Drgwen says:
... Is there anything you would like to know about me? ...
Welcome to the site.
Do you have any experience with Play by Post (PbP) gaming? It is not necessary, I am happy teach, but knowing where to start can help. Ask lots of questions.
It seems to be a common tradition, here, to leave an introduction in the
Introductions forum and tell us about yourself, but we can chat about what you are looking for from this game in the game.
I have a good feeling about you. Invite sent. You can accept the invite on the Game Details Page [
Drgwen says:
... neither game lasted long ...
I think that Urban Fantasy is particularity prone to early death. People have very varying understandings of what it will be, and once gameplay starts, there is a loss of interest. Sometimes this is due to the relative lack of fighting, but often it is just that city games center around stories other than what they wanted (and there is a lack of communication about what they did want, assuming other people think the same things):/.
Urban Shadows has an even harder time. It is not typical Urban Fantasy, and has its own, particular, style. It is not very flexible for playing much else than the casual political intrigue that it is not designed for. A lot of people are put off once they start playing or hit the restrictions the Playbooks or Moves impose. Your having played the first one, and the list of games in your profile, make me optimistic you won't suffer this fate. :)
Drgwen says:
... I am drawn to The Imp. ...
We just lost our Imp, so that is a possibility. While it might be nice to see the other Playbooks, I want you to play what most appeals to you. We can discuss the details in-game.
The Schemes feature of the Imp Playbook was difficult to make work, though that might be smoother now that we know more about the world. In a clean-slate world it was hard to manufacture suitable Schemes for the player to engage with. I will want you to take a strong hand in that, so we can come up with Schemes that you want to pursue in the story.
Drgwen says:
... gathering place, a neutral zone where people from multiple factions could interact ...
The Gathering Place option has you pick a Circle that gathers there. It, obviously, need not be your own Circle, since you have a choice, but it is about one Circle. Circles and Factions are not the same thing, though, so you could still have multiple Factions from within that Circle gather there.
I am not sure how well this would fit the existing lore, but we can work out the details if we decide to go this route.
Drgwen says:
... the forums -- there's a healthy amount there! ...
This one has not died yet. :)
Drgwen says:
... I am confident I can assimilate to the setting and mood of this game quickly. ...
Cool. Join us and we can see about assimilating you... resistance is... wait, no, wrong game...