Paranormal Entities Surveillance Division
Name: Elizabeth Jacobs
Date of Birth: 04/30/03
Citizen: United States of America
Language: English
Marital Status: Single
Listed As: Trial Operative
Code Name: Necromancer
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Red
Height: 5'4''
Body Type: Lithe

BIO: Though initially unknown, Elizabeth Jacobs descended from a long bloodline known for a predilection towards sorcery. Research has uncovered family ties dating back to the witch trials in Salem at the least, if not further back into history. Unsurprisingly, this led to her initially appearing on PESD's radar as an antagonistic force. Elizabeth had a mostly normal childhood, unaware of her legacy. However, that all changed when she was in high school with the death of her older sister Samantha. Equally unaware of their family legacy, Samatha acted as something of the glue that bound the Jacobs family together. She was a star athlete and had been scouted by a prominent college. But it was that first year away for college that would bring about tragedy to the Jacobs family.
No one could be too sure of the exact details, but the accident got chalked up to the all too often excuse of drunk driving and college kids being college kids. Cruely, as fate would have it, Samantha died during the crash leaving the drunken frat members as the survivors. Unable to reconcile what had happened, the Jacobs family slowly began tearing itself apart as Elizabeth's parents went through the slow breakdown of their married life. Elizabeth herself retreated inwards, isolating herself from friends and family and desperately seeking some kind of truth that could give her comfort over what had occurred. But there was no answer that seemed to satisfy the sense of loss she felt. To her, the truth was that the entire situation had been unfair. Despair turned to obsession as Elizabeth Jacobs studied into the occult, ultimately learning of their family heritage and starting down the road of practicing magic.
In four short years, she had become an accomplished sorceress. But this time spent training had been at the cost of her education. The normally bright student had neglected her normal life, scraping by to graduation more from the teachers wishing to be rid of her gloomy presence rather than keeping her around any longer. Elizabeth delved deep into the art of necromancy, entropic forces, and other magical topics more commonly associated with the dark arts. After conjuring and consulting with several spirits, she had been set down the path to try to revive Samantha by any means necessary. But like all black magic it required a heavy cost. Under the pretense of departing to college, Elizabeth stalked the survivors of the car crash intent on tormenting each one through magical means. The goal, if it was to be believed, was to shred down the sanity of each individual until ultimately sacrificing the group in a ritual that would trade their souls for Samantha's.
It was this endeavor that put several PESD agents on her trail. Ultimately, the squad fell into conflict with Elizabeth, but working together, the group uncovered the truth. Like so many greedy spirits, those she had channeled to learn of this profane rite were simply manipulating her. Completing the ritual would do little to bring Samantha back and instead give these foul spirits a way to manifest into the world of the living. On the night of the ritual, PESD agents intervened, stopping the act and apprehending Jacobs. For the next few years, Elizabeth remained in the custody of PESD. While initially classified as a threat that would need to be contained, the intervening years have led to something of a rehabilitation for the young woman.
In the end, Elizabeth Jacobs was offered the opportunity to join the ranks of the PESD operating as an agent to use her magical talents to help others like her who had been exploited by malevolent forces. She is currently being moved into active duty on a trial basis. Pending a review of her performance in the field, final status as a full fledged agent will be determined accordingly.
It was odd. The light of the sun beaming down on her porcelain-like pale skin. The feel of the wind breezing past her long white hair. How long she resided under the lock and key of the PESD and their watchful eye? She couldn't be sure, but today was the day that would all change. Her fierce red eyes darted about taking in all the sights they could as if they starved for seeing anything other than the same four walls they had gazed upon the last few years. It was only on a trial basis, but Elizabeth Jacobs now found herself freed from confinement with the opportunity to earn a place once more within the world.
Her briefing had been rather rushed and lacked a lot of the relevant details. It seemed some incident had occurred that predicated the need for her particular talents in the field. But this unexpected crisis had led to opportunity. Elizabeth wasn't about to protest. This was finally the chance she had been waiting for. A chance to atone for all she had done. She was decked out in full goth style wearing a long flowing black dress that clung tightly to her lithe frame accentuated by a large silver cross necklace about her neck; her black platform boots making her appear slightly taller than she actually was.
"Greetings," Elizabeth called out to her new comrades with a hint of awkwardness in her soft voice,
"Elizabeth Jacobs, at your service." She gave a nod of acknowledgement to Seth and Ajay.
"I understand you've got some kind of magical problem," she continued twisting her lips into a weak smile.
She wanted to seem professional, but at the same time it was hard to hide her own excitement. After the incident and her confinement by PESD, initially she never even considered what it might mean to have any measure of freedom again. She had done terrible things, hurt people, taken lives. It was funny to her how given some time even a wretch such as herself still desired a sense of freedom. She understood this chance had come at the cost of someone else. They hadn't given Elizabeth all the details, but it sounded like whoever she was replacing would be just fine after a little mandatory R&R. Another chance like this might not come around so easily, so regardless Elizabeth knew she had to make the best of it.