Percy lies on the ground, confident that Parish and Hey Kid will go on without him. He closes his eyes and imagines the lovely things outdoors he won't get to see for who knows how long: The clear blue sky, the soft green grass he has to be so careful not to burn, and the birds that sing through his window every morning at the inn. Other staff and patrons of the inn have helped Percy learn some of the birds' names and songs, so Percy distracts himself from the ghost by listing the birds in his head: Sweet little sparrows, clever crows, and (his favourite) the rambunctious robins with their fiery chests.
He only makes it three birds deep before the strangest thing happens: Parish and Hey Kid don't leave without him! Parish collects the fuel can, then comes back for him, and still trusts him enough to help light the way home! Somehow, making mistakes, getting haunted by a ghost, and burning a door down didn't make them like him any less! And if they can still see the best in Percy even if he makes mistakes and isn't as helpful as he'd hoped, maybe it's time for him to change how he sees himself as well!
Percy thoughtfully heads back to his room as soon as the power comes on. It's time to take a good long look in the mirror and figure out how to find the good in him that the other people here clearly see.