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Sep 5, 2016 6:41 am
Hello GamersPlane.

I am new to this site, but not to Text-based RPG's. I found it while surfing for RPG communities to learn from or play with. Ive been running a self-made game on Facebook for 4ish years and played in person for years before that. Though that was all with the self-made game. I have little experience in professional, "real" PnP RPGs, so forgive me if I am green. Played a little DnD5e and wouldn't mind playing that again. Really just want to get experience and actually play, as opposed to DM, for once. I'm hoping to try different RPG's eventually as well. Looking forward to game with you all.
Last edited September 5, 2016 6:42 am
Sep 5, 2016 6:46 am
Hi, Welcome to Gamers Plane! It seems there are many games to try out. Start with the Games Tavern forum. See if there is any game you like and is available. If not write a post saying what you are into. Response time is pretty fast.

Have fun :)
Sep 5, 2016 8:58 am
Sep 5, 2016 12:39 pm
Welcome to the forum. You shouldn't have a problem finding a D&D5e game. Have fun.
Sep 5, 2016 1:48 pm
At first glance, I thought this thread was about Hello Games, the makers of No Man's Sky. I click the link and it's way better! Welcome to the forum. If you're looking for a new game, I'm actually putting together a game of 13th Age expressly for new players here. Very similar to D&D, so if you have a little experience it shouldn't be hard to pick up.
Sep 5, 2016 1:50 pm
Welcome to GamersPlane! Happy gaming! :-)
Sep 5, 2016 2:02 pm
Welcome Nikcollini! I'm now kinda curious where you heard about GP from! Have we finally made it to "in random locations"? :p

No worries on not having "experience"; as people have said, plenty of games here are for new players, both to system and RP in general. I'd just say, be patient, as PbP is slow. I think Diamond_Rhombus's 13th Age game would be a good place to start. I think 13th Age, handled correctly, does really well for new players, due to some of it's mechanics.

I look forward to hearing more about your experiences as you gain them!
Sep 5, 2016 2:26 pm
Welcome, Nikcollini. Hope you find some great games, and I'm sure many of us would be interested to hear about your home made game.

Also, my game Dangerous Prisoner has an open spot. If you wanted to apply today and make a character today out tomorrow, the game is at a great spot to introduce another character.
Last edited September 5, 2016 2:46 pm
Sep 5, 2016 9:52 pm
Welcome! This a great site to learn on; very supportive.
Sep 5, 2016 11:25 pm
Well thank you everybody. I am willing to do multiple games if I am allowed so I suppose I will apply for Qralloq and Diamon_Rhombus' games most likely. My home-made game is always looking for new players, but its based entirely out of Facebook. So I dont know if I am allowed to advertise it here. Something about being banned if I do was in the forum rules. If anyone was super interested then feel free to message me I guess. Thank you all again for the kind reception.
Sep 6, 2016 1:16 am
If you're active here, I don't mind you promoting your Facebook game. And feel free to sign up for as many games as you think you can manage; just as a matter of etiquette, you don't wanna join a game and then go inactive.
Sep 6, 2016 1:19 am
Sep 6, 2016 2:05 am
Oh well cool. Thank you Keleth. I'll play around here for a bit first, and maybe I'll post a forum or something about it sometime. Again new players are always a welcome thing. And to answer your question I found a reference to this site on reddit I believe, but cannot remember exactly where.

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