Warhammer 40K Wrath and Glory: Sororitas Campaign [ EDIT ]

This game has been retired! That means it's no longer being run.
The system is based on the Cubicle Games Warhammer 40K Wrath and Glory System and here's my idea for the basic gist on the beginning of the campaign.

The Simple Agri-World of Violet Equinox is one of hundreds and thousands just like it. It is set in a mostly tame region of space where the last Space Marines were seen thousands of years ago. The only thing of note on Violet Equinox is a simple chapter of the Adeptas Sororitas known as the Sisterhood of the Black Rose. The sisterhood, of which there are not many, is in place to protect and revere the sacred armor of Saint Kodachi the Black Rose of Violet Equinox who, according to legend, defeated an entire army of Xenos on her own, martyring herself in battle to protect the planet and making enough time for the Space Marines to arrive.

PC would play either as a member of the Sisterhood of the Black Rose or a local guard, ministorum, mechanicus, etc, attached to the Sisterhood. Things would begin with the crash landing of a Xenos ship and spiral out from there.

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{{details.postFrequency.timesPer}} posts per {{details.postFrequency.perPeriod == 'd' ? 'day' : 'week'}}
{{details.approvedPlayers}} / {{details.numPlayers}}
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Character Generator here: https://www.doctors-of-doom.com/


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