OOC Chat

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Jun 26, 2024 6:23 am
I apologize if I missed posting a few days. I was a bit busy IRL. But, I am liking this storyline and I would love to play it. I have proposed a plan to take down this investigation and I would like to follow it.
Jun 26, 2024 7:38 am
I'm not too fussed either way, but I think we were all waiting on the GM to move us on. The thing about investigation scenes is it's hard to judge when people are done chatting or not, but if you're unsure just ask. :)
Jun 26, 2024 6:29 pm
Alright. I'll keep it moving on. I'll try and do better with the ahh tracks...
Jun 29, 2024 9:20 pm
I was busy too.
Jul 3, 2024 9:57 am
Ysolde says:

He opens the shrine and shows you items you’ve seen. Drukhari weapons or more the results of them, tiny needles and monofilament wires.

More and more things are pointing at the Minister of Defense, Minister of Labor, and the Governor. You’ll need to actually get in to start questioning one of them
Excuse me for lack of intelligence. The conclusion doesn't seem so obvious to me as player. Is this a correct understanding:
Minister of Defense has the duty to report Evidence of Drukhari attacks to the sisters but they did not?
Minister of Labor has the duty to investigate/protect people, but they don't?
The Governor .... hmm what about the Governor, can't even imagine what is the direct conclusion about the Governor
Last edited July 3, 2024 9:57 am
Jul 3, 2024 10:19 am
I agree; I was/will post this in character but my first thought is why wasn't this reported to the arbities on a local level? Then would the Minister of Defence even know about this? (It'd have to go a long way up the chain to get to governing level, I'd understand if we found a raider or venom, but just a few weapons?) - I'd say it's more a direct indication of local corruption / concessions.

As for the Minister of Labour. Sure the disappearances might've been flagged up to her attention, but since she deals with planetary levels we might find more information elsewhere. She'd just know where disappearances were happening. It's very coincidental to think of a governmental conspiracy here.

And then the Governor, well maybe he'd have the most implications given he's already had shady dealings with Drukhari potentially exposed but given we don't have a direct link of this evidence to him it'd be a big jump to use it against him.
Jul 3, 2024 10:00 pm
Krondo has direct evidence that the Minister of Defense corrupted a number of the Tech-Priests or someone claiming to be him.

You have the missile too. So there’s someone in Defense.

Then there’s a lot of suspicious stuff around Labour but no direct evidence.

1: The minister of Labor, Defense and the governor are working together.

2. The minister of labor and defense are working together

3. The minister of defense is responsible with some people in the ministry of labor helping

4. A group of cultists (or just heretical people who want whatever the Drukhari are giving them) in the employ of Defense and Labor could be doing it under the radar of their superiors.

5. Something similar?

The best place to find them is going to be at the proper ministry where you can get some of them in a room or talk to some lower level functionaries and work up.

I’ll remove my suggestion in the post and leave these options here.
Jul 15, 2024 11:47 pm
Been sick. Very sorry

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