literally break many pieces of the game. It's great! But, I worry it is too overt. I don't want telepathy because that's too creepy for what I am going for. Biopsionics is cool and highly useful, but I think it is too big of a change to Hank to justify. That leaves Metapsionics and Precognition as things that would make sense as to things that could have been left long dormant until finally needed. Metapsionics is very close to what I kinda want, but it isn't. So, yes, I guess that leaves me Precognition. But telekinesis is still tempting ...

EDIT: Oooo. Let's go with Precog. Basically, he sucked at using it at first, so he didn't develop it. When he got into a relationship with Lily, he didn't want it to poison or ruin anything, so he actively suppressed it. When she betrayed him, however, he decided it was time to no longer ignore his gift and start developing it. So, that was the impetus for him to start working on it. As a result, for the entire time he has been on the Celestial Voyager, he has been practicing and trying to figure it out. However, with no trainer, his progress has been very slow. He has told no one that he has this power because, at this point, it's mostly useless. It has, however, helped him a little with Trade, allowing him to perform a little better than expected.
Last edited February 12, 2024 4:14 pm
Feb 12, 2024 4:20 pm
Well, focus gives you skill-1 instantly, so I don't need to take those skills prior to getting them in focus.
Nope. It gives skill 0, unlike Travellers, there are no skipped levels. =) That was the issue with your math/balance, I understand it now. =)

Here is my suggestion:
[ +- ] Hank
Edit: For the level 2 upgrade, I am spending 2 skill points in improving Precog to level-1, 1 point in Trade-0 and 1 in Pilot-0 as those were used during chapter 2A. But you can choose other skills, of course.
Feb 12, 2024 4:23 pm
OK, I am still not following what is meant by a "scene", then. So, in one case, it would likely be "once per combat", correct? How about not in combat? How many times can it be used?
A single combat encounter is a scene, as is the infiltration of a building, the ascent of a radioactive mountainside, or a tense meeting with an alien overlord’s cybernetic representative.

In essence, if it was a movie, whenever the location changes and/or there is a cut. I usually put headers in those situations.

Edit: For chapter 2A, we had the following scenes:
1. Departure + space travel conversation
2. The shuttle arrival / near crash
3. Customs
4. The Inhotep Emporium
5. Hauling the equipment+platinum to the shuttle (Ironsides)
6. Spritely Sprockets
7. Reinstall the software (shuttle)
8. Customs
9. Space travel
Feb 12, 2024 5:20 pm
I am concerned about the small number of skills, but then the non-proficiency penalty is just -1, so I guess it isn't *that* bad.

That's probably as good as I was going to come up with, so I guess it works for me. I was going to ask to split Know-1 into Know-0 and Fix-0, but I guess I'll just stick with what you came up with. I am not exactly sure how to reverse engineer it, so I'm just gonna trust you did it correctly and call it a day.

I clicked the "create character" button, so it is there for you to switch around.

I do have a couple questions, though:
1) Why are there different numbers of dice between Administrate and Program? I would have thought they'd be the same. Figured it out. It's just how Specialist works.
2) Why does Pilot have a bonus? I have no Dex bonus, so shouldn't it just be pure 2d6? Figured it out, too. It's based on Int, not Dex. Odd, but since it helps me, I'll take it.

Finally, here are my hit point rolls. Honestly, I wish you'd give the standard OSR conceit of giving max hit points for first level, just to set a reasonable floor. That way no one can accidentally be killed by a house cat in one shot. Anyway, here's the rolls, such as they are ...

And ... he's got 6 HP. So, for me, the request is a moot point.
Last edited February 12, 2024 7:35 pm


Level one hit points - (1d6)

(5) = 5

Level two hit points - (2d6)

(32) = 5

Feb 12, 2024 6:00 pm
I updated the new character sheet to include the backstory info. Hope that's OK. I also put the last two pieces of your new page into two columns to save space.
Feb 12, 2024 6:19 pm
I clicked the "create character" button, so it is there for you to switch around.
You have to submit the character to the game ;)
Feb 12, 2024 6:40 pm
htech says:
@PhoenixScientist I approved Slaine charsheet, but you missed the hit points roll. They roll 1d6+3, 2d6+2 and keep the higher of those 2 results.
I just hadn't finished yet.
I haven't decided between their lv 2 foci and skills



(1) + 3 = 4


(45) + 2 = 11

Feb 12, 2024 7:31 pm
htech says:
I clicked the "create character" button, so it is there for you to switch around.
You have to submit the character to the game ;)
Whoopsie! OK, it is now done. I also renamed the old one with "(Old)" to distinguish it.
Feb 12, 2024 8:52 pm
I was going to ask to split Know-1 into Know-0 and Fix-0, but I guess I'll just stick with what you came up with. I am not exactly sure how to reverse engineer it, so I'm just gonna trust you did it correctly and call it a day.
I updated it. It's another way to spend those points, we can do that.
As a side note, I was meta-gaming for you... Increasing from 0 to 1 is more expensive with XP than it's during chargen. But if you wanna that Fix skill now, it's a reasonable choice.
Feb 12, 2024 8:59 pm
Honestly, I wish you'd give the standard OSR conceit of giving max hit points for first level, just to set a reasonable floor.
SWN has an optional rule that gives a flat 10 extra hit points for everyone. I'm thinking about using it. =)

Let me read those optional rules more carefully and wait for everyone to finish their sheets.
Feb 12, 2024 9:10 pm
I am all for meta-gaming, but since you made the change, I'll keep whatever it is last. It may be more expensive, but I can always increase it later. Hopefully the loss of the +2 won't hurt me. Plus, with the Professor still involved, Hank has time to pump it up a bit. Also, with literally everyone else having Fix, maybe I should get Talk or Connect instead? I don't know. Lemme think about it for a day while everyone else handles theirs and make a final decision then.

On the HP, I was just worried about dying from a single attack from something pathetic. Sure, a laser pistol blast can still take me down, but it has to roll well. I will not turn down a free 10 HP, though! Honestly, it all depends on how much gun combat you want us to run through.

I'll toss out some ideas for Erin later, too.
Last edited February 12, 2024 9:11 pm
Feb 12, 2024 9:53 pm
Lemme think about it for a day while everyone else handles theirs and make a final decision then.
Okay. Feel free to change it either way.
Feb 12, 2024 10:12 pm
How helpful does the lv 2 of healer seem?
Level 2: Stims or other technological healing devices
applied by you heal twice as many hit points as
normal. Using only basic medical supplies, you
can heal 1d6+Heal skill hit points of damage to
every injured or wounded person in your group
with ten minutes of first aid spread among them.
Such healing can be applied to a given target only
once per day.
Also I'm going to get 0 in shoot for 1 skill point. It seems like Slaine should already have that.
Then I'll bring Dex to 16 for 3 skill points.
Where does it list what the most common used stats for a skill are?
Last edited February 12, 2024 10:26 pm
Feb 12, 2024 11:33 pm
PhoenixScientist says:
How helpful does the lv 2 of healer seem?
Level 2: Stims or other technological healing devices
applied by you heal twice as many hit points as
normal. Using only basic medical supplies, you
can heal 1d6+Heal skill hit points of damage to
every injured or wounded person in your group
with ten minutes of first aid spread among them.
Such healing can be applied to a given target only
once per day.
It is useful... This is a special rule for this focus.

The regular healing rules are in page 53 (section "Injury, Death, and Healing" ) and 73/74 (Lift, Lazarus patches and medkit)

But you can choose another focus if you want to. =)
Also I'm going to get 0 in shoot for 1 skill point. It seems like Slaine should already have that.
Then I'll bring Dex to 16 for 3 skill points.
I will check it at the end. Seems like Slaine has too many skills right now, but you are probably still choosing them. =)
Where does it list what the most common used stats for a skill are?
It actually doesn't. The rulebook says to add the most relevant skill level and attribute modifier, on a case-by-case basis, whenever you're rolling a skill check. The "pen and paper" version of the character sheet only have the first 2 columns.

But, in our case, because of the Gamersplane roller feature, it's useful to have some pre-calculated rolls in that table for what you think will be commonly used. It's just a one click shortcut. =)

Your attributes and rolls are fine =)
Feb 13, 2024 12:02 am
OK, let me reconstruct how you made my character, to make sure I fully understand.
[ +- ] htech version
This matches what you have done. (I didn't know the best way to show the use of two skill points for Know-1.)

However, I can improve things if I just make a simple swap. For the Level 1 Bonus skill, I get more skills if I take Know-1 right then.
[ +- ] version two
This is taking advantage of two things. First, I know I am going straight to Level 2, so I can take some efficiencies like you mentioned. Now, I get the Know-1, but I get an extra skill (Fix is a placeholder) because I got the improvement in Level 1 and waited for the level-0 skills. That is a bit optimize-y, but I think that works.

Now, I could take this a step farther and gain a level-2 skill at Level 2! I chose Administer-2 below, but it could just as easily be Program-2 instead. Whichever is more useful.
[ +- ] version three
Doing this, however, prevents me from getting Know-1 because the skills taken for Level 1 are absolutely proscribed with no variance allowed (to get me to my goal), and getting Know-1 would force me to drop Pilot. (And Fix. Fix is again a placeholder.)

Also, if I am looking at game optimization, it looks like there actually isn't a whole lot of utility for level-0 skills. It just gets you a +1 on your roll, while level-1 skills give you an additional +2. So, maybe in "version two" I should drop any/all of the level-0 skills to hammer up to a level-1 skill?
Feb 13, 2024 12:52 am
New question: what is the Focus progression?

Is it one per Level, with an extra on Levels 1,2,5,7,10?
Or is it only one on Levels 1,2,5,7,10, with an extra only on Level 1 for Expert, Half Expert, Warrior, and Half Warrior? (I.e. no Foci are gained at all on Levels 3,4,6,8,9.)

From what I can tell on page 57 in Choose New Foci, it is the second, not the first. If that is the case, I should only have three Foci, not four. This is because I will only get one Focus at Level 2, not two Foci. (This would apply to all of the other characters, too.)
Feb 13, 2024 12:56 am
Level 0skills let you avoid the -1 untrained penalty.

Which means that all stats are actually 1 lower and that Skill 0 is +1 and Slik 1 is +2... effectively.
Feb 13, 2024 12:58 am
daryen says:
New question: what is the Focus progression?

Is it one per Level, with an extra on Levels 1,2,5,7,10?
Or is it only one on Levels 1,2,5,7,10, with an extra only on Level 1 for Expert, Half Expert, Warrior, and Half Warrior? (I.e. no Foci are gained at all on Levels 3,4,6,8,9.)

From what I can tell on page 57 in Choose New Foci, it is the second, not the first. If that is the case, I should only have three Foci, not four. This is because I will only get one Focus at Level 2, not two Foci. (This would apply to all of the other characters, too.)
This is what I see.
Feb 13, 2024 1:12 am
Nope, your reverse engineering is wrong. Sorry, should have given you the whole procedure:
[ +- ] Htech version
There are a couple of things there, based on pages 7,8 and 57:
- You have to spend or bank at least 1 point improving psychic skills or gaining new psychic techniques during your level up.
- Improving the Precognition skill from 0 to 1 costs 2 points. (As does improving any skill)
- To have a Level 2 skill you have to be, at minimum, a level 3 Adventurer.
- Level 1 skills give you an additional +1, not +2. It's the same number (Level 0 = +0, Level 1 = +1, Level 2 = +2)
[ +- ] Rulebook Page 57
[ +- ] Rulebook page 7 & 8
[ +- ] Example roll
Feb 13, 2024 1:19 am
daryen says:

From what I can tell on page 57 in Choose New Foci, it is the second, not the first. If that is the case, I should only have three Foci, not four. This is because I will only get one Focus at Level 2, not two Foci. (This would apply to all of the other characters, too.)
You're right, it's 3 not 4. Corbin has 4, though, because of the double bonus from his Warrior + Expert. Douklan I did it right. My mistake was only with yours =)
Feb 13, 2024 1:56 am
Regarding the Skill-2, also on page 57, under the Foci section, is this:
This is enough to raise a nonexis- tent skill to level-1, or boost a level-1 skill to level-2. They may do this even if they aren’t high-enough level to normally qualify for a skill level that high.
So, with your modified progress, I could get Program-2, but it would cost me the Know-1.

And I know I have to spend at least one skill point on Psychic stuff what I missed is the cost of two skill points to raise it. That's where I screwed up.

This also means Levels 3 and 4 are gonna be very anti-climatic, if not disappointing. This also means my only real question now is whether I want two Foci for Hacking or Administer. Any guidance on which would be better? Can my precog tell me which is more likely to be used?

Alternatively, I guess I should contemplate ditching that level-2 Focus in favor of a level-1 Focus for Trade. That would give me Trade-1 for free and free up a skill point for a different level-0 skill. Honestly, that's probably the better play, since I am now the ship's Trader, too. Does that make sense?

EDIT: I went ahead and changed the Level 2 Focus to Specialist-Trade-1. I'm still thinking on the extra level-0 skill to take.
Last edited February 13, 2024 2:13 am
Feb 13, 2024 6:03 am
I think my character is done?
Feb 13, 2024 11:02 am
I went ahead and changed the Level 2 Focus to Specialist-Trade-1. I'm still thinking on the extra level-0 skill to take
Okay. That's a very specific / edge case to get those points, but it's okay. You spend the level 2 focus in that process, so that's the trade-off.
Feb 13, 2024 3:04 pm
OK, I think Hank is done. Since literally everyone else has Fix, Hank went with Connect. Seems to fit with his Administrate and Trade.

I added a couple items to his Gear list, just so they were noted. The Line Shunts are there in case he needs them for any Hacking. I threw in the Translation Torc for the fun of it. I can delete that if necessary.

Also, looking ahead, I'd say that once a character reaches Level 2, they are about half-way to as powerful as they are gonna get. They only get three more Foci, of which only two really matter. And they get a very small number of skill points and getting two level-2 of the skill requires pretty much all of them. So, at character Level 2 they probably pretty much have all of the skills they are gonna have and they then need to focus on just improving what they already have.

And a character only gets (on average) six Foci selections. So if the desire is to end up with level-2 Foci, that limits it to only three of them total, and that last level-2 is only gained at 10th level. So, they are definitely a finite resource. Honestly, I think characters may be better off with maybe one Foci at level-2, and the rest at level-1, because of the extra skill points gained with level-1 Foci.

Note that isn't a complaint or a criticism. It is simply observing how character creation and progression work. It just means that while the first two Levels are a lot of fun, they following Levels will be more pedestrian. Again, not a complaint. Just important for setting expectations.

On an unrelated note, I will make a post for my attempt at Erin. Since she is a minor NPC, I am going to assume she is just a Level 1 character, not Level 2 like the PCs. She's almost ready, but I want to go through it one more time.

Also, is it OK if I take a pass at Gabe? Given the write you did of him for the prior game, I should have the basis. You don't have to use it if you don't want, but I do want to give it a try to see if I am actually learning anything here.
Feb 13, 2024 3:16 pm
@daryen,@PhoenixScientist You're good to go. Let's get back to the game. =) I will create another thread for secondary characters / NPCs.

@spaceseeker19 I have written a suggestion for Douklan here in this thread, but it got very long, very fast, so you probably missed it.
Feb 13, 2024 5:16 pm
OK, I just read some more rules I hadn't covered yet. My last skill is going to be Shoot-0, not Connect-0. The non-proficiency for combat is -2, not -1. If I want a chance to actually hit, I have no choice but taking the Shoot-0 skill. Unfortunately.

Then I'm finished with Hank. Sorry for the last second change.
Feb 13, 2024 5:22 pm
The non-proficiency for combat is -2, not -1. If I want a chance to actually hit, I have no choice but taking the Shoot-0 skill. Unfortunately.
Yup. But the combat die is 1d20, not 2d6. But that's okay, you can still change that skill. =)
Feb 14, 2024 12:13 am
As an aside, I took Hank and Erin both to Level 10 just to see what happens. What I did is likely not how it will flow, but what I did see is that if you want to have a level-3 skill at Level 6 and bump that same skill to level-4 at Level 9, you have to plan for that! In both cases you have to lay the groundwork at least the level before because you can't gain level-3 or level-4 skills in just one Level increase. And because of what it does to the prior level, you really have to plan for those two full Levels early. This ironically also means that you will likely not end at Level 10 with a level-3 skill. It takes too much investment to get to level-4.

Another thing I saw was that the skill list you have at Level 2 is probably the skill list you have at Level 10. Granted the numbers will be larger, but you just don't have room to broaden your skill base if you want a level-4 and a couple level-2 skills. I didn't expect that.

I also found that taking the level-2 of the Psychic Training Focus at Level 10 is pretty mind-numbing. It gives a huge powerup! For a character that is a full Psychic, they should probably just take Psychic Training 1 and 2 pretty much immediately. Probably for a Psychic/Warrior, too.
[ +- ] Specific Breakdown
I probably am missing a whole bunch of stuff, but it is kinda interesting. Fact-checking gladly accepted.
Feb 14, 2024 12:46 am
Well... That's probably correct. But you're the precog, not me. I can't foresee or plan 31 relevant chapters ahead. =)

We barely played one relevant chapter (chapters 1 and 3 were just introductions/didn't get us any XP, so just the chapter 2 counts)
Feb 14, 2024 1:57 am
Yeah I did some fast math with advancement and you've got to Commit if you want some high level skills.
But that's fine I think. Just got to know going forward.
Also I can not recommend Specialist highly enough. Rolling 3d6h2, is so so much better than just one skill point.
I may just take it again for another skill at 5
Feb 14, 2024 3:07 am
htech says:
Well... That's probably correct. But you're the precog, not me. I can't foresee or plan 31 relevant chapters ahead. =)

We barely played one relevant chapter (chapters 1 and 3 were just introductions/didn't get us any XP, so just the chapter 2 counts)
Oh, I have no expectations of necessarily seeing Level 10. It was just an exercise to "try out" the system and see how it works. I just didn't expect to find that your first two levels really are your foundation you don't expand past, and the level of commitment required to get skill levels 3 and 4. Again, that's not good or bad; it's just unexpected.

And I do hope we play long enough to reach Level 10. I just don't expect that to happen quickly. Right now the long term goal is just making Level 5! And that will take quite a while on its own.
Feb 14, 2024 3:40 am
PhoenixScientist says:
Also I can not recommend Specialist highly enough. Rolling 3d6h2, is so so much better than just one skill point.
I may just take it again for another skill at 5
Honestly, I want an equivalent to Specialist that works with Shoot. Call it, I dunno, Marksman. While the Foci for Punch and Stab are really cool, the ones for Shoot are ... unimpressive. I want Marksman.

Alternatively, I want a Rifleman Focus that does something meaningful for longarms. Gunslinger is more pistol oriented and Sniper is too niche. I dunno exactly what it should do, but not those two. Something actually cool, like the ones for Punch and Stab. Or just Marksman.
Feb 14, 2024 6:31 am
Hey, sorry I'm taking so long. I'm working on Douklan and understanding chargen and basic system mechanics of Stars Without Number. I just wanted to assure you that I haven't dropped off the Earth. I expect to submit the (close-enough-to) finished Douklan in the next day or so, then I will respond to the 4B thread.
Feb 14, 2024 9:55 am
spaceseeker19 says:
Hey, sorry I'm taking so long. I'm working on Douklan and understanding chargen and basic system mechanics of Stars Without Number. I just wanted to assure you that I haven't dropped off the Earth. I expect to submit the (close-enough-to) finished Douklan in the next day or so, then I will respond to the 4B thread.
Thanks for the feedback! =)
Feb 14, 2024 10:06 am
Gunslinger is more pistol oriented
On the contrary... The player that had Gunslinger in my other game walked with an arsenal of heavy weapons at his back. The 1d4 on missed hits was also very helpful.
Feb 14, 2024 1:54 pm
daryen says:
PhoenixScientist says:
Also I can not recommend Specialist highly enough. Rolling 3d6h2, is so so much better than just one skill point.
I may just take it again for another skill at 5
Honestly, I want an equivalent to Specialist that works with Shoot. Call it, I dunno, Marksman. While the Foci for Punch and Stab are really cool, the ones for Shoot are ... unimpressive. I want Marksman.

Alternatively, I want a Rifleman Focus that does something meaningful for longarms. Gunslinger is more pistol oriented and Sniper is too niche. I dunno exactly what it should do, but not those two. Something actually cool, like the ones for Punch and Stab. Or just Marksman.
Having D20 rolls in a 2d6 system seems way too swingy to me. And no option for rerolling? Crazy design decisions .
But on the note you made, if we stick to the d20.... I would
Steady Aim
Level 1: Choose a combat skill to gain as a bonus skill. You may reroll this skill up to twice a scene, taking the second result. You may reroll any of the other combat skills up to once a scene.
Level 2: The combat skill gained from this foci gains 1d6 added to the attack roll. If you miss by, do 1 damage.

Something like that?
Last edited February 14, 2024 1:55 pm
Feb 14, 2024 2:03 pm
That's one way. And I wasn't thinking about changing from d20 to 2d6. Instead, I was thinking of giving it 2d20h1. But that's probably too powerful.
Feb 14, 2024 2:09 pm
I considered 2d20h1 but that would take playlisting, though as a lv 2 it may be fair.
Feb 14, 2024 2:34 pm
Well, no homebrewing anymore. We will stick to the available foci. =)
Feb 14, 2024 3:02 pm
For the record, I did use Gunslinger after all. Even at the first level, it still adds in the skill level as extra damage.
Feb 14, 2024 10:52 pm
Holy Crap!!

I just looked at Teleportation. WOW!

It's base power allows for teleportation per scene, not per day. That's pretty useful. Once you get to level-1 and take Proficient:Apportation, you can teleport up to 10 meters an unlimited number of times! You don't even need to walk anymore. And when you make level-2 and take Perceptive Dislocation, you can cherry pick any destination in range (which is 10 kilometers). That's pretty impressive!

And this isn't even considering any of the other abilities. Just the base "let's jump around" is really powerful.

So, assuming Ryan/Alfredo has Proficient:Apportation, it will be nearly impossible to track him down because he can teleport up to 10 meters at will with no limits, and farther than that multiple times per scene. Honestly, I don't know how you hunt that down. And that's just a Level 2 character! At Level 6 they can either teleport, at will, an unlimited number of times, up to 1000 kilometers (with Effortless Apportation); or they can become virtually unhittable with one guaranteed avoid-death per day (with Stutterjump).
I also saw three cool things that any non-psychic character can do with the Wild Psychic Talent Focus.
1) Just take it once and take Precog:Terminal Reflection. It is a "try again" ability you can use twice a day. While it isn't necessary, taking it a second time gives you two options: Sense the Need means you can suddenly have a useful item once or twice a day; or Intuitive Response which guarantees you always win initiative, as long as you are not surprised.
2) Take Teleportation:Personal Apportation-0. You can now teleport up to 10 meters once a scene. Not terribly terribly overpowered, but still useful. But ... now take the Focus again and this time get Proficient:Apportation. Now you can teleport up to 10 meters as many times as you want. And you can get this at Level 2 at the cost of your two first two non-dedicated Foci. Not bad!
3) Take Telekinesis:Telekinetic Armory and never be unarmed and unarmored again! You can gain AC15 armor and a TL 4 advanced weapon, both of which are invisible, and both of which last the whole day. That's not a bad Focus investment! Since it lasts all day, there is no need to take the Focus a second time.
Feb 15, 2024 7:56 pm
@PhoenixScientist I approved the (new) character sheet, but I don't think you have finished it. Your skills, for example, are too many and too high.

Let me know when it's ready for review, ok?

Unfortunately, I didn't have a backup of the previous values to help you rebuild it.
Feb 15, 2024 8:07 pm
daryen says:
Holy Crap!!

I just looked at Teleportation. WOW!

It's base power allows for teleportation per scene, not per day. That's pretty useful. Once you get to level-1 and take Proficient:Apportation, you can teleport up to 10 meters an unlimited number of times! You don't even need to walk anymore. And when you make level-2 and take Perceptive Dislocation, you can cherry pick any destination in range (which is 10 kilometers). That's pretty impressive!

And this isn't even considering any of the other abilities. Just the base "let's jump around" is really powerful.

So, assuming Ryan/Alfredo has Proficient:Apportation, it will be nearly impossible to track him down because he can teleport up to 10 meters at will with no limits, and farther than that multiple times per scene. Honestly, I don't know how you hunt that down. And that's just a Level 2 character! At Level 6 they can either teleport, at will, an unlimited number of times, up to 1000 kilometers (with Effortless Apportation); or they can become virtually unhittable with one guaranteed avoid-death per day (with Stutterjump).

Well, it's a powerful psionic. An experienced teleporter can reach or see into any location they’ve ever been. But they can only teleport to another location they have either occupied before or can see with their unaided vision. That limits it, somehow.

10 meters is the usual movement range during combat for unemcumbered PCs, so they are not "faster" per se, but that indeed allows them to "skip" any obstacles in between if they can see the destination.

Kill on sight is a (terrible but effective) counter-measure used against law breaking teleporters.
Feb 15, 2024 8:56 pm
htech says:
Kill on sight is a (terrible but effective) counter-measure used against law breaking teleporters.
Yeah, Hank has figured this part out already.

But that becomes super hard if they have level-3 Teleportation.

EDIT: Also, I am NOT complaining about any of this. Just noting that as I research this more, I see how powerful some of this stuff actually is. And also note that I intentionally didn't want an overt power like Teleportation or Telekinesis. No sour grapes! Just impressed with it's effect.

Also, despite how cool Wild Psychic Talent: Telekinetic Armory is, I don't plan on giving it to Erin as I always viewed her as purely "mundane". But that is a super-cool one-shot Focus for a Warrior!
Last edited February 15, 2024 9:01 pm
Feb 15, 2024 8:58 pm
daryen says:
htech says:
Kill on sight is a (terrible but effective) counter-measure used against law breaking teleporters.
Yeah, Hank has figured this part out already.

But that becomes super hard if they have level-3 Teleportation.
With the damages both Alfredos have been able to do. Yeah. It's required.(At least in Slaine's mind). Safety first, answers later.
Last edited February 15, 2024 8:59 pm
Feb 16, 2024 2:08 am
Doing some math on character to LV 10 I got Medicine and Notice to LV4, Stab to 2
But also dex to 18
Grabbed Administer or Survive on my way since I would have 1 extra point by the end.
But the math was tight.
(Of course, this is just planning, not actually playing the character and adapting to the story and world)
[ +- ] LV 10 math
Feb 16, 2024 2:44 am
Slaine is full expert.
Feb 16, 2024 2:46 am
Too fast. I saw your sheet, so deleted the post, but you responded to fast. sigh
Feb 16, 2024 2:55 am
From your sheet, three things I see:
- You should have three Foci. I don't think you can defer it.
- Your skill list is way confusing. The way it's written, it implies you have tons of skill. You should only have six or so. Don't pre-include the attribute bonus in the skill level. That happens independently.
- I would think your starting stats should be: S:14, D:14, C:14, I:17, W:17, C:12. This would make raising your Dex ludicrously expensive (10 total skill points) You better bet is likely I and W of 18 each (3 total skill points for both).

Hope you don't mind the "other player" input.
Last edited February 16, 2024 3:39 am
Feb 16, 2024 3:46 am
daryen says:
From your sheet, three things I see:
- You should have three Foci. I don't think you can defer it.
Healer lv 2
Specialist LV1
daryen says:

- Your skill list is way confusing. The way it's written, it implies you have tons of skill. You should only have six or so. Don't pre-include the attribute bonus in the skill level. That happens independently.
It's all matched right Just looks different. I have the base modifier and one for it with the most used stat.
daryen says:

- I would think your starting stats should be: S:14, D:14, C:14, I:17, W:17, C:12. This would make raising your Dex ludicrously expensive (10 total skill points) You better bet is likely I and W of 18 each (3 total skill points for both).

It was slightly adjusted,
S:14, D:14, C:14, I:18, W:16, C:12. At chargen
Spent 3 points at lv 2 for Dex 16
Last edited February 16, 2024 3:48 am
Feb 16, 2024 4:35 am
Well, if htech signs off on it, who am I to question, eh?
Feb 16, 2024 7:17 am
Honestly if I was min-maxing I wouldn't do the adjustment, but it felt more accurate.
Last edited February 16, 2024 7:17 am
Feb 16, 2024 9:04 am
htech says:
@PhoenixScientist I approved the (new) character sheet, but I don't think you have finished it. Your skills, for example, are too many and too high.

Let me know when it's ready for review, ok?

Unfortunately, I didn't have a backup of the previous values to help you rebuild it.
daryen says:
Well, if htech signs off on it, who am I to question, eh?
I'm still waiting for the level 2 charsheet to be ready. Let's wait. =)

PhoenixScientist, please let me know.
Feb 16, 2024 4:29 pm
Now it's ok! =)
Feb 16, 2024 4:34 pm
PS: I've just fixed your attributes back to initial values (DEX 14), as you spent all 4 skill points from lvl-2 in those 4 skills (ex: Punch, Shoot, Sneak, Stab).
[ +- ] Level 1
[ +- ] Level 2
Final results: Heal-1, Program-0, Know-0, Notice-1, Punch-0, Shoot-0, Sneak-0, Stab-0 (as your current skills are)
Feb 16, 2024 4:55 pm
Please check my math above. Thanks!
Feb 16, 2024 5:06 pm
@htech, I think you're missing the bonus first Level skill. So either Know or Program should be bumped to 1. (Or get a whole new level-0 skill, but I am figuring the bump to 1 is too good to miss here.)

And technically speaking, the second Level Expert Bonus can't be Stab. However, Sneak works just fine instead. So no practical change, but Stab still shouldn't be the Expert Bonus.
Feb 16, 2024 5:20 pm
You're right. Fixed the Stab.

But, either way, that doesn't match Slaine current skills (they need to increase Know or Program) nor leaves they with 3 points to bump Dex to 16.

@PhoenixScientist can you double check it?
Feb 16, 2024 6:41 pm
I dont have time to recheck it all but some fast math
I should have 10 skill upgrades (including 2 from Foci )
And then bought a lv 0 at lv 2
Heal1, Know0, Notice 1, Program0, Punch0, Shoot 0, Sneak0, Stab1
I can redo the whole character later if you want?
Last edited February 16, 2024 6:42 pm
Feb 16, 2024 6:49 pm
PhoenixScientist says:
I dont have time to recheck it all but some fast math
I should have 10 skill upgrades (including 2 from Foci )
You shouldn't. You should have 4 at first level (3 from rolled dice background + 1 bonus) + 2 from Foci, for a total of 6 skill upgrades. =)

There are some "exploits" or workarounds that can get you more points at level-2 but they are very specific, in a very specific order, and cannot be considered as 10 points available to put everywhere.

You can check that later, no need to hurry, as we won't roll anything for now.
Feb 16, 2024 7:30 pm
htech says:
Procedure that I am using for the character conversion to the new rules (minimizing changes but using the new character creation process)

- If there is any attribute above 18, reduce it to 18. Then, for Strength and Constitution, use the previous Strength value. For Intelligence and Wisdom, use the previous Wits value. For Dexterity and Charisma, use the attributes with the same names. The new Gamersplane character sheet will automatically calculate the new modifiers.
S:14 D:14 C:14 I:17 W:17 C:12
htech says:
phoenixscientist says:
One thought is I think my wits scores, at least my Int, should be converted to 18. To synthesize the benefit that the +4 modifier they had before.
Ok. To balance that out, I guess Slaine could have Wisdom 16 and Intelligence 18 (average 17 = their Wits). Would that make sense for you?

The old +4 is actually covered by foci now: Healer and Specialist (Notice) as you said ;)
S:14 D:14 C:14 I:18 W:16 C:12
htech says:
- Based on the previous character skill levels, note the 3-4 highest and/or most important skills and look for the equivalent ones from the new skill list. Note that down but don't write their levels yet.
Heal, Stab, Sneak, Shoot (noted not added)
htech says:
- Choose the new character class based on previous game careers. Full psychics are not allowed, but Adventurer with partial psychic is a (new) possibility for this game. Military carrers are usualy Warriors and civilian are usually Experts.
htech says:
- Look for the background and foci from the new rules that will give you some of those skills or related habilities. Get your initial focus plus your bonus foci based on your chosen class (usually combat-related for warriors, non-combat for experts, but we can ignore that and choose freely for this conversion).
Background: Physician: using noted skills above: Heal 0, Stab 0, Sneak 0, Shoot0
Foci: Healer
Foci: Specialist(Notice)

Heal 1, Notice 0, Stab 0, Sneak 0, Shoot0
htech says:
- Next, choose 4 skills (2 from your background Learning tables + 2 Any Skill) based on your previous character experience and skills. If you pick the same skill as you received from your foci, they start at level-1. Nobody can start with a level-2 skill.
+Know, Notice, Punch, Stab

Heal 1, Know 0, Notice 0, Stab 1, Punch 0, Sneak 0, Shoot 0
- Receive 3XP and advance to level 2, as usual. See the rules for more details.
3 exp dex=16
1 exp Program = 0

S:14 D:16 C:14 I:18 W:16 C:12
Heal 1, Know 0, Notice 0, Stab 1, Punch 0, Sneak 0, Shoot 0
- Roll you hit points for level 1, then for level 2. If the level 1 hit points were higher, receive a +1 + Constitution modifier for the level 1 roll and ignore the level 2 roll.
Rolled previously 11 total.
htech says:
- Write your Attack Bonus. The character sheet will automatically calculate your saving throws.
htech says:
- Get armor and weapons from the new equipment list, similar to what your previous character had.
htech says:
- The Celestial Voyager will have a Ship’s Locker, so regular gear won't be an issue. Choose some equipment (except armor and weapons) as you wish, using the equipment packages from the rulebook as a reference.
- Write the same credits that your previous PC had.
htech says:
- Fill Goals and notes
- "Discover the truth of the Bio-synths";
- "Gain a PHD or Honorary Doctorate";
- "Help people in need",
This is the math In had written down that got approved for Slaine the first time
Last edited February 16, 2024 7:36 pm
Feb 16, 2024 7:35 pm
At the risk of stating the obvious, from what I can see SWN makes things a bit confusing because they change how the skill rules work between character generation (i.e. getting Level 1) and character advancement (i.e. getting Levels 2+).

When first creating the character, there are no skill points. There is just "gaining skills". So, when you pick a skill, you get it at level-0. When you pick it again, you get level-1. No skill points involved at all. Even when taking a Focus with a skill attached (e.g. Healer-1), the skills work this way. So, if you pick Healer-1 without having the Heal skill, the Focus gives you Heal-0. If you already have Heal-0, then the Focus gives you Heal-1. Since there are no skill points in character creation, it is not possible to raise any attributes.

When advancing Levels, (i.e. Level 2 and beyond) everything changes. You no longer get "skills". Instead, you get "skill points". Skill points have to be accumulated to get any skill level past level-0. Even when you take a Focus with an attached skill, you do not really get that skill. Instead, you get three skill points dedicated to that skill. Since everything is now based on skill points, you can start to try and raise your attributes starting at Level 2.

And from what I can tell, using skill points to increase attributes is a losing game, with two exceptions. First, if you are at an immediate threshold (7, 13, 17) you should blow one skill point to get that modifier increase. That's kind of a no-brainer. So, for example, if you are using the standard attribute array, you should probably always burn one skill point to bump that 7 to an 8 and kill the negative modifier. Second, if you are two away (6, 12, 16) or you have two stats that are one away, it could be worth spending the points. In this case, it would cost three skill points, which means you either lose an entire level-1 skill, or a skill that would have been level-2 because level-1. However, with the modifier increase, this is likely offset.

(@htech, please tell me if I got any of this wrong.)
Feb 16, 2024 7:37 pm
Yes that is what I see.
Feb 16, 2024 7:43 pm
Thank you for your thorough explanation. The misunderstanding is here:
htech says:
- Look for the background and foci from the new rules that will give you some of those skills or related habilities. Get your initial focus plus your bonus foci based on your chosen class (usually combat-related for warriors, non-combat for experts, but we can ignore that and choose freely for this conversion).
Background: Physician using noted skills above: Heal 0, Stab 0, Sneak 0, Shoot 0

You don't get those skills here. You just note/choose the background (the green part is ok). The 4 skills are chosen in the step below.
htech says:
- Next, choose 4 skills (2 from your background Learning tables + 2 Any Skill) based on your previous character experience
Sorry if it was confusing and/or I have approved the wrong values before. Your larger skill list (those -1) probabily confused me the first time around.
Feb 16, 2024 7:44 pm
(@htech, please tell me if I got any of this wrong.)
Yup. That's confusing as we are doing both steps at once. I always start at level-1 with everyone else.
Feb 16, 2024 7:45 pm
It was approved before I added the extended list?
Well I have to rebuild my whole character now.
Feb 16, 2024 7:51 pm
Well I have to rebuild my whole character now.
Actualy, you just have to give up on that Dex 16 and increase one skill OR remove 3-4 skills and keep Dex 16. My suggestion is the former.
Feb 16, 2024 7:56 pm
PhoenixScientist says:
Well I have to rebuild my whole character now.
Not really. The write-up @htech did looks pretty good for what you were trying for and is really close to what you had. Yes, you lose the 16 Dex, but that doesn't matter as it gives no mechanical benefit at all.

He did a nice thing with the Specialist-Notice, too. By acquiring it at Level 2 (instead of Level 1), you get the full Notice-1 as a result.

The one thing I see in his writeup that you could change is the Know. It is probably there because it is as close to representing the old Education score as you get, but if you don't want Know, you could always take Connect, Fix, or Administrate instead.
Feb 16, 2024 7:57 pm
daryen says:
Not really. The write-up @htech did looks pretty good for what you were trying for and is really close to what you had. Yes, you lose the 16 Dex, but that doesn't matter as it gives no mechanical benefit at all.

He did a nice thing with the Specialist-Notice, too. By acquiring it at Level 2 (instead of Level 1), you get the full Notice-1 as a result.

The one thing I see in his writeup that you could change is the Know. It is probably there because it is as close to representing the old Education score as you get, but if you don't want Know, you could always take Connect, Fix, or Administrate instead.
Thank you for the better/longer explanation! =)
Feb 16, 2024 8:02 pm
One other thing to consider is pretty much keeping everything htech did (except for maybe the swap with Know), but use Adventurer-Expert/Warrior. Humorously, it changes absolutely nothing about the build and skill/focus selections. It stays exactly the same. The difference is that you trade your "once per scene reroll" for more hit points and a better attack bonus. Just a thought.
Feb 16, 2024 9:06 pm
I guess I have to decide how much of a soldier/enforcer Slaine was vs how much of a medic/medical-investigator.
Feb 17, 2024 1:29 am
PhoenixScientist sent a note to htech
Feb 17, 2024 7:50 am
htech sent a note to PhoenixScientist
Feb 17, 2024 3:27 pm
htech sent a note to PhoenixScientist
Feb 17, 2024 3:39 pm
daryen sent a note to htech
Feb 18, 2024 1:00 pm
htech says:
Well I have to rebuild my whole character now.
Actualy, you just have to give up on that Dex 16 and increase one skill OR remove 3-4 skills and keep Dex 16. My suggestion is the former.
Considering sneak or stab (Heal or Notice would be my choice but I'm already maxed out there I think)
Feb 18, 2024 1:08 pm
Here is the build with Sneak. If you're going to be a full Expert, you can reroll it, so it would be my suggestion between those 2.
[ +- ] Level 1
[ +- ] Level 2
Final results: Heal-1, Program-0, Know-0, Notice-1, Punch-0, Shoot-0, Sneak-1, Stab-0
Feb 18, 2024 1:20 pm
PS: It could also be useful right now. I see Slaine discreetly and silently looking for Alfredo instead of a massive manhunt with cameras and television
Feb 21, 2024 11:07 pm
@spaceseeker19 I know you were traveling until Feb 20th, so I guess that took some of your time from reading the SWN rules as you said you wanted to and from doing your character conversion.

No need to rush if you wanna read the SWN rulebook before resuming the game, but, either way, if you need any help just let me know, ok?

You're in a separate thread but it's an important part for me. Moreover, arthur12320 will probably join you in the future. =)
Feb 28, 2024 6:36 pm
@htech - I've finally completed my conversion and submitted the new character. Sorry for the delay, again. When I start a new system, I like to go through and create an outline/cheat-sheet of the system and char gen, and this took me longer than usual here.
Last edited February 28, 2024 6:36 pm
Feb 28, 2024 11:31 pm
Approved! Thank you all for your patience and for staying with us.

This thread is now closed and archived.

Thread locked