Dominion, Sister Olivia
Sister Olivia started life as a farmer’s daughter on Violet Equinox. However, she was always taught that she was a descendant of one of the Black Rose’s heroic and holy retinue. As she grew older, she knew this to be spiritually true even if there was no evidence to prove her biological ancestry one way or the other. As a result, Olivia developed a deep devotion to Saint Kodachi and when a party of pilgrims arrived on Violet Equinox to pay homage to the Saint and stumbled upon the pious pre-teen praying at St Kodachi’s shrine, the party leader immediately recognised her as a holy soul. Olivia was adopted by the Ministorum Priest and brought to Ophelia VII to be educated by the Schola Progenium.
Olivia was a good student, and more than any other student in a generation, Olivia thrived in the the harsh disciplinarian environment of the Schola. As impressive as her theological development was however, Olivia demonstrated incredible progress in nurturing physical endurance and skill at arms under the hardened, veteran, Drill Abbots. The deeper the young Progena delved into the Imperial Creed, the more she began to see that she was becoming at-one with St Kodachi by growing in her love and zeal for the God-Emperor. And so it was, her path was laid out for her as if by a spiritual
Astronomican: She would join the Sister’s Convent on Ophelia VII to be trained in the militant order of the Sisterhood.
Olivia's dream to return to her home world and the shrine of St Kodachi's shrine was fulfilled. With her zealous nature and uncanny ballistic skill, Sister Olivia Belli, farmer's daughter, latter-day
daughter of the Emperor, devotee of St Kodachi, is now also, a Dominion in the Order of the Black Rose.
Last edited February 21, 2024 11:50 pm